70 years ago

by Oliver Reeh
9/21/2024 – In the diagram position, Black launched an irresistible wave of attack with 22...d3! - though he rather launched two waves of attack to be precise - enjoy surfing!

Strike like the world champions Strike like the world champions

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Oliver Reeh has been working for ChessBase for many years as a translator and presenter of the internet show TV ChessBase, and he also looks after the tactics column in ChessBase Magazine, for which he has also been responsible as editor-in-chief since 2019. The International Master has contributed to the CB "MasterClass" series and is the author of the DVDs "Strike like the World Champions" and "Master Class Tactics - Train your combination skills!" Volumes 1 & 2. Oliver Reeh lives in Hamburg.


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Frits Fritschy Frits Fritschy 9/21/2024 09:48
The immediate 25... Rd1+ 26.Re1 Nd4 (but not 26... Qxc2 as I thought first, missing that 27.Qxc2 is check...) 27.Rxd1 Ne2+ 28.Kf1 Nxc3 is just as hopeless for white as plodding on with two pawns for the piece after 25... Qg4 26.Qe3.