Frederik Svane leads Teplice Open with two rounds to go

by Johannes Fischer
6/17/2023 – With five wins in as many games, Frederik Svane had a brilliant start at the traditional open event in Teplice, Czech Republic. It was only in round 6 that the 19-year-old GM, who plays for the Hamburg Chess Club in the Bundesliga, conceded his first draw, against his brother Rasmus. A win over then co-leader Evgeny Romanov left him in the sole lead with two round to go. Three players, including Rasmus, stand a half point behind. | Photo: German Chess Federation

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A remarkable tactician

Frederik Svane, who so far has a performance rating of 2867 in Teplice, is regarded as an excellent tactician and an outstanding attacking player. At the spa town in the Czech Republic, he showed in more than one game why he has that reputation.

In round 4, Svane played black against the Norwegian IM Tor Fredrik Kaasen, and this duel of namesakes was won by Svane with a good-looking final combination:

Black ended the game with the spirited rook sacrifice 43...Rxg2+! 44.Bxg2 Ng4+ 45.Kh1 (or 45.hxg4 Qh4+ 46.Bh3 Qg3#) De1+ and White gave up 0-1. After 46.Qf1 Bxg2+ 47.Kxg2 Ne3+ White loses too much material.

In the fifth round, Svane defeated Czech Grandmaster Vlastimil Babula with a mating attack in the endgame:

At first glance, Black seems to have good chances in this position: the white pawn on d3 is weak, whereas the white passed pawn on e6 does not look too dangerous. But White has more options than meets the eye. Svane played 29.g5! and then came ...Rxd3 30.gxf6 gxf6.

After 30...Rxd4 31.f7+ Nxf7 32.exf7+ Kh8 33.Re8 White is winning. There followed 31.Rg1+ Kh8 32.Nf5 Rc3 33.e7 Re8 34.Nh6 and Black threw in the towel 1-0.

In the final position, White threatens 35.Rxe5 fxe5 36.Nf7 and in case of 34...Rxe7 Black is immediately mated with 35.Rg8#.

Teplice Chess Open 2023

The playing hall during the 2022 edition

Standings - Round 7

Rk. Name Pts.  TB1 
1 Svane Frederik 6,5 24,5
2 Svane Rasmus 6 24
3 Sargsyan Shant 6 24
4 Ioannidis Evgenios 6 21
5 Teclaf Pawel 5,5 24,5
6 Vasquez Schroeder Rodrigo 5,5 24
7 Romanov Evgeny 5,5 23
8 Krysa Leandro 5,5 23
9 Sahidi Samir 5 24
10 Vocaturo Daniele 5 24
11 Sorensen Hampus 5 23,5
12 Kantor Gergely 5 23,5
13 Mitrabha Guha 5 23,5
14 Kobo Ori 5 23
15 Safarli Eltaj 5 23
16 Kaasen Tor Fredrik 5 22,5
17 Gumularz Szymon 5 22,5
18 Pechac Jergus 5 22,5
19 Muthaiah Al 5 22,5
20 Ghevondyan Arman 5 22,5

...218 players

All available games


Johannes Fischer was born in 1963 in Hamburg and studied English and German literature in Frankfurt. He now lives as a writer and translator in Nürnberg. He is a FIDE-Master and regularly writes for KARL, a German chess magazine focusing on the links between culture and chess. On his own blog he regularly publishes notes on "Film, Literature and Chess".