Andrew Soltis (born 1947 in Hazleton, Pennsylvania, is an International Grandmaster and is author or co-author of more than 100 books. Since 1972 he has written a weekly column for the New York Post and since 1979 he has written "Chess to Enjoy", a monthly column for Chess Life. He was named "Chess Journalist of the Year" in 1988 and 2002 by the Chess Journalists of America. In 1971 he was number 74 on the world's ranking list and in September 2011 he was inducted into the United States Chess Hall of Fame. He must be the only person who (a) played chess with Bobby Fischer and also (b) interviewed Donald Trump. Neither was a major achievement.
He is author of The United States Chess Championship, 1845-2011 and several other titles like "re-thinking the chess pieces", the highly recommended "Bobby Fischer re-discovered", "Your Kingdom for my Horse" (on exchanging pieces), the Botvinnik monograph "The life and games of a World Chess Champion", "Why Lasker matters" and "How to choose a chess move" - amongst many others.

Your Kingdom for my Horse - Batsford
“Just a moment of insanity,” Magnus Carlsen said. “I don’t know what happened. It was a moment of insanity.” The world champion was clearly angry with himself. And it wasn’t because of a losing move, like blundering away a rook. It was because he allowed an exchange of rooks. (Batsford)
His most recent book is "David Versus Goliath Chess: How to Beat a Stronger Player", published by Batsford.

David vs. Goliath Chess - How to beat a stronger player, Batsford