In this video course, twenty-nine examples with multiple questions are presented in the interactive format, which is ideal for a range of playing strengths. Step by step you will be taken through the complex positions.
The Ukrainian top GM Pavel Eljanov had a fantastic Bundesliga weekend, defeating both his compatriots Kryvoruchko and Ivanchuk. His win with the black pieces against Kryvoruchko he described as one of the best of his career.
In the Advance Variation of the Caro-Kann, he consciously allowed the opponent to trap his light-squared bishop. A brilliant long-term piece sacrifice in order to open up the centre and the files towards the white king. Not surprisingly, Kryvoruchko failed to find a proper defence and had to surrender on move 36.
Exercise: Black to play!
Feel free to move the pieces on the live diagram!
Strategy Training: How to Make a Plan
In every game of chess, there comes a moment when one is confronted with the question: what should I do now?
Many more Fast and Furious episodes are available in ChessBase Videos
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