Analyzing your games with Fritz (Part three)

by Albert Silver
6/7/2014 – In this final part on how to use Fritz to analyze your games or those of others, we will look at the new Let's Check function, and notably how to enlist others to analyze the game in depth for you in less time than you could achieve, as well as the batch analysis functions that enable you to analyze several games at once and even entire databases if you choose. Easy mastery of Fritz.

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Before embarking on this, a reader sent in a question regarding the sample game provided in the Blunder Check section: why are there no computer evaluations, and how did I get those very cool bar charts that can be seen right under the board?

Replayer game with bar charts:

[Event "2nd Norway Chess 2014"] [Site "Stavanger NOR"] [Date "2014.06.03"] [Round "1.5"] [White "Karjakin, Sergey"] [Black "Topalov, Veselin"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "E10"] [WhiteElo "2771"] [BlackElo "2772"] [Annotator "Houdini 4 x64"] [PlyCount "95"] [EventDate "2014.06.03"] 1. d4 {0.21/14} Nf6 {0.21/14} 2. c4 {0.15/14} e6 {0.15/14} 3. Nf3 {0.15/14} d5 {0.15/14} 4. e3 {0.10/14} a6 {0.12/14} 5. b3 {0.08/14} c5 {0.08/14} 6. Bb2 {0. 08/14} cxd4 {0.08/14} 7. exd4 {0.08/14} g6 {0.20/14} 8. Bd3 {0.20/14} Bg7 {0. 31/14} 9. O-O {0.31/14} O-O {0.31/14} 10. Nbd2 {0.31/14} Nc6 {0.31/14} 11. Ne5 {0.03/14} Bd7 $14 {0.37/14} ({Houdini 4 x64:} 11... Nxd4 12. Bxd4 dxc4 13. Bc5 cxd3 14. Bxf8 Qxf8 15. Rc1 Nd5 16. Ndf3 Bh6 17. Rc4 b5 18. Rh4 Bg7 19. Qxd3 Bb7 20. Rc1 f6 21. Ng4 Rd8 22. Rd1 h5 23. Ne3 f5 24. Nxd5 Bxd5 $11 {0.03/14}) 12. Ndf3 {0.32/14} dxc4 {0.42/14} 13. bxc4 {0.42/14} Qc7 {0.42/14} 14. a4 {0.25/14} Rfd8 {0.25/14} 15. Qb3 {0.11/14} Nxe5 {0.20/14} 16. Nxe5 {0.20/14} Bc6 {0.20/14 } 17. Rfd1 {-0.02/14} Nd7 {-0.02/14} 18. f4 {-0.02/14} Nxe5 {0.04/14} 19. fxe5 {0.04/14} Rd7 {0.04/14} 20. Be2 {0.04/14} Qd8 {0.10/14} 21. a5 {0.10/14} Rc8 { 0.12/14} 22. d5 $11 {-0.25/14} ({Houdini 4 x64:} 22. Qg3 h6 $11 {0.12/14}) 22... exd5 {-0.25/14} 23. Bg4 {-0.25/14} d4 $14 {0.50/14} ({Houdini 4 x64:} 23... dxc4 24. Qh3 Rcc7 25. Rxd7 Bxd7 26. Rd1 Bxe5 $11 {-0.25/14}) 24. Bxd7 { 0.48/14} Qxd7 {0.47/14} 25. Rxd4 {0.47/14} Qe7 {0.47/14} 26. Re1 {0.47/14} Re8 {0.51/14} 27. Rf4 $11 {0.20/14} ({Houdini 4 x64:} 27. Rdd1 Qe6 28. Rd2 Bb5 29. Rd5 Bc6 30. Qf3 $14 {0.51/14}) 27... Qc5+ {0.20/14} 28. Bd4 {0.00/14} Qxa5 {0. 00/14} 29. Qc3 {0.00/14} Qxc3 {0.00/14} 30. Bxc3 {0.00/14} Bh6 {0.00/14} 31. Rf2 {-0.01/14} b5 {0.17/14} 32. Rf6 {0.17/14} Bd7 {0.42/14} 33. Rxa6 {0.42/14} bxc4 {0.68/14} 34. Rea1 {0.68/14} Be6 {0.74/14} 35. Kf2 {0.64/14} Bf8 {0.83/14} 36. Ra8 {0.83/14} Bc5+ {0.83/14} 37. Ke2 {0.74/14} Rxa8 {0.71/14} 38. Rxa8+ { 0.68/14} Kg7 {0.68/14} 39. Ra5 {0.61/14} Bb6 {0.61/14} 40. Ra6 {0.61/14} Bg1 { 0.61/14} 41. h3 {0.61/14} g5 {0.80/14} 42. g4 $14 {0.39/14} ({Houdini 4 x64:} 42. Kf3 h5 43. Ke4 $16 {0.80/14}) 42... Bh2 {0.39/14} 43. Ra8 {0.39/14} h6 {0. 66/14} 44. Rd8 {0.39/14} Kg6 {0.63/14} 45. Kf3 {0.63/14} Bf4 {0.63/14} 46. h4 { 0.63/14} h5 {0.79/14} 47. hxg5 {0.79/14} Bc1 {0.79/14} 48. gxh5+ {0.79/14} 1/2-1/2

The bar charts or more than a visual perk. If you click on any point in the bar chart the game will instantly skip to that point! The fact is that when you run Blunder Check on a game, it appends an evaluation and depth to each and every move, whether they be a mistake or not. The result looks like this:

The reason this does not appear in the JavaScript Replayer is that the Replayer automatically converts this computer output into the bar charts, and does not show them (nor does it erase them). If you publish your games online using the JavaScript Replayer from ChessBase 12 (see Web publishing with ChessBase 12 Part 2), this can be very practical. You can combine the bar charts for a quick visual overview of how the game went, and include lines and commentary without having the engine's numerical analysis detract from the game.

All that is fine and well, but what if you don't publish online, how is this useful? As a matter of fact, if you don't already see it open, Fritz offers a bar chart of its own within the program.

To open it click on View and then check Evaluation Profile

Now you can see the bar charts just as in the Replayer above. Just like the JavaScript Replayer
you can actually click on any point in the chart and the game will automatically skip to that point.

Let's Check

You can also consult the computers of online users via the Let's Check function. Although a wonderful resource if you are on a limited computer such as a netbook, or need to save battery, you need to understand that the moves will be distributed throughout the system, and the engines and computers used will vary enormously. As a result, you will see moves analyzed by all manner of engines and depths. Finally, you also need to be aware that there is a cost to use this resource, in the nature of credits earned by lending your own computer to Let's Check users.

With those limitations accepted and understood, it needs to be pointed out that there is no way you could obtain such deep analysis in so short a time.

Playchess broadcasts

If the game you are looking at is a grandmaster game that was broadcast on Playchess, the chances are every move has already been analyzed in great depth by more than one engine. Some Playchess users have incredibly powerful machines they enjoy running on top games. These analyses can be retrieved for free, and here's how:

Go to Analysis, and then click on Let's Check Analysis

Just click on Retrieval Only, and then click on Advanced

Now a new pane opens with even more options. Fear not as they are
mostly irrelevant since we are recovering analysis that has already been
done. The one option that really interests us is selecting All Variations.
This means we get the computer evaluations and the the main lines.

[Event "2nd Norway Chess 2014"] [Site "Stavanger NOR"] [Date "2014.06.03"] [Round "1.5"] [White "Karjakin, Sergey"] [Black "Topalov, Veselin"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "E10"] [WhiteElo "2771"] [BlackElo "2772"] [PlyCount "95"] [EventDate "2014.06.03"] {Engine/Game Correlation: White = 61%, Black = 63%.} 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. e3 a6 5. b3 c5 6. Bb2 cxd4 7. exd4 g6 8. Bd3 Bg7 9. O-O O-O 10. Nbd2 Nc6 {0.09/0} 11. Ne5 {0.02/0} (11. Ne5 Nxd4 12. Bxg6 {0.09/23 Deep Fritz 14 x64 }) 11... Bd7 {0.15/0} (11... Nb4 12. Be2 Ne4 {0.02/23 Deep Fritz 14 x64}) 12. Ndf3 {0.19/0} (12. Ndf3 Qc7 13. Qd2 {0.15/22 Deep Fritz 14 x64}) 12... dxc4 { 0.18/0} (12... Qa5 13. Rc1 Rfd8 {0.19/22 Deep Fritz 14 x64}) 13. bxc4 {0.12/0} (13. bxc4 Qc7 14. Qd2 {0.18/20 Deep Fritz 14 x64}) 13... Qc7 {0.43/0} (13... Qc7 14. Qd2 Rfd8 {0.12/20 Deep Fritz 14 x64}) 14. a4 {0.12/0} (14. Re1 Rfd8 15. Qd2 {0.43/29}) 14... Rfd8 {0.27/0} (14... Rfd8 {0.12/22 Houdini 4 x64/steffan}) 15. Qb3 {-0.14/0} (15. Qd2 Be8 16. Rfe1 {0.27/20 Komodo 7/bking_US}) 15... Nxe5 {0.37/0} (15... Rac8 16. Rfe1 Be8 {-0.14/22 Deep Fritz 14 x64}) 16. Nxe5 {0.14/ 0} (16. Nxe5 Bc6 17. f4 {0.37/22 Fritz 11 SE}) 16... Bc6 {0.11/0} (16... Bc6 17. f4 Be4 {0.14/21 Komodo 7/bking_US}) 17. Rfd1 {-0.17/0} (17. a5 Rac8 18. f4 {0.11/23 Komodo 7/bking_US}) 17... Nd7 {0.11/0} (17... Nd7 18. Nxc6 bxc6 {-0. 17/23 Deep Fritz 14 x64}) 18. f4 {0.04/0} (18. f4 Nxe5 19. fxe5 {0.11/25 Komodo 7/bking_US}) 18... Nxe5 {0.22/0} (18... Rac8 19. a5 Nxe5 {0.04/22 Komodo 7/bking_US}) 19. fxe5 {0.00/0} (19. fxe5 f5 20. Be2 {0.22/23 Deep Fritz 13/Blackborn}) 19... Rd7 {0.00/0} (19... Rab8 20. Be2 b5 {0.00/24 Komodo 7/ bking_US}) 20. Be2 {0.42/0} (20. Be2 Rb8 21. Qe3 {0.00/22 Deep Fritz 14 x64}) 20... Qd8 {0.14/0} (20... Qd8 21. a5 Rc8 {0.42/24 Deep Fritz 13/Blackborn}) 21. a5 {0.13/0} (21. a5 Rc8 22. Qg3 {0.14/24 Houdini 4 w32}) 21... Rc8 {0.23/0} ( 21... Rc8 22. Qg3 h5 {0.13/25 Houdini 3 x64}) 22. d5 {0.00/0} (22. Qg3 Bb5 23. cxb5 {0.23/31 Deep Fritz 13}) 22... exd5 {0.17/0} (22... exd5 23. Bg4 dxc4 {0. 00/24 Deep Fritz 14 x64}) 23. Bg4 {0.33/0} (23. Bg4 dxc4 24. Qh3 {0.17/35 Stockfish 010614 SE/Tequila}) 23... d4 {0.50/0} (23... dxc4 24. Qh3 Rcc7 {0.33/ 29 Houdini 3 x64}) 24. Bxd7 {0.72/0} (24. Bxd7 Qxd7 25. Rxd4 {0.50/24 Deep Fritz 14 x64}) 24... Qxd7 {0.65/0} (24... Qxd7 25. Rxd4 Qe7 {0.72/19 Deep Rybka 4 x64/Clare}) 25. Rxd4 {0.49/0} (25. Rxd4 Qe7 26. Re1 {0.65/33 Stockfish 5 SE}) 25... Qe7 {0.47/0} (25... Qe7 26. Re1 Re8 {0.49/25 Deep Fritz 14 x64}) 26. Re1 {0.48/0} (26. Re1 Qc5 27. Qa3 {0.47/25 Deep Fritz 14 x64}) 26... Re8 { 0.69/0} (26... Qc5 27. Qa3 Qxa3 {0.48/24 Deep Fritz 14 x64}) 27. Rf4 {0.32/0} ( 27. Rdd1 Qc5+ 28. Bd4 {0.69/29 Komodo 7}) 27... Qc5+ {0.32/0} (27... Qc5+ 28. Rf2 Bxe5 {0.32/26 Deep Fritz 13/Blackborn}) 28. Bd4 {0.10/0} (28. Rf2 f5 29. e6 {0.32/26 Houdini 4 x64}) 28... Qxa5 {0.04/0} (28... Qxa5 29. Qc3 Qxc3 {0.10/25 Fritz 13}) 29. Qc3 {0.00/0} (29. Qc3 Qxc3 30. Bxc3 {0.04/19 Deep Rybka 4 x64/ Clare}) 29... Qxc3 {0.00/0} (29... Qxc3 30. Bxc3 Bf8 {0.00/31}) 30. Bxc3 {-0. 15/0} (30. Bxc3 Bh6 31. Rf6 {0.00/27 Deep Fritz 13/Blackborn}) 30... Bh6 {0.00/ 0} (30... Bf8 31. Kf2 Rd8 {-0.15/31 Stockfish 240514 SE/Bertman}) 31. Rf2 {0. 00/0} (31. Rf6 Bg5 32. Rd6 {0.00/34 Stockfish 240514 SE/Bertman}) 31... b5 {0. 36/0} (31... Rd8 32. Rc2 Bg5 {0.00/40 Stockfish 5 SE}) 32. Rf6 {0.29/0} (32. Ra2 Ra8 33. cxb5 {0.36/30 Stockfish 240514 SE/Bertman}) 32... Bd7 {0.50/0} ( 32... Rc8 33. c5 Bd7 {0.29/24 Houdini 3 x64}) 33. Rxa6 {0.72/0} (33. Rxa6 bxc4 34. Rea1 {0.50/29 Deep Fritz 14 x64}) 33... bxc4 {0.71/0} (33... bxc4 34. Rea1 Be3+ {0.72/28 Houdini 4 x64}) 34. Rea1 {0.75/0} (34. Rea1 Be3+ 35. Kf1 {0.71/ 29 Houdini 4 x64}) 34... Be6 {0.84/0} (34... Be6 35. Ra8 Be3+ {0.75/33 Stockfish 5 SE}) 35. Kf2 {0.67/0} (35. Ra8 Be3+ 36. Kf1 {0.84/33 Stockfish 5}) 35... Bf8 {0.67/0} (35... Bf8 36. Ra8 Bc5+ {0.67/39}) 36. Ra8 {0.76/0} (36. Ra8 Bc5+ 37. Kg3 {0.67/34 Stockfish 5 SE}) 36... Bc5+ {0.75/0} (36... Bc5+ 37. Ke2 Rxa8 {0.76/27 Houdini 4 x64}) 37. Ke2 {0.77/0} (37. Ke2 Rxa8 38. Rxa8+ {0.75/ 27 Houdini 4 x64}) 37... Rxa8 {1.33/0} (37... Rf8 38. h3 Rxa8 {0.77/21 Deep Fritz 13/Blackborn}) 38. Rxa8+ {0.74/0} (38. Rxa8+ Kg7 39. Ra5 {1.33/38 New Engine}) 38... Kg7 {1.39/0} (38... Kg7 39. Ra5 Bb6 {0.74/26 Deep Fritz 13/ Blackborn}) 39. Ra5 {0.71/0} (39. Ra5 Bg1 40. h3 {1.39/35}) 39... Bb6 {0.94/0} (39... Bb6 40. Rb5 Bg1 {0.71/33 Houdini 4 x64}) 40. Ra6 {0.74/0} (40. Rb5 Bg1 41. Kf3 {0.94/36 Stockfish 5 SE}) 40... Bg1 {0.66/0} (40... Bg1 41. h3 h5 {0. 74/27 Deep Fritz 13/Blackborn}) 41. h3 {0.63/0} (41. h3 h5 42. Kf3 {0.66/28 Houdini 4 x64}) 41... g5 {0.82/0} (41... h5 42. Kd2 g5 {0.63/41 Stockfish 5 SE} ) 42. g4 {0.31/0} (42. Kf3 Kg6 43. Ke4 {0.82/43 Stockfish 030614 SE/erdling}) 42... Bh2 {0.28/0} (42... h5 43. Ra1 Bh2 {0.31/45 Stockfish 030614 SE/erdling}) 43. Ra8 {0.19/0} (43. Kf3 h5 44. Ra5 {0.28/49 Stockfish 5 SE}) 43... h6 {0.72/0 } (43... h5 44. Kf2 hxg4 {0.19/39 Stockfish 030614 SE/erdling}) 44. Rd8 {0.17/0 } (44. Ke3 h5 45. gxh5 {0.72/42 Stockfish 030614 SE/erdling}) 44... Kg6 {0.60/0 } (44... h5 45. Kf3 hxg4+ {0.17/46 Stockfish 030614 SE/erdling}) 45. Kf3 {0.49/ 0} (45. Rd1 h5 46. Kf3 {0.60/26 Deep Fritz 13/Blackborn}) 45... Bf4 {0.60/0} ( 45... Kh7 46. Ke4 Bg3 {0.49/29 Deep Fritz 14 x64}) 46. h4 {0.67/0} (46. h4 Bc1 47. Rd1 {0.60/31 Deep Fritz 13/Blackborn}) 46... h5 {0.75/0} (46... Kg7 47. h5 Bc1 {0.67/36 Houdini 3 x64/badbishop1}) 47. hxg5 (47. hxg5 Bc1 48. gxh5+ {0.75/ 34 Houdini 3 x64/badbishop1}) 47... Bc1 (47... Bc1 48. gxh5+ Kxh5 {0.75/35 Houdini 3 x64}) 48. gxh5+ 1/2-1/2

Let's Check your game

However, let's suppose the game you are interested in is not in the Live Book already, what then? In that case you can submit your game to the Let's Check users and have the entire game analyzed in great depth.

With your game open, go to Analysis and then click on Submit Game

The caveat is that you have no control over the hardware or engine used, but the advantage is that the variety of engines may provide a more balanced analysis and each and every position will have been analyzed for at least a minute if not more. Above all, it is far quicker than what you could achieve on you own computer. The reason is that the moves are all distributed by the Let's Check server to different users to analyze at the same time. Which means that several moves will be analyze simultaneously.

Sample game submitted to Let's Check:

[Event "Grand Open Blagoevgrad 2013"] [Site "Blagoevgrad"] [Date "2013.09.29"] [Round "2.28"] [White "Tonkov, Bojan"] [Black "Dermatopoulos, Konstantinos"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "E11"] [WhiteElo "2323"] [BlackElo "1664"] [PlyCount "69"] [EventDate "2013.09.28"] [EventRounds "9"] [EventCountry "BUL"] {Engine/Game Correlation: White = 53%, Black = 20%.} 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 Bb4+ 4. Bd2 Bxd2+ 5. Qxd2 d6 6. Nc3 Qe7 7. g3 O-O 8. Bg2 e5 9. O-O Nbd7 { 0.25/0} 10. e3 {0.27/0} (10. dxe5 dxe5 11. Rfd1 {0.25/25 Houdini 3 x64}) 10... Re8 {0.27/0} (10... Nb6 11. b3 h6 {0.27/18 Deep Rybka 4 x64/Clare}) 11. Rac1 { 0.11/0} (11. e4 Nb6 12. b3 {0.27/25 Houdini 4 x64/Freeze1}) 11... Nf8 {0.33/0} (11... Nb6 12. c5 exd4 {0.11/25 Komodo 6/Clare}) 12. dxe5 {0.64/0} (12. dxe5 dxe5 13. Nd5 {0.33/22 Houdini 4 w32}) 12... dxe5 {0.44/0} (12... dxe5 13. Nd5 Qd8 {0.64/32 New Engine}) 13. Nd5 {0.46/0} (13. Nd5 Qd6 14. Qa5 {0.44/22 Deep Fritz 14 x64}) 13... Nxd5 {0.60/0} (13... Qd6 14. Qa5 b6 {0.46/23 Deep Fritz 14 x64}) 14. cxd5 {0.66/0} (14. cxd5 Qd6 15. Qa5 {0.60/27 Houdini 4 x64/steffan }) 14... e4 {0.62/0} (14... Qd6 15. Qa5 b6 {0.66/31 Houdini 4 x64}) 15. Nd4 { 0.69/0} (15. Nd4 Qe5 16. Qb4 {0.62/25 Komodo 7}) 15... Rd8 {1.08/0} (15... Qe5 16. Qb4 a5 {0.69/23 Deep Fritz 14 x64}) 16. Qc2 {0.90/0} (16. Qa5 Rd7 17. Rc4 { 1.08/24 Deep Rybka 4 x64/Blackborn}) 16... Rxd5 {1.29/0} (16... Rxd5 17. Qxc7 Qe8 {0.90/17 Deep Rybka 4 x64/Clare}) 17. Qxc7 {1.06/0} (17. Qxc7 Qe8 18. Rc2 { 1.29/23}) 17... Qe8 {0.82/0} (17... Qe8 18. Rfd1 h6 {1.06/19 Fritz 11 SE}) 18. Rc3 {0.87/0} (18. Rfd1 h6 19. a4 {0.82/19 Deep Rybka 4 x64/Blackborn}) 18... Rd7 {1.71/0} (18... h6 19. a4 Ne6 {0.87/32 Stockfish 5/Michael R}) 19. Qc4 {0. 78/0} (19. Qc4 Ng6 20. Nb3 {1.71/12 Deep Fritz 13}) 19... Re7 {1.61/0} (19... Rd8 20. Qc7 Ne6 {0.78/24 Deep Fritz 14 x64/steffan}) 20. Rfc1 {0.92/0} (20. Nb5 Qd8 21. Bxe4 {1.61/32}) 20... Bd7 {0.98/0} (20... Bg4 21. Qb4 a5 {0.92/23 Houdini 3 x64}) 21. b3 {0.70/0} (21. Qb4 b6 22. Qd6 {0.98/28 Komodo 7}) 21... Rc8 {1.58/0} (21... b6 22. Qa6 Re5 {0.70/32}) 22. Qb4 {1.89/0} (22. Qb4 Rxc3 23. Rxc3 {1.58/29 Houdini 4 x64}) 22... Rxc3 {1.58/0} (22... Rxc3 23. Rxc3 Bg4 {1.89/32 Stockfish 4/Kaos_00}) 23. Rxc3 {1.54/0} (23. Rxc3 Qd8 24. Qxb7 {1.58/ 28 Deep Fritz 13}) 23... b5 {2.50/0} (23... Bg4 24. h3 Be6 {1.54/31 Stockfish 5 }) 24. Rc7 {1.95/0} (24. Rc7 a6 25. Bh3 {2.50/32 Stockfish 5/Michael R}) 24... a6 {3.06/0} (24... a5 25. Qxa5 Re5 {1.95/19 Deep Rybka 4 x64/Clare}) 25. Qd6 { 2.06/0} (25. Bh3 {3.06/26 Houdini 4 x64/derkranvonhuenge}) 25... Ne6 $2 {6.05/0 } (25... Re5 26. Ra7 Rg5 {2.06/27 Komodo 7/Blackborn}) 26. Nxe6 {6.11/0} (26. Nf5 Nxc7 27. Nxe7+ {6.05/25 Houdini 4 x64}) 26... fxe6 {6.79/0} (26... Rxe6 27. Qxd7 Qxd7 {6.11/28 Houdini 4 x64/steffan}) 27. Bxe4 $6 {2.72/0} (27. Rb7 Qf7 28. Bxe4 {6.79/25 Deep Fritz 14}) 27... Rf7 $18 {3.52/0} (27... Rf7 28. Qxa6 Qf8 {2.72/17}) 28. Qxa6 {3.71/0} (28. Qxa6 Qe7 29. Bd3 {3.52/23 Houdini 4 w32}) 28... Qd8 {4.82/0} (28... Qd8 29. Qd6 {3.71/23 Houdini 3 x64}) 29. Qd6 {3.62/0} (29. Qd6 Qf6 30. f3 {4.82/30 Stockfish 4/Kaos_00}) 29... Qf6 {3.78/0} (29... Qf6 30. f3 Be8 {3.62/14 Deep Fritz 13}) 30. Qd2 {3.27/0} (30. f4 Be8 31. Rc8 { 3.78/22 Fritz 11 SE}) 30... Be8 {3.17/0} (30... Be8 31. Rc8 Rf8 {3.27/25 Houdini 3 x64}) 31. Rxf7 {3.47/0} (31. Rc8 Rf8 32. f3 {3.17/28 Houdini 4 x64/ steffan}) 31... Bxf7 {4.50/0} (31... Kxf7 32. Qa5 Qe7 {3.47/33 Stockfish 4 SE/ Kaos_00}) 32. Kg2 {3.41/0} (32. Bc6 Bh5 33. Bxb5 {4.50/21 Deep Fritz 14 x64/ steffan}) 32... Qe7 {4.66/0} (32... Be8 33. Qd6 Kf7 {3.41/22 Deep Rybka 4 x64/ Clare}) 33. a4 {4.59/0} (33. a4 bxa4 34. bxa4 {4.66/33 Stockfish 5/Michael R}) 33... e5 $6 {14.44/0} (33... bxa4 34. bxa4 {4.59/25 Houdini 4 w32}) 34. axb5 $18 (34. axb5 Be6 {14.44/31 Houdini 4 x64}) 34... Kf8 (34... Qc7 35. Qa2 Be6 { 6.18/28 Houdini 4 x64}) 35. b6 1-0

Batch Analysis

An incredibly useful feature of Fritz is its ability to run Blunder Check and Full Analysis on several games or even a full database.

Go to the Home toolbar, then click on the Database button (F12) to go to the Database window

Here you must first open the database where the games you want analyzed are located

First click on File and then Open (the direct shortcut for this is Ctrl-O)

A pane will open, allowing you to locate the database. If it is a PGN file (*.PGN), then before you
go to the directory where the file is saved, click on Files of type, and select PGN files (*.PGN). If
you neglect this step, your PGN file will not appear even if you are in the correct directory.

Now you should see a list of games. You can select several games using the typical Windows shortcuts. In other words click on one, the holding the Shift key, click on another and it will select all the games in between, and/or you can select one by one holding the Ctrl key pressed down and clicking the games you want.

List of games in which six have been selected for analysis

Once the games are chosen and highlighted, go to the Database tab at top, and then choose
Blunder Check or Full Analysis. Just remember to consider how much time this will take. For
example, if you choose 20 games, then even if you choose to have each one analyzed for only
five minutes that is still nearly two hours before it is done.

Happy analyzing!

Born in the US, he grew up in Paris, France, where he completed his Baccalaureat, and after college moved to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He had a peak rating of 2240 FIDE, and was a key designer of Chess Assistant 6. In 2010 he joined the ChessBase family as an editor and writer at ChessBase News. He is also a passionate photographer with work appearing in numerous publications, and the content creator of the YouTube channel, Chess & Tech.


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Maatalkko Maatalkko 5/22/2017 04:35
Can you please also point out how to SAVE your games after doing a batch analysis in Komodo? Being tasked with judging my local brilliancy prizes, I tried to analyze a batch of 40 games at 5 minutes/game and lost all work because, after the output of games popped up, I didn't see a FILE => SAVE option. Then I navigated to a different screen and found it's impossible to get back to the output of annotated games. I guess I was supposed to create a new database in Chessbase 13, have it ready, and then copy the games over from the Komodo output screen to this database. One must always think ahead in chess! I guess I'll find out in a few hours.

Has there been any thought to a FILE => SAVE option after a Batch analysis? Or having the Batch analysis automatically overwrite the contents of the database being analyzed? Or would those approaches be too intuitive for use in a 300 Euro "power user" software suite?