Sinquefield Cup: Fighting draws, Duda’s game postponed

by Carlos Alberto Colodro
11/23/2023 – Only eight players took part in the second round of the Sinquefield Cup. Jan-Krzysztof Duda called in sick, which meant his opponent, Richard Rapport, was forced to take a break. All round-2 games ended in draws. In contrast to the first day of play, however, fighting games were seen almost on all four boards. | Photo: Lennart Ootes

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Only eight players took part in the second round of the Sinquefield Cup. Jan-Krzysztof Duda called in sick. His opponent, Richard Rapport, was forced to take a break, and the game is likely to take place on the rest day.

All round-2 games ended in draws. In contrast to the first day of play, however, fighting games were seen almost on all four boards.

Alireza Firouzja and Anish Giri, two players who still have realistic chances to qualify for the Candidates Tournament, faced each other. Out of a Giuoco Piano, Giri did not shy away from going for complications. However, a tactical skirmish dissolved into an equal endgame and the game ended without a winner.

In an English Opening against Leinier Dominguez, Ian Nepomniachtchi chose the line with 7.Ne4, a move that Rasmus Svane has been playing frequently. First Black had an extra pawn, and then it was White who was a pawn up. The fighting contenders kept creating problems for each other, though, and an 87-move draw was eventually signed.

Nepomniachtchi ½ - ½ Dominguez

Analysis by GM Karsten Müller

Leinier Dominguez

Leinier Dominguez | Photo: Lennart Ootes

Fabiano Caruana and Levon Aronian also played an exciting game. In an anti-Berlin variation of the Ruy Lopez, Aronian, playing black, gave Caruana the opportunity to create a strong outpost and a passed pawn on d6 by sacrificing an exchange.

Caruana ½ - ½ Aronian

Analysis by GM Karsten Müller

Sinquefield Cup 2023

The round is about to begin | Photo: Lennart Ootes

Game analysis by Robert Ris

All games


Carlos Colodro is a Hispanic Philologist from Bolivia. He works as a freelance translator and writer since 2012. A lot of his work is done in chess-related texts, as the game is one of his biggest interests, along with literature and music.