Robert Ris’ Fast and Furious: A stunning novelty

by Robert Ris
4/19/2024 – In his new Fast & Furious episode, Robert Ris shows a game which saw a surprising piece sacrifice that has good chances to become the novelty of the year. | Fast & Furious is available on-demand with a ChessBase Premium Account. You can register a Premium account here.

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In this video course, twenty-nine examples with multiple questions are presented in the interactive format, which is ideal for a range of playing strengths. Step by step you will be taken through the complex positions.


Robert Ris: "I am skipping the Candidates for a week, as last week's Menorca Open featured a spectacular game between GM Dardha and GM Alekseenko: In a relatively calm line of the Vienna Opening, White came up with a stunning new idea that improved on several grandmaster games. The piece sacrifice introduced by Dardha is a serious contender for the novelty of the year! After just one mistake, Black never really had a chance to get back into the game and lost in just 27 moves!

Exercise: Black to play - does it matter whether you take first with the bishop or knight on d5?

Feel free to move the pieces on the live diagram!

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Robert is an International Master who mostly spends his time training and coaching talented youngsters. On the PlayChess server The Fast and the Furious is a popular show where he explains sharp opening lines for a wider audience. He is also a well-known ChessBase author who produced numerous DVDs and regularly contributes to ChessBase Magazine as well. Since 2015 he is the organizer of the Dutch Rapid Championships in his home town Amstelveen. He has started a YouTube channel with chess analysis as well.


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