1/30/2024 – Boris Spassky, world champion from 1969 to 1972, celebrates his 87th birthday on 30 January. Spassky is regarded as a universal player and played numerous fantastic attacking games during his career. One of his favourite openings with White was the King's Gambit, which he used to beat players such as David Bronstein, Bobby Fischer, Yasser Seirawan and Anatoly Karpov. | Photo: Boris Spassky, Chess Olympiad Saloniki 1984 | Photo: Gerhard Hund
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In this video course, experts including Dorian Rogozenco, Mihail Marin, Karsten Müller and Oliver Reeh, examine the games of Boris Spassky. Let them show you which openings Spassky chose to play, where his strength in middlegames were and much more.
The ChessBase Mega Database contains 29 games in classical time format in which Spassky tried the King's Gambit with White. He won 15 of these games, drew 14, but never lost with this double-edged, risky opening.
Spassky's lifelong passion for the King's Gambit can probably be traced back to his first coach, the Leningrad master Vladimir Zak, who was an enthusiastic supporter of the opening and immortalised his passion for the King's Gambit in a book.
Spassky's first win on the white side of the King's Gambit, which is listed in the Mega, was his encounter with Yuri Averbakh in the final of the 1955 Soviet Championships.
unconventional, but not really good.Better was14.Rae1Nc615.Bg3
and the position is roughly equal.14...Rxb815.Rae1Re816.Ne5
16...Rf8?Now White's concept pays off.But after the cold-blooded retreat16...Bg8White would have had difficulties to find a promising way to attack and
is objectively worse.17.Nxf7+Rxf718.Qe6Kg819.Nxd5White is a pawn
up and winning.Bf820.Re4Bd621.c4b622.b4Qf823.c5bxc524.bxc5Bxc525.dxc5Qxc5+26.Kh1Rd827.Ne7+Kf828.Nc6Qb529.Rfe11–0
This game showed a pattern that would become apparent in many of the later games Spassky played with the King's Gambit: In the opening, Spassky was slightly or even clearly worse with White, but in the middlegame it became clear that he understood the positions better and handled them better than his opponents.
Spassky's victory over Semyon Furman, later Anatoly Karpov's coach, in the semi-finals of the 1959 Soviet Championship is a typical example. Against Furman, who was considered to be a solid player, Spassky allowed himself a little provocation: he played the Steinitz Gambit and on move four charged forward with his king. In the irrational position that resulted from this strategy Spassky was objectively worse, but outplayed his opponent.
1.e4e52.f4exf43.Nc3The Steinitz Gambit, named after
Wilhelm Steinitz, the first official world champion in chess history. Steinitz
was convinced that the king is a "strong piece" and should therefore be
involved in the battle from the outset. With 3.Nc3 White invites Black to
drive the white king out into the open. White hopes to gain time to develop
his pieces by attacking the queen, which is exposed by the early check. The
idea is that the white king should be sufficiently protected by the white
central pawns.Qh4+4.Ke2d5Black returns his extra pawn to open lines and
to quickly develop his pieces.5.Nxd5Bd66.Nf3Bg47.d4Nc68.e50-0-09.Bxf4After9.exd6Black retakes with his rook and has more than adequate
compensation for the sacrificed piece, e.g.Rxd610.Kd210.c4Nf611.Bxf4Rxd512.cxd5Bxf3+13.gxf3Re8+14.Kd2Nxd515.Bg3Qg5+16.f4Nxf417.Kc1Ne2+18.Kb1Qf5+19.Qc2Nxg320.Qxf5+Nxf521.Bh3Ncxd410...Qd811.c3Rxd512.Kc2Qf69...Nge710.c4Nf511.exd6
11...Nfxd4+?The wrong
knight.After11...Ncxd4+12.Kd3Bxf313.gxf3c6!Black regains the
piece and is clearly better. However, after the move played in the game, White
is winning.12.Kd3Qh513.Be2Ne614.Bg3cxd615.b4Rhe816.Re1Nc717.Kc3Qh618.Qc1Nxd5+19.cxd5Re3+20.Bd3Qf6+21.Kc2Rxe122.Bxe1Bxf323.dxc6Bxc624.Bc3Qf2+25.Qd2Ba4+26.Kb2Qh427.Bxg7Kb828.g3Qg429.Bf6Rc830.Rc1Re831.b51–0
A year later, in January 1960, Spassky played a game with the King's Gambit that went down in film history: In the final of the 27th Soviet Championship in Leningrad, he sacrificed a knight against Bronstein while allowing his opponent to take a rook with a check - and the end of this spectacular game inspired the makers of the James Bond film "From Russia with Love" to include a chess scene in their film.
URS-ch27 Final Leningrad20.02.1960[Ftacnik, Lubomir]
1.e4e52.f4Times were different when this game was played. In our
time, some openings are considered bad by computers and the King's Gambit is
considered 'barely playable'. It used to be a sign of courage and honour to
play the King's Gambit...exf43.Nf3d54.exd5Bd65.Nc3Spassky won the
chess crown not thanks to his knowledge of openings, but through his
universally good play in various positions.5.Bb5+Bd76.Bxd7+Nxd77.0-0Ne78.c40-09.d4b610.Nc3Ng611.Qd3Nf612.Bd2Qd713.Rae1Rae814.a3a515.Nb5±Gurgenidze-Radovici/Tbilisi/1960/ Gurgenidze-Radovici/Tiflis/
0-1 (23) Shirazi,K (2410)-Jakovenko,D (2760) France 20096.Nc3Nf67.Qe2+Kf88.Ne5cxd58...g59.h4Nxd510.Nxd5cxd511.Qh5Qe712.Qh6+Ke813.Qg7Bxe514.dxe5Rf815.Qxg5Qb4+16.c3Qe4+17.Be2Nc618.Bxf4±
½ (48) Nunn,J (2630) -Anand,V (2715) Monte Carlo 19959.Bxf4Nc610.0-0-0Bg411.Nxg4Bxf4+12.Kb1Nxg413.Qxg4Bc714.Qf3Bb615.Nxd5Qd616.Bc4f617.Nf4Re818.c3+-1-0 (28) Nepomniachtchi,I (2792)-Alekseenko,K (2703)
Moscow 20215...Ne76.d40-06...c6!?-> C 31: 2...d5 3.ed5 c6 4.Nc3
ef4 5.Nf3 Bd6 6.d4 Ne7 7.Bd3 / 7.Bc4 / 7.dc6 C 31: 2...d5 3.ed5 c6 4.Nc3 ef4 5.
Nf3 Bd6 6.d4 Ne7 7. Bd3 / 7.Bc4 / 7.dc67.Bd3Nd77...Bf5!?8.0-0Nd79.Ng58.0-0h6?Bronstein makes a mistake that is surprisingly common
even today, despite a much deeper understanding of chess strategy. Especially
in positions with a board full of pieces, it is extremely unlikely that such a
pawn move (as opposed to the move of a suitable piece) is the best
continuation.8...Nf6!?9.Ne5Nfxd510.Nxd5Nxd511.Bxf4Nxf412.Rxf4Qg5!=13.Qf3Be614.Rf1c615.Rxf7Bxf716.Nxf7Qh417.g3Qxd4+18.Kg2g619.c3Qc520.Bc2=8...Ng6!?9.Ne4Nf610.Nxd6Qxd611.c4Bg412.Qb39.Ne4!Nxd510.c4Ne310...Nb411.Bb1Nf612.Nxd6Qxd613.Qd2Nc614.Qxf4±11.Bxe3fxe312.c5Be713.Bc2!Spassky realised
that Black had weaknesses on the white squares and quickly went on the attack!13.Qe2Nf614.Qxe3Re8=13...Re813...g6!?14.Qd3Nf615.Qxe314.Qd3e2?!Bronstein was one of the most original players and thinkers in
chess history. He knew that normal moves were not good enough in this
difficult situation and so he fell for this move.14...Nf815.Rae1b616.b4bxc517.bxc5±14...f515.Nc3Nxc516.dxc5Qxd317.Bxd3Bxc518.Rfc1±15.Nd6?Spassky couldn't resist the temptation to play this move,
but objectively it's not the best continuation.15.Rf2!Nf816.Ne5f517.Bb3+Kh718.Rxe2±15.Qxe2Nf816.Rad1±15...Nf8?Here Black
could have equalised with the bold 15...Bxd6!.15...Bxd6!16.Qh7+Kf817.cxd6exf1Q+17...cxd6?18.Rf2Nf619.Qh8+Ng819...Ke720.Rxe2+Be621.Qxg7+-20.Bh7+-18.Rxf1cxd619.Qh8+Ke720.Re1+Ne521.Qxg7Rg8!22.Qxh6Qb6!23.Kh1Be624.dxe5d5=15...Nf6?16.Nxf7exf1Q+17.Rxf1Kxf718.Ne5+Kg818...Kf819.Bb319.Qh7+!Nxh720.Bb3++-16.Nxf7!exf1Q+17.Rxf1Bf5Desperation!17...Kxf718.Ne5+Kg819.Qh7+!Nxh720.Bb3+Kh821.Ng6#17...Qd5!?18.Bb3!18.N3e5?Bxc519.Nxh6+gxh620.Bb3Rxe5!∞18...Qxf7!18...Qh519.Nxh6+Kh820.Nf7+Kg821.N7g5+Kh822.Bf7+-19.Bxf7+Kxf720.Qc4+Kg621.Qg8!Bf621...Be622.Ne5+Kh523.Qxg7+-22.Ne5+22.Nh4+Bxh423.Qf7+Kh724.Qxe8Ng625.Rf7c626.Rc7+-22...Bxe523.Qf7+Kh724.Qxe8Bxd4+25.Kh1Ng626.h4+-26.Rd1Bxc527.Rd8Ne728.h4!+-18.Qxf5Qd719.Qf4Oder19.Qd3Bf620.Bb3Re621.N3e5Qe722.Qf3Re823.Nxh6+gxh624.Qxf6+-19...Bf620.N3e520.Bb3Kh721.N3e5Bxe522.Qe4+Ng623.Nxe5Rxe524.dxe5Qc625.Qxc6bxc626.e6+-20...Qe720...Bxe521.Nxe5Qe721...Rxe522.dxe5Re823.b4+-22.Qe4g623.Rxf8+Rxf823...Qxf824.Bb3+Kh725.Qxg6+Kh826.Nf7++-24.Bb3+Kh725.Qxg6+Kh826.Qxh6+Qh727.Ng6#21.Bb3White has more than one way to win.21.Qg4!?Qxf721...Bg522.Bb3+-22.Nxf7Kxf723.Bb3+Re623...Ke724.Qe4+Kd725.Qxb7±24.d5+-21...Bxe522.Nxe5+Kh722...Ne623.Qe4a524.Ng6Qd725.Nf8+-23.Qe4+A jewel in the history of chess.23.Qe4+Kh824.Rxf8++-1–0
Here's the scene from the movie:
Two months after this game, at the Mar del Plata tournament in Argentina, Spassky won another remarkable game with the King's Gambit: the first game he ever played against his great rival Bobby Fischer. Spassky had White and opened with 1.e4, whereupon Fischer deviated from his beloved Sicilian and played 1...e5, inviting Spassky to try the King's Gambit. Spassky didn't blink, took up the gauntlet and played 2.f4. The opening didn't go well for Spassky, but in the middlegame Fischer played too doggedly for a mating attack and blundered a piece.
Mar del Plata1960
1.e4e52.f4exf43.Nf3g54.h4g45.Ne5Nf66.d4d67.Nd3Nxe48.Bxf4Bg79.Nc3Up to this point, both players have followed well-known lines.
The theory of these variations goes back in part to games by Morphy and
Anderssen, but Fischer and Spassky were probably familiar with these games. 9.
Nc3, however, was a novelty at the time.Nxc310.bxc3c5Black immediately
counterattacks White's center.11.Be2cxd412.0-0Castling leaves the pawn
on h4 en prise, but it is more important to develop one's pieces.Nc6After
12...Qxh413.Qe1Qxe114.Raxe10-015.Bxd6Re816.Bxg4Rxe117.Rxe1Bd7the position is suddenly equal, e.g.18.Bxb8Bxg419.Re8+Bf820.Nf4f621.Nd5Kf722.Nc7Bc523.Kf1Bb624.Nxa8Kxe825.Nxb6axb626.cxd413.Bxg40-014.Bxc8Rxc815.Qg4f516.Qg3dxc3The position is complex and
double-edged, but Black is two pawns up. However, before White regains a pawn
by capturing on d6, he brings another piece into play.17.Rae1Kh8Black
wants to start a counterattack along the g-file.18.Kh1Rg819.Bxd6Bf820.Be5+Nxe521.Qxe5+Rg722.Rxf5Qxh4+23.Kg1Qg4More pragmatic was23...Qg3which Spassky indicated during the post-mortem. Black forces the exchange
of queens and removes White's tactical threats. After24.Qxg3Rxg3White is
a pawn down and has to fight for a draw. However, Fischer wanted to pursue his
attack.24.Rf2Be7with the idea 25...Bh4.25.Re4Qg5In "My 60
Memorable Games" Fischer writes: "I started to feel uncomfortable, but little
did I imagine that Black's game would collapse in four short moves! I should
have taken a draw by repetition with25...Qd1+26.Re1Qg427.Re4Qd1+
etc."26.Qd4Rf8?Black misses White's threat and throws the game away.After26...b6the engines evaluate the position as equal. The "threat"27.Re5can be parried withBf6.27.Re5Fischer had missed this move.
He writes: "Incredibly, Black must lose a piece. White trying to figure out
what was going on in Spassky's head, I blundered and lost the game!"Rd828.Qe4Qh429.Rf41–0
Bobby Fischer at the Chess Olympiad 1960 in Leipzig | Photo: Tournament book
Fischer later included this game in his book "My 60 Memorable Games", making it even more famous. He also analysed the King's Gambit in depth and a year later published his famous article "A Bust to the King's Gambit" in the first issue of the American Chess Quarterly, in which he claimed, "In my opinion, the King's Gambit is busted. It loses by force."
No other World Champion was more infamous both inside and outside the chess world than Bobby Fischer. On this DVD, a team of experts shows you the winning techniques and strategies employed by the 11th World Champion.
Grandmaster Dorian Rogozenco delves into Fischer’s openings, and retraces the development of his repertoire. What variations did Fischer play, and what sources did he use to arm himself against the best Soviet players? Mihail Marin explains Fischer’s particular style and his special strategic talent in annotated games against Spassky, Taimanov and other greats. Karsten Müller is not just a leading international endgame expert, but also a true Fischer connoisseur.
However, this did not stop Fischer from playing the King's Gambit with White in three games later in his career (against Larry Evans at the US Championship in New York in 1963, against Robert Wade at the tournament in Vinkovci in 1968 and against Dragoljub Minic, also in Vinkovci 1968). Fischer won all three games, but after 1.e4 e5 2.f4 exf4 he always played 3.Bc4 and not 3.Nf3 as Spassky had done against him in Mar del Plata.
In games with classical time control Spassky played 3.Bc4 only once, in 1960 against Mammed Nurmamedov in the semi-finals of the Soviet Championship in Rostov-on-Don, and in this game he scored a clear victory.
However, in a rapid match against his old rival Viktor Kortschnoi in St Petersburg in 1999, Spassky once again resorted to 3.Bc4 in the King's Gambit. This led to an interesting position in which Spassky, at the crucial moment, lacked the courage to free his bad bishop with a pawn sacrifice.
1.e4e52.f4exf43.Bc4Nf64.Nc3Nc65.Nf3Bb46.0-00-07.e5d58.Bb3Ng49.d4Bxc310.bxc3Ne311.Bxe3fxe312.Qd3Na513.Rae1c614.a4Be6A strategically
interesting position: The white bishop on b3 is terribly bad and will have
great difficulty getting back into the game. However, the pawn on e5 gives
White an advantage on the kingside and he can hope for attacking chances.15.Qxe3Qe716.Ng5h617.Nh3Bxh318.Qxh3Qe619.Qh4Rae820.h3Kh721.Ba2Qg622.Re3Qg523.Qf2f624.Rf3Kg825.Rf5White misses a good
opportunity to bring his bishop with25.h4Qg426.c4!back into the game.
AfterNxc427.Bb1White has good and dangerous compensation for the pawn.25...Qg626.Qf3Kh827.h4Re628.h5Qe829.Qf4Rf730.Qg4Rf831.Qf3Qe732.Qf4a633.Qf2Qa334.Bb3Qe7½–½
Today the King's Gambit is not considered to be refuted, as Fischer had claimed, but theory is sceptical about White's attempt to revive the age of romantic chess with 2.f4. As can be seen from the games above, Spassky was often worse off after the opening with the King's Gambit, but was then able to turn the tide. His most astonishing rescue came against Karpov in the 1982 TV World Cup in Hamburg.
The TV World Cup was a knockout tournament with eight participants competing in two groups of two rounds, playing rapid games with one hour for the whole game. The winners of each group - Karpov and Spassky - then met in the final and played for the tournament title.
Karpov was always a difficult opponent for Spassky, and in his King's Gambit game against Karpov in the TV tournament, Karpov seemed to be on his way to victory, but then grossly blundered, which allowed Spassky to win the game. Despite this bitter defeat, Karpov went on to win the final and the TV World Cup.
1.e4e52.f4exf43.Nf3d64.Bc4h65.d4g56.0-0Bg77.g3g48.Nh4f39.Nc3Nc610.Be3Nf611.Qd2Nxe4?!The opening went well for Black, but this
move gives a huge part of his advantage away.Better was the surprising11...Be6after which Black has a clear advantage. After12.d5Black hasNe512.Nxe4d513.Nc3dxc414.Rae10-015.d5Ne716.Bxh6Ng617.Nxg6fxg618.Bxg7Kxg719.Qd4+Qf620.Re7+Kg821.Qxf6Rxf622.Rxc7Bf523.Rxc4Re824.h3Bxc225.Rd4gxh326.Kh2f227.Kxh3?This costs the
exchange.Better was27.Rd2Bf528.Rdxf2with equality.27...Re128.Kg2Rxf129.Kxf1Rf330.Rd2Bd3+31.Rxd3Rxd332.Kxf2Kf733.g4Rd2+34.Ke3Rxb235.Kd4White is an exchange up and completely winning.Ke736.Ke5Rg237.d6+Kd838.Kf4Kd739.Ne4Rxa240.Ke5Ra5+41.Kf6
With little time on the clock, Karpov blunders.After41...Rb5Black
should win without much trouble, e.g.42.Kxg6a543.Nc3Rc544.Na4Rc645.Kf5b5and the black pawns decide.42.Nc5+Incredible, but now Black
loses his rook.Kxd6Oder42...Kc843.d7+Kd844.Nb7+Kxd745.Nxa543.Nb7+Kc744.Nxa5Kb645.Nb3a546.Kxg6a447.Nd2Kc548.Kf5Kb449.g5a350.g6a251.g7a1Q52.g8QThe engines know that this position is a draw,
but with little time on the clock it is almost impossible to defend it.Qd453.Ne4Ka354.Qa8+Kb255.Qa6b456.Qe2+Ka357.Nd2b358.Nb1+Kb459.Qe1+Ka460.Nc3+Ka561.Ne2+Qb462.Qa1+Kb663.Qb2Qc5+64.Kf4Qc4+65.Ke3Qc5+66.Nd4Qe7+67.Kd3Qb468.Nxb3Qb5+69.Ke4Qb4+70.Ke3Qe7+71.Kd3Qh7+72.Kc3Qh3+73.Kb4Qd774.Qf2+Kc775.Nc5Qe776.Qg3+Kc677.Qg2+Kb678.Qg6+Kc779.Kb5Qe2+80.Nd3Qe781.Qc6+Kd882.Qa8+Kc783.Qa7+Kd884.Qb8+1–0
Spassky's last victory for White in the King's Gambit in a game with classical time-control was against Zsuzsa Polgar in 1988. In this game he once again demonstrated how well he handled all types of positions.
In this position with opposite-coloured bishops White is
better. The pawn on f7 is weak and White's pieces are more active.23.Bb3Qd724.Ne5Bxe525.Qxe5After the exchange of minor pieces White is still
better.Nc726.h3Qc8?Now Black's position quickly collapses.Better
was26...Ne6e.g.27.Rd1Qc828.Bxe6fxe629.Rd6Rf1+30.Kh2Kf731.Rd3and Black can still fight though White is clearly better.27.Qe7Kh828.Rxf7Rxf729.Bxf7b630.b4a531.b5h632.a4Na833.Be6Qb834.Bd5Nc735.Bc6White's bishop and queen completely dominate Black's knight.Qc836.c4Na837.Qb7Qxb738.Bxb7Nc739.c5!The quickest and easiest way
to win.bxc540.b6Ne641.Bd5Nf842.Bc61–0
Boris Spassky | Photo: Dagobert Kohlmeyer
Spassky plays against the King's Gambit
Spassky liked to play the Spanish with Black, but after 1.e4 e5 only four of his opponents were brave - or presumptuous - enough to challenge Spassky with the King's Gambit. All of them suffered a or more or less swift and brutal defeat. Like the Englishman William Hartston in the 1965/1965 Hastings tournament.
Christmas Congress 1965/66-41 Premier Hastings31.12.1965[Johannes Fischer]
1.e4e52.f4exf43.Nf3d54.exd5Nf65.Bb5+c66.dxc6Nxc67.d4Bd68.Qe2+Be69.Ne50-0!Black counters the King's Gambit with a
gambit of his own - he sacrifices a pawn to develop quickly.10.Bxc6bxc611.Bxf4Nd512.Bg3f613.Nf3Bxg3+14.hxg3Re815.Kf2Bf516.Qc4Kh817.Nc3Ne318.Qc5Ng4+19.Kg1Qd720.Rf1Bxc221.Rh4Ne322.Rc1g523.Rh6Bg624.Na4Ng425.Rh3Qe626.Qc3Qxa227.Nc5Re328.Qd2Rae8
The German player Wolfram Hartmann, who regularly plays the King's Gambit himself, was true to his principles when he had to play Spassky with White in the Bundesliga: he tried the King's Gambit twice, but in both games he was quickly on the defensive.
1.e4e52.f4exf43.Bc4Nf64.Nc3c65.Qf3?White misplaces the queen and allows Black to seize the
initiative - after only five moves!d5!Black gives back his extra pawn to
develop quickly.6.exd5Bd67.h30-08.Nge2b59.Bb3b410.Nd1Re811.0-0g512.Nf2cxd5
Black is a pawn up, White is not yet fully developed
and the white pieces do not harmonize. The opening went completely wrong for
White.13.c3After13.Bxd5?Nxd514.Qxd5Rxe215.Qxa8Qe7Black has
a devastating attack, e.g.16.Qd5Bb717.Qf5Rxf218.Rxf2Qe1+19.Rf1Qg320.Rf2f321.Rxf3Bxf322.Qxf3Qe1+23.Qf1Bh2+24.Kxh2Qxf1However,
the game move is not much better.13...Qe714.Nd4Bc515.Nc2Ba616.d3Nc6
17.d4This costs material, but White is lost in any case.Be218.Re1Bxf319.Rxe7Bxe720.gxf3bxc321.bxc3Na5Black is an exchange and a
pawn up - and has the better position.22.Ba4Rec823.Bd2Rab824.Nd3Nc425.Be1Bd626.Ncb4Rb627.Bb3Ne328.Bd2a50–1
1.e4e52.f4exf43.Bc4Nf64.Nc3c65.d4Hartmann deviates
from his previous game against Spassky...Bb46.Qf3?...but stubbornly
insists to put his queen to f3.Better was6.Nge2Nxe47.0-0d58.Nxe4dxc49.Bxf4with a roughly equal position.6...d57.exd50-08.Nge2cxd59.Bd3Bg410.Qxf4
10...Bxe2!With this surprising exchange Black forces
White's king to stay in the middle.11.Kxe2After11.Bxe2Re8White is
in trouble on the e-file, e.g.12.Be3Bxc3+13.bxc3Qe7and White loses
material.11...Re8+12.Be3Nc613.Raf1Qd714.Nd1Bd615.Qh4Ne416.c3f517.Nf2Na518.Qh3g619.Bxe4dxe420.b3Qb5+21.Ke1f422.Ng4Rf823.Bc1Rae824.c4Qb4+25.Bd2Qa326.Qc3e327.Bc1Qb4?!An inaccuracy.
Spassky probably wanted to stop counterplay along the long diagonal a1-h8.
But after27...Qxa2White has no dangerous threats, e.g.28.d5h529.Bb2Bb430.Qxb4Qb1+31.Ke2Qxb2+32.Kd3Nxb3and Black is winning. However,
after the game move Black is still better.28.Qxb4Bxb4+29.Ke2Nc630.Bb2h531.Ne5Nxe532.dxe5g533.Rd1Bd234.Bc1Bxc135.Rxc1Rxe5Black is a
pawn up and clearly winning.36.Rcd1g437.Rhf1Kg738.Rd4f3+39.gxf3gxf3+40.Kd3e241.Rg1+Kh842.Rd6Re70–1
In the first Spassky game with a King's Gambit, which is included in the Mega, Spassky had Black and won against the Russian master Chepukaitis. And in his last victory in a game with classical time control, in which the King's Gambit was on the board, Spassky also had Black - and won a nice game.
The opening did not go well for White: He is a pawn down and the black pawns
on g4 and f3 strangle him.12.Nf4Ne713.Nd2d514.Bd3Ng615.Nxd5Nxd516.exd5Qxd517.Ne4f518.b3
18...fxe4!A nice queen "sacrifice". Black
gets more than enough material for the queen.19.Bc4f2+20.Kg2fxe1N+21.Qxe1Be622.Bxd5Bxd523.Be3Rf324.Qd2Ne725.Re1Nf526.c4h5!
Black remains tactically alert and finds a quick way to win.27.cxd5Nxe3+28.Rxe3Bh629.Qc2Rxe330.d6cxd631.Qc4+Kh832.Qb5Rf833.Qxh5Re2+34.Kg1Kh735.h3e3White resigned - he will be mated in a few moves.0–1
Obviously Spassky enjoyed playing the double-edged, often unconventional positions that can arise in the King's Gambit. They gave him room for creativity and unusual moves. The King's Gambit was never Spassky's main weapon after 1.e4 e5 - he usually played 2.Nf3, very rarely 2.Nc3 - but he remained faithful to the opening throughout his life and used it again and again with astonishing success - and played a number of impressive, remarkable and beautiful games with it.
Johannes FischerJohannes Fischer was born in 1963 in Hamburg and studied English and German literature in Frankfurt. He now lives as a writer and translator in Nürnberg. He is a FIDE-Master and regularly writes for KARL, a German chess magazine focusing on the links between culture and chess. On his own blog he regularly publishes notes on "Film, Literature and Chess".
Tata Steel 2025 with game analyses by Praggnanandhaa, Abdusattorov, Giri and many others. Opening videos by Ganguly, Blohberger and King. 10 opening articles with new ideas for your repertoire. Special on Korttschnoj and much more!
A cutting-edge Sicilian weapon, this variation has only gained traction since 2021, yet it has already caught the attention of elite players, including Magnus Carlsen.
If you're looking to expand your opening knowledge with a modern, cutting-edge approach, the Ragozin Carlsbad is a must-have addition to your repertoire.
Videos by Leon Mendonca: French and Nico Zwirs: King's Indian. “Lucky bag” with 50 analyses by Ganguly, Giri, Praggnanandhaa and many more + two video analyses by Josefine Heinemann (in German)
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