The match was met with interest and had a steady flow of spectators and media covering
it. Aside from guest lecturer Mark Dvoretksy, the live commentator GM Robert Cvek also gave
lectures to the audience. This one is on transitioning a middlegame into a favorable endgame.

Prior to the match, top Czech player David Navara had released his newest chess book (in
Czech). Here he is signing copies.

The stalwart GM David Navara had a tough time against...

... Wesley So, who showed why he is one of the brightest stars on the rise.
Wesley So - David Navara (game four)

[Event "Cez Trophy 2015"] [Site "Prague"] [Date "2015.06.16"] [Round "4"] [White "So, Wesley"] [Black "Navara, David"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "D45"] [WhiteElo "2778"] [BlackElo "2751"] [Annotator ""] [PlyCount "93"] [EventDate "2015.??.??"] [EventCountry "CZE"] [TimeControl "40/5400+30:1800+30"] 1. Nf3 {0} d5 {0} 2. d4 {0} Nf6 {0} 3. c4 {0} c6 {0} 4. Nc3 {0} e6 {0} 5. e3 {0 } Nbd7 {0} 6. Qc2 {0} Bd6 {0} 7. Bd3 {0} O-O {9} 8. O-O {0} dxc4 {12} 9. Bxc4 { 0} b5 {27} 10. Bd3 {12} Bb7 {14} 11. a3 {3} a5 {8} 12. Ng5 {1037} h6 {95} ( 12... Bxh2+ {Doesn't offer anything special since after} 13. Kxh2 Ng4+ 14. Kg1 Qxg5 15. f3 (15. Bxh7+ {would be a serious mistake since} Kh8 16. Bd3 Qh4 { wins for Black.}) 15... Ngf6 16. e4 {with a huge center and space advantage, and Black's queen will lose further tempi trying to find safe haven.}) 13. Nge4 {12} Be7 {8} 14. Rd1 {672} Qb6 {116} 15. Nxf6+ {472} Bxf6 {475} 16. Bd2 {512} e5 $6 {584} ({The engines prefer} 16... Be7 {with the idea of Nf6 followed by Rfc8 or Rfd8}) 17. Bh7+ {156} Kh8 {9} 18. Bf5 {7} Rad8 {308} 19. Ne4 {110} Be7 {24} 20. b4 {221} axb4 {207 An error in judgement that will soon lead to a compromised position. Black needed to play ...a4. The reason is simply that now the dark-squared bishops will be exchanged and as will be seen, this is going to be disastrous for Black.} 21. Bxb4 {22} Bxb4 {12} 22. axb4 {4} exd4 { 39} 23. Rxd4 {129} Nf6 {65} 24. Nd6 {716 Possiby the move Navara overlooked or underestimated.} Nd5 {77} 25. Qc5 {27} Qxc5 {191} 26. bxc5 {6 Now the issue is crystal clear. Black's white squared bishop has nowhere to go} Ra8 {13} 27. Rxa8 {24} Bxa8 {186 If ever there was a textbook ilustration of the 'bad bishop' this is one. A bishop stuck on a8, with no hope of leaving, facing a monster knight on d6. The game is strategically lost.} 28. e4 {86} Nc3 {64} 29. Nxf7+ {574} Kg8 {10} (29... Rxf7 30. Rd8+ {is mate.}) 30. Rd7 {2} Na4 {17} ({ Again the knight is untouchable since} 30... Rxf7 31. Rd8+ Rf8 32. Be6+ {wins the rook.} Kh7 33. Rxf8) 31. Ra7 {139} Nxc5 {16} 32. Nd6 {34} Rb8 {532} 33. e5 {24} Bb7 {219} 34. f4 {69} Kf8 {75} 35. Kf2 {23} Ra8 {29} 36. Rxa8+ {254 White feels that this continuation is the one that offers the least counter play or chances for Black, and it works perfectly.} ({White could easily settle now for two pieces for the rook with} 36. Nxb7 Rxa7 37. Nxc5 {and there is nothing wrong with it.}) 36... Bxa8 {13} 37. Ke3 {3} b4 {453} 38. Kd4 {121} Na4 {255} 39. Kc4 {88} c5 {122} 40. g3 {0} Bf3 {0} 41. Kb5 {747} Bd1 {180} 42. Nc8 {390 The threat of e6-e7, protected by the knight, with a bishop check to free e8, is clear.} b3 {192} 43. Kxa4 {6} b2+ {115} 44. Ka3 {120} Bg4 {10} 45. Kxb2 {5} Bxf5 {10} 46. Nd6 {2} Be6 {14} 47. Ne4 {5 The c-pawn will fall, and with two extra pawns in an elementary endgame, Black resigns.} 1-0

Pavel Matocha, chairman of the Prague Chess Society, gives Wesley So his victor’s trophy

Navara and So analyze their game for the benefit of the audience

GM Wesley So giving an interview for Czech television

Pavel Matocha bestowing gifts to So and his adopted mother

Wesley So with his adopted mother, chief arbiter Pavel Votruba, Vaclav Pech, GM Robert
Cvek, Robert Pošvicová, and Paul and Anna Matocha.
Photos by Anežka Kružíková