Norway Chess Women: Muzychuk beats Cramling

by Carlos Alberto Colodro
6/2/2024 – Anna Muzychuk collected a second consecutive classical win in round 5 of the Norway Chess Women tournament. The Ukrainian GM beat Pia Cramling to climb to sole second place in the standings. R Vaishali is still the sole leader in Stavanger, as she prevailed in the Armageddon tiebreaker against Lei Tingjie. Ju Wenjun, now in third place, won a fifth rapid tiebreaker in a row. | Photo: Stev Bonhage / Norway Chess

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Vaishali still sole leader

Halfway through the inaugural edition of the Norway Chess Women tournament, 22-year-old R Vaishali stands as the sole leader with 10 points to her name. The Indian GM has so far won two classical games and prevailed in two out of the three Armageddon encounters she had to face. In Saturday’s fifth round, she beat Lei Tingjie with white in the rapid tiebreaker.

Vaishali outplayed Lei from a balanced knight and rook endgame.

Lei would have likely defended this position in a classical game, but with 1 minute per side by this point of the struggle, it all came down to the ability of the players to handle the time pressure — and it was Vaishali who prevailed in the game that ended up lasting 76 moves.

Vaishali Rameshbabu, Lei Tingjie

Vaishali playing white against Lei Tingjie | Photo: Stev Bonhage

Similarly, Ju Wenjun defeated Humpy Koneru with white after making the most of her extra pawn in a rook endgame that engines evaluate as drawn.

Humpy, a great technical player, could not find the precise defensive scheme to hold a draw with black from this position. At this point, on move 36, she had a bit over a minute on the clock. The game lasted 64 moves.

Ju Wenjun

Ju Wenjun | Photo: Stev Bonhage

Muzychuk’s second classical win in a row

Standing in sole second place is now Anna Muzychuk, who collected consecutive classical wins in rounds 4 and 5. After beating Humpy on Thursday, the Ukrainian GM got the better of Pia Cramling in the fifth round.

Pia Cramling

Pia Cramling | Photo: Stev Bonhage

Standings after round 5

Rk Name FED Rtg Pts
1 R Vaishali IND 2489 10
2 Anna Muzychuk UKR 2505 9
3 Ju Wenjun CHN 2559 7.5
4 Lei Tingjie CHN 2548 6
5 Humpy Koneru IND 2545 4
6 Pia Cramling SWE 2449 3

All games - Classical

All games - Armageddon

Attacking with the Jobava London System

The Jobava London System is a minor form of the London System. White tries to play Lf4 quickly followed by Nc3.


Carlos Colodro is a Hispanic Philologist from Bolivia. He works as a freelance translator and writer since 2012. A lot of his work is done in chess-related texts, as the game is one of his biggest interests, along with literature and music.
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