12/15/2019 – Alexandra Kosteniuk had a fairytale ending as she defeated Elisabeth Paehtz in the final round to finish at 7.0/11. For her winning the tournament, the most anticipated match between Humpy and Goryachkina needed Humpy to win and fortuitously that's what happened, resulting in Humpy finishing runner-up and Goryachkina claiming the second runner-up position. Kosteniuk won her third consecutive tournament in a row. Humpy still leads the GP points table. | Photo: Karol Bartnik / FIDE
Endings with rook and minor piece against rook and minor piece occur very frequently, even more often than rook endings, yet there's not much literature on them. This endgame DVD fills this gap. The four different material constellations rook and knight vs rook and knight, rooks and opposite coloured (and same coloured ) bishops and rook and bishop vs rook and knight are dealt with. In view of the different material constellations Karsten Mueller explains many guidelines like e.g. "With knights even a small initiative weighs heavily".
After 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 Nc6!?, Black takes the initiative, luring White into overextending their central pawns, only to dismantle them with precise counterplay. The Tango is not just an opening – it’s a weapon, designed for players who want to win as Black
Grand Prix points and prize money shared
Chess Queen Alexandra Kosteniuk won European Women Individual Rapid and Blitz tournament before Monaco GP. Throughout the event, Kosteniuk was never even in the lead. However, in the last round she scored a crucial win and clinched the championship. Humpy needed to beat Goryachkina for Kosteniuk to become champion and that is exactly what happened in their highly anticipated final round match.
The former Women's World Champion beat Elisabeth Paehtz on demand. Analysing her game afterward, she said the Caro-Kann came as a surprise. "I prepared for anything else but the Caro-Kann. I had a thought of what if, but then I thought okay."
The Caro Kann is a very tricky opening. Black’s play is based on controlling and fighting for key light squares. It is a line which was very fashionable in late 90s and early 2000s due to the successes of greats like Karpov, Anand, Dreev etc. Recently due to strong engines lot of key developments have been made and some new lines have been introduced, while others have been refuted altogether. I have analyzed the new trends carefully and found some new ideas for Black.
Kosteniuk - Paehtz
Position after 4...♞f6
Kosteniuk continued, "Elisabeth repeated the line Mariya Muzychuk already played with me, but I decided to deviate a bit and take on f6, because I didn't have time to analyse what happened to my game with Mariya."
Position after 7.♗e3
The eventual champion Kosteniuk felt that her pawn structure is better here.
Position after 9.♗d3
"I don't know why Elisabeth decided to prevent me from castling long. You know, sometimes you should let your opponent do what she wants. I think ♞d7-♜e8-♞f8 is more usual approach in this system for black. Because after 9...♞a6 she doesn't let me castle long or at least now it looks very dangerous for me, but I can castle short as well." Kosteniuk said.
Position after 11.b3
"She spent a lot of time here. If I play c4 and just 0-0, my position is very, very pleasant. That's why I considered mostly for her 11...♝d5. I was not sure whether I need to (short) castle or I can play 12.♗e2 or ♘h4. Probably 12.♗e2 is the move I like the most. 12.0-0 is also what I like but after 12...♝xf3 13.gxf3 I couldn't evaluate the position. I always have this double pawn and my king is weaker. But how to get to the king is not clear. Anyway 11...♝d5 was the main move I considered for her."
Position after 13...♝xa3
"Honestly I think I should have played 14.c5 and 14...b4 is the only move. Now she is playing without a piece, okay for a pawn but I think I have very good compensation, 15.♕c2 g6. 15...g6 or h6 I am not sure. And then transfer either my knight or bishop to d6. Looked very powerful to me but since I hesitated about the evaluation, I was not so sure because she will push her a-pawn and her position is very solid."
Position after 18...♝b4
"Here I went for this attack, although I couldn't of course evaluate all the consequences in the position. It felt like I have a very nice initiative but my position, I liked it very much. Of course, I was blaming myself at a certain point. I played all-in but in this situation I don't know, I am not sure if it was the right decision because it requires sacrificing. I didn't calculate of course everything."
Position after 22...♛e6
Can you find the winning continuation for white?
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1.e40c60 Of course I didn't expect Caro-Kann
at all for some reason. I prepared for anything else but the Caro-Kann. I had
a thought of what if, but then I thought okay2.Nc33d503.Nf34dxe404.Nxe40Nf60 Elisabeth repeated the line Mariya Muzychuk
already played with me, but I decided to deviate a bit and take on f6. Because
I didn't have time to analyze what happened to my game with Mariya5.Nxf6+15exf606.d410Bd607.Be312 Kosteniuk felt that her pawn structure is better
here0-008.Qd214Be61:589.Bd311:26Na63310.a33:04b5011.b30 She spent a lot of time here. If I play c4 and
just 0-0, my position is very very pleasant. That's why I considered mostly
for her 11...♝d5. I was not sure whether I need to (short) castle or I can
play 12.♗e2 or ♘h4. Probably 12.♗e2 is the move I like the most. 12.0-0
is also what I like but after 12...♝xf3 13.gxf3 I couldn't evaluate the
position. I always have this double pawn and my king is weaker. But how to get
to the king is not clear. Anyway 11...♝d5 was the main move I considered for
her.Qe721:4411...Bd512.0-052Nc7013.c48:01Bxa31814.Qc214:14Honestly I think I should have played14.c5andb4is the only move.
Now she is playing without a piece, okay for a pawn but I think I have very
good compensation,15.Qc2g615...g6 or h6 I am not sure. And then transfer
either my knight or bishop to d6. Looked very powerful to me but since I
hesitated about the evaluation, I was not so sure because she will push her
a-pawn and her position is very solid14...g6015.cxb52:32Nxb518:45 I was very happy when she took on b5
Here probably15...Bd5then I was going to take16.bxc6again she can
takeBxf317.gxf3I have an extra pawn. She still needs one move to get her
bishop back to playBd618.Rfe1this position is very concrete.If she can
manage to stabilize in the center and block my pawns then she is going to be
fine.15...cxb516.Rxa3Qxa317.Qxc7a very interesting position
appears with material imbalance. I thought her king is very weak and that
should help me to create some threats.Qxb318.Be4Bd519.Nd2and then Qf416.Qxc643a6417.Nd28:12 I
liked my Nd2 very much and I am transferring my knight to either e4 or c4 and
I will let my king go closer to her kingBd710:0418.Qf31:22Bb45:2319.Nc48:59 Here I went for
this attack, although I couldn't of course evaluate all the consequences in
the position. It felt like I have a very nice initiative but my position, I
liked it very much. Of course I was blaming myself at a certain point. I
played all-in but in this situation I don't know, I am not sure if it was the
right decision because it requires sacrificing. I didn't calculate of course
everything.Bc3020.Nb624Bxa12:0221.Rxa11:13Rad85122.Nd535Qe61:2122...Qd623.Nxf6+Kg724.Bxb5axb525.d523.Nxf6+18:34Kosteniuk thought that she could play23.Bh6Bc624.Qxf6Qxf625.Nxf6+Kh826.Bxf8Rxf8I was not sure about this position23...Kg7424.d51:24 I hesitated for a very long time
and then I decided to play for intiativeQe5025.Rxa654
Kosteniuk hoped that she is not risking anything, in the worst
scenario, it will be an endgame with pawns for an exchange. She didn't see
anything concrete.Nd44:39Then I saw thisKosteniuk was afraid of25...Nc7
I don't think 26.Nh5 is working. Unfortunately I have a very weak back rank
and I cannot just leave my pieces and I was not sure what I was going to do
here.26.Ra5Qc326.Nh5+3:54 and I was so
happyMy first intention was to play26.Qf4Qxf427.Bxf4I was not sure
about the evaluation of this position. Actually I like this very much.Bc827...Nxb328.Be5Kh628.Rb6then my bishop goes to e5 and the position
looks beautiful26...Kg848 I thought this was not possible
due to Qf626...gxh527.Qg3+Qxg328.Bxd4+Kg829.hxg3Bc8I thought
that I get this very safe version of this endgame30.Rh6then I thought I
am very safe here. With this time trouble I can put my bishop at c4 I will
never lose. I thought that I am better. It's a very forced line and I was
Kosteniuk on how she felt after winning the game and if she was nervous before the game,
No, actually it was funny because when I got back home, my husband looked at the table and said, 'Well it's such a nice situation, you win tomorrow and Goryachkina loses and you are first.' and I didn't even have this idea that that would be possible for me in any situation to get first. Actually Grand Prix for me and everyone else is a very hard tournament. To finish with a plus score, is a wish come true already, but to finish with a +3, doesn't matter what place I take. Actually it's like I am very happy and I am back to 2500 rating. Yesterday it was 2499. This year has been very difficult for me in Classical chess starting from May to September I was losing points, rating in every single classical tournament I played. Since I played non-stop, it was like -80 or something like that. But I have had nice results in rapid and blitz, so I won't complain. It is my last classical game for this year. Of course I am very happy to win it and to finish the tournament so well. Because it's a very strong tournament.
When asked about if she had taken a look at the other game, "I didn't have time. Well I mean, I looked at first but then after ♘c4, whenI went all-in I didn't have time to look or think because it felt like a very pleasant position with no risk but then I found a way to complicate it."
Kosteniuk won her game when it mattered the most | Photo: Karol Bartnik / FIDE
Humpy bested Goryachkina in a long battle
Humpy beat Goryachkina in their highly anticipated match. In the opening, Humpy played 6.♗d3 instead of the 6.♕c2 which she has been playing in the recent times.
The Semi-Slav (1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 e6) can arise via various move orders, has decided World Championships, and is one of Black's most fascinating replies to 1 d4. Magnus Carlsen's second, Grandmaster Peter Heine Nielsen explains in detail what this opening is all about.
Humpy - Goryachkina
Position after 6.♗d3
Humpy felt that Black shouldn't have played 16...♞c3, as she loses a pawn, although it's an opposite colour bishop endgame. Can you find out a better continuation for black.
Position after 16.♖c1
Goryachkina gave away a pawn which she should have defended.
Black's final blunder of the game was 48...f5. It was all over after this. Humpy thought that black should have played 48...♚e7 instead.
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1.d40d502.c40c603.Nc31Nf604.e39e6185.Nf315Nbd717In the opening I don't usually go with6.Bd30
in the recent times, I have been playing Qc2dxc41:247.Bxc47b5308.Bd319b4239.Ne428Nxe4010.Bxe48Bb71311.Nd257Be71:2312.0-000-03513.b31:44Nf61:2814.Bf31:15Nd5015.Bb242c5016.Rc12:40Nc329:47 After Nc3, it's a pawn up
with an opposite color bishop. It's not so easy, it's quite a long game.
Humpy felt better for black was16...Ba617.Re1cxd418.Bxd4Nc319.Bxc3bxc320.Nb1Rc8and white has nothing. Black has a bishop pair and double
rook in the endgame. Of course I did not expect her to play the best, that's
why I chose this line.17.Bxc37:38bxc35918.Bxb79:19cxd22:0519.Qxd23:30Rb820.Be41:37cxd42:3821.exd4Bg522.f41:08Bf61:5223.Rfd13:03Rb64:0524.d54:17Rd63:0925.Qc26:44 Humpy thought
that black need not give the h7-pawn withexd5025...Qb6+26.Kh1h627.dxe6Rxd1+28.Rxd1Qxe6Humpy felt this to be much simpler
position29.Bd5Qg4If Black manages to get the rook in the game, it's
quite a tough position for white to convert then26.Bxh7+1:25Kh82 It was important to play27.Bf526If27.Bd3Bd4+28.Kh1Be327...g61:4728.Bg41:50Qb6+5:5829.Qf214:05Bb26:16Humpy
thought29...d4is quite a strong move, keeping the queens on the board.
After 29...d4, Black's idea is to play Re8 and Re330.Qxb67:49axb6031.Rc71:01d42:4932.Be210:41Rf61:1333.Bc42:42Bc3033...Rxf434.Rf1Rxf1+35.Kxf1Kg736.Rb734.g3Kg7735.Re75:43Rd81:0636.Kg20Kf8637.Rc71:47Re82538.h40Re33039.Kf22:19Re8040.a42:24Kg73641.Rd733:36Kf8042.Kg20Re3043.Kf20Re8044.Rd30Re7045.Rd8+0Re8046.Rxe8+0Kxe8047.Kf30Rd6048.Ke40f5+??0Humpy thought Black should play48...Ke7as 48...
f5 is completely lost49.g4Kf649.Ke5Ke750.h50Be1051.h61:02Rd84752.h70b52:2953.axb52:52Ba55254.Bd514 Humpy said that she missedRc843Humpy went for55.Rd13:01 and then she found out
the plan55.Kxd4??Bb6+56.Ke5Bc7+57.Kd4Bb6+=55...Bc3056.Rd31Ba5657.b60Bxb61:1658.Rd111d34859.b41:00Ba71:4360.Rd21:45Bb6061.Rh233Rh84762.Bg820Be32763.Rh1Bd264.b52:05Bc3+3565.Kd513Kd7166.Kc439Bf64767.Kxd320g5868.Rh51–0
Humpy beat Goryachkina in their first encounter since her return | Photo: Karol Bartnik / FIDE
Lagno beats Cramling
Kateryna Lagno got an advantage out of the opening which she did not have much trouble in conversion. In the endgame she showcased her technical prowess to convert her material advantage.
This increasingly popular opening is easy to pick up as the Black pieces can usually be developed quickly and smoothly. Many of the ideas are thematic and Black can achieve attacking positions in several of the variations.
Lagno scored an emphatic win | Photo: Karol Bartnik / FIDE
A Muzychuk and Gunina had a short but exciting draw
Even if Anna Muzychuk won her last round game, she would have finished fifth as Kateryna Lagno had won her game. However, Gunina fought bravely despite having a forgettable tournament. She tried to spice things up by sacrificing a piece, however Anna is not known to crumble easily, she defended easily and a draw was agreed after a repetition of moves on move 33.
Threatens to win with ..
.Rxe3!24.Qd224.Bd2Be525.Bc3Bf426.Qf1Be3+27.Rxe3Qxf1+28.Rxf1Rxe329.Kf224...Re5Hoping for ...Rh5.25.Rg2Ne2 is the strong threat.
Reject25.Bg5Rfe825...Rfe825...Rh5!?26.Kf1Re8=26.Bf2!Don't play26.Ne2Bh426...Rh527.Kf1Bh4
threatening ...Rg5.28.Qf4Qh1+29.Rg1Qh3+30.Rg2Qh1+31.Rg1Qh3+32.Rg2Qh1+33.Rg1Accuracy: White = 61%, Black = 55%.½–½
On top level the Berlin Defense is a popular defensive weapon but it also offers Black good chances to win if White does not proceed precisely. On this DVD Victor Bologan shows what Black can and should do if White tries to avoid the main lines of the Berlin Defense.
Anna Muzychuk talks about her performance in the tournament and more | Video: FIDE
Gunina would be glad that the tournament is finally over | Photo: Karol Bartnik / FIDE
Zhao ends on a winning note
Harika completely misplayed the opening against Zhao Xue in the final round. She was in trouble out of the opening. But later Zhao misplayed and Harika managed to equalize. However, Zhao played the rook and knight ending correctly and liquidated into a winning rook ending.
The aim of these Dvd's is to build a repertoire after 1.c4 and 2.g3 for White. The first DVD includes the systems 1...e5, the Dutch and Indian setups. The second DVD includes the systems with 1...c5, 1...c6 and 1...e6.
Zhao Xue shares her tournament impression | Video: FIDE
M Muzychuk had a hard fought draw with Dzagnidze
Out of the opening, Mariya seemed to have obtained a decent advantage. However, Dzagnidze played carefully and made sure she stays out of trouble. The game eventually liquidated into a queen ending where draw became the obvious outcome of the game.
Shahid AhmedShahid Ahmed is the senior coordinator and editor of ChessBase India. He enjoys covering chess tournaments and also likes to play in chess events from time to time.
The Black Sniper is back – sharper and deadlier than ever! This dynamic system (1...g6, 2...Bg7, 3...c5 against 1.e4, 1.d4 and 1.c4) creates unpredictable, high-pressure positions, leaving opponents struggling to adapt.
YOUR EASY ACCESS TO OPENING THEORY: Whether you want to build up a reliable and powerful opening repertoire or find new opening ideas for your existing repertoire, the Opening Encyclopaedia covers the entire opening theory on one product.
If you're looking to revamp your opening repertoire and surprise your opponents with powerful, modern ideas, The Ultimate Scotch Gambit is the perfect choice.
Tata Steel 2025 with game analyses by Praggnanandhaa, Abdusattorov, Giri and many others. Opening videos by Ganguly, Blohberger and King. 10 opening articles with new ideas for your repertoire. Special on Korttschnoj and much more!
A cutting-edge Sicilian weapon, this variation has only gained traction since 2021, yet it has already caught the attention of elite players, including Magnus Carlsen.
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