Paulius Pultinevicius - Winner of the Prix Mohammed VI tournament

by Diana Mihajlova
11/30/2023 – The recently published articles "The Never Ending Saga of Moroccan Chess, Part 1" and "Part 2" described the sorry state of Moroccan chess and the unfortunate end of the International Prix Mohammed VI tournament, where the winners did not receive their prizes. This bizarre end of the tournament overshadowed the success of the young Lithuanian GM Paulius Pultinevicius, who won the event convincingly. | Photo: Paulius Pultinevicius after winning the Riga Technical University Open 2022 | Photo: RTU Open Facebook.

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Though the abysmal decision to withhold the prizes from the players spoilt the tournament in the end, the international players more or less still praised the excellent conditions and said they had a great time in Casablanca. This was largely due to technical director Salim Belcadi, a member of the production company Checkmate Entertainment, who secured generous sponsorship and attracted a large number of strong international grandmasters.

Salim Belcadi (far left) with the arbiters

The chaos that ensued at the end of the tournament, when it became clear that there would be no prize money, should not distract us from the real protagonists: the players. Open tournaments, and particularly strong ones, have a special appeal because they can launch new names. Sometimes obscure players who have not often had the chance to play on the international circuit can emerge at the top of the final rankings, potentially opening the door to greater opportunities. This time, the International Prix Mohammed VI was dominated by Lithuanian players.

The Baltic states have given us some of the greatest figures in chess history: the Latvian Mikhail Tal and the Estonian Paul Keres and, in more recent times, the Latvian Alexei Shirov.  These former Soviet states have not been very present on the international scene, but times are changing and new talents are emerging.

In the strong International Prix Mohamed VI three Lithuanians took part and two of them climbed the podium. Well-known professional GM Shakhriyar Mamedyarov, the tournament's top seed, took second place with 6.5/9. Before and after him there were two Lithuanians: GM Paulius Pultinevicius, 1st place with 7.5/9 and GM Titas Stremavicius, 3rd place with 6.5/9.  

Paulius Pultinevicius surrounded by fans after receiving the trophy

Another Lithuanian player, GM Tomas Laurusas, finished 11th with 5.5/9. He is the reigning Lithuanian National Champion.  

Together with GM Valery Kazakouski they are the top four Lithuanian players and the most active at the moment. They are all in their early twenties and succeed GM Sarunas Sulskis and GM Eduardas Rozentalis, who are now representatives of the 'older' generation. Talking about Lithuanian chess, one name cannot be omitted: Viktorija Cmilyte, a successful chess player, European Champion in 2011 and twice (2000 and 2005) Lithuanian national overall champion. She has given up her enviable chess career to become a prominent politician, Speaker of the Lithuanian Parliament.

Paulius Pultinevicius is currently the national number one.  He says:

"I have never won the national championship. Although I have been one of the favourites for the last few years, I have somehow performed below my potential. It could be a psychological thing that I hope to break in the future."

Paulius briefly describes his chess beginnings:

"I started playing chess when I was 6. My father and brother also played, and when I was little we used to test our chess strength against each other. My mum follows my games with the help of my coach's explanations and the evaluation bar.

I started training with my first and only coach, Rolandas Martinkus, who introduced me to the world of chess. Without his immense efforts it would have been very difficult to reach my current heights in chess. I can't thank him enough for his support."

Paulius and his coach Rolandas Martinkus in Marijampole, where they both live | Photo: Etaplius

He was the Lithuanian U-14 junior champion and, at the age of fifteen, he represented Lithuania at the 42nd Chess Olympiad in Baku (2016) as a reserve.  He won all nine games he played! From there on he was a regular member of the Lithuanian national team. 

Paulius at the age of 14, the most promising Lithuanian chess player | Photo: 15 min

Paulius is a second year student of Public Administration and Leadership at Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius. But he says:  "I try to combine my studies with being a professional chess player. But I believe that chess will be my main path in life."

Paulius Pultinevicius and Tomas Laurusas, gold and bronze medallists at the 2022 European University Games in Lodz, Poland | Photo: Lithuanian Student Sports Federation

Paulius Pultinevicius, bronze medallist at the European Rapid Championships, 2021 (tied with GM Alexander Motilev (RUS) and GM Alexander Donchenko (GER), all with 9.5/11) | Photo: European Chess Union

Paulius Pultinevicius, winner of the 2022 Riga Technical University Open (RTU Open), the biggest classical chess tournament in the Baltic States | Photo: RTU Open Facebook

At the International Prix Mohamed VI, Paulius was only seeded 20th, but emerged victorious with a performance rating of 2803. He suffered only one defeat, against Mamedjarov.

A short video interview with Paulius at the Mohammed VI Tournament  

Alexei Shirov vs. Paulius Pultinevicius, 0: 1

Paulius commented his game against Shirov. He considers this win to be his most interesting game of the tournament.

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1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 Bf5 4.h4 h5 5.Bd3 Bxd3 6.Qxd3 Qa5+ 7.Nd2 e6 8.Ngf3 Nh6 9.0-0 Nf5 10.Nb3 Qa6 11.Qd1 Quite a popular line nowadays in the Caro-Kann defence. Shirov and I both had some experience with it. b6 12.Bg5 c5 13.dxc5 Shirov is the first to deviate from our rapid game played in June. In that game I equalized comfortably. Bxc5 14.c3 Nc6 15.Re1 Rc8 16.Nxc5 bxc5 17.b3 Rc7 18.Qc2 0-0?! Somewhat superficial. The move does not change the objective evaluation of the position, but I think in practical terms it is an inaccuracy. For the moment Black's king is safe in the centre and White doesn't have any clear targets, and therefore it would have been better to improve the position of the other pieces first before castling. 19.Nh2! A good move. It doesn't take long for a high class player such as Shirov to notice the disadvantages of my last move. Qa5 Indirectly defending the pawn on h5 and improving the position of the queen. After realizing that I had rushed with my previous move I spent around 30 minutes on this and my next move. 20.Rac1 d4 21.c4? Too timid. Black now gains time to start counterplay and Black's king on g8 is not in danger. White has no time to attack the target on h5 because Black's pawn on d4 is too strong. I was relieved and surprised that Shirov didn't go for 21.Qe2 This move fits his style perfectly, and I thought it was very dangerous for me. c4! 22.Qxh5 cxb3 It's very important to include this capture, otherwise White often has the powerful move b4 in some lines. For example 22...dxc3 23.Ng4 Nce7 24.b4! Qxb4 25.Nf6+ gxf6 26.exf6 Ng6 27.g4 Nd6 28.Qh6 Ne8 29.h5 with a winning attack for White. or 22...Nxe5 This game was played some time ago, but my somewhat faded memory tells me that I wanted to play this move, which is perhaps not the best. 23.b4! Qd5 24.Bf4 f6 25.Bxe5 fxe5 26.Nf3 and White has a strong and winning attack. 23.axb3 23.Ng4 Abandoning the queenside and going all-in on the attack doesn't work here. f6 24.exf6 b2 25.Rb1 dxc3 and in this position White is the one who is in danger. 23...dxc3 24.Ng4 Nce7 25.Nf6+ The most testing move. gxf6 26.Bxf6 26.exf6 is not dangerous: Ng6 27.g4 Nd6 28.Qh6 Ne8 29.h5 Ne5 30.Rxe5 Qxe5 31.Bf4 Qxf6 32.Qxf6 Nxf6 33.Bxc7 Nd5 26...Ng6 Or 26...Ng7 27.Qg5 Nef5 28.g4 Kh7 29.gxf5 Rg8 30.Kh2 Nxf5 31.Qh5+ Nh6 After accurate play Black somewhat stabilized his position and the c-pawn should compensate for Black's more vulnerable king's position. 32.Rg1 Rg6 33.Qf3 Qb4 34.h5 Rg4 35.Kh3 Rxg1 36.Rxg1 Qf8= 37.Rg7+ Qxg7 38.Bxg7 Kxg7 and the c-pawn secures Black at least a draw. 27.g4 Qd5! A tactical idea that was not easy to foresee in advance. 28.gxf5 Qg2+! 29.Kxg2 Nf4+ 30.Kf1 Nxh5 with a roughly equal position. 21...Rd7 22.Rcd1 d3 23.Qb2 Ncd4 White's timid play allowed me to obtain perfect coordination and a promising position. 24.Kf1 f6 25.Bc1 fxe5 Here I thought for a long time and felt that I should have a clean road to victory, but I did not find the two-move sequence which could have finished the game immediately: 25...Nc2! 26.Re4 Rd4 27.Rxd4 cxd4 with a winning position for Black. 26.Rxd3 Nxh4 27.Rh3 Nhf5? Better was 27...Qd8 to stop White from coordinating his pieces and to support g5-g4. 28.Rxe5 Ndf5 with the idea g5-g4. Black also has ...Qa8, which poses White a lot of problems. Black is clearly better. 28.Rxe5? Better was 28.Bg5 which prevents h5-h4 and coordinates the white pieces. 28...h4 29.Nf3 Nxf3 30.gxf3 Rd1+ 31.Kg2 Qd8? More precise was 31...Rf6 32.Bg5 Rg6 33.f4 Qd8 with a winning attack for Black. 32.Qc2 Rf6 33.Re4! Ups! I only considered 33.Bg5, which transposes to the winning line above. Now White has a decent chance to hold the game - Black has no real attacking chances and White is well coordinated. However, I was ahead on the clock. Rd4 34.Rg4 Qa8 35.Rxd4 cxd4 36.Qe4 Rg6+ 37.Kh2 Qe8 38.Bd2 Qd7 39.f4 Qd6 40.a4 40.Bc1 to prevent ...Qa3 is maybe more precise. It is not easy to find a convincing plan for Black. 40...Qa3 41.a5 Qb2 42.Rd3 Qc2? Natural but unnecessary and giving White time to consolidate. Better was 42...Kh7! with the idea to continue with 43...Nh6. White is unable to parry all the threats. 43.Be1 After 43.Qf3 Qb1 the weakness of White's back rank is fatal. 43...Kf7 Here I thought that the position is close to a draw and spent some time to set a last trap by bringing my king to f6, trying to lure my opponent's queen away from the kingside. 44.Qb7+ Kf6 45.Qa8 Rg4 46.Qf8+? It worked! After 46.Rd2 Qxb3 47.Re2 Qxc4 48.Qf8+ Kg6 49.Qe8+ Kh7 50.Rxe6 White holds. 46...Kg6 47.Qe8+ Kh7 48.Rxd4 Qe2 49.Qh5+ 49.Rd8 Rxf4 49...Nh6 0–1
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Shirov,A2668Pultinevicius,P25250–12023B124th Mohammed VI Trophy 20237.5

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Final standings after 9 rounds

Rk. Snr Name Country Elo Pts.  Tb1   Tb2 
1 20
GM Pultinevicius, Paulius LTU 2525 7,5 44,5 47,5
2 1
GM Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar AZE 2747 6,5 47,5 51,5
3 17
GM Stremavicius, Titas LTU 2534 6,5 46,5 50,5
4 9
GM Ponkratov, Pavel RUS 2582 6,5 43 47,5
5 12
GM Predojevic, Borki BIH 2565 6 47 51,5
6 5
GM Warmerdam, Max NED 2633 6 46 50,5
7 4
GM Pichot, Alan ESP 2642 6 45 49
8 7
GM Safarli, Eltaj AZE 2600 6 44,5 48
9 11
GM Albornoz Cabrera, Carlos Daniel CUB 2575 6 44 47,5
10 8
GM Yuffa, Daniil ESP 2594 6 43,5 47,5
11 14
GM Laurusas, Tomas LTU 2548 5,5 43 46
12 15
GM Quesada Perez, Luis Ernesto CUB 2544 5,5 41,5 44,5
13 29
GM Cruz, Cristhian PER 2484 5,5 41 44
14 21
GM Moradiabadi, Elshan USA 2524 5,5 40,5 43
15 6
GM Fier, Alexandr BRA 2600 5,5 40 44
16 2
GM Shirov, Alexei ESP 2668 5,5 38,5 42,5
17 10
GM Aditya, Mittal IND 2577 5,5 38 42
18 16
GM Bosiocic, Marin CRO 2541 5,5 34 36,5
19 19
GM Hamdouchi, Hicham MAR 2526 5 44,5 47,5

To be continued...

A former university lecturer in Romance philology, she is currently a painter as well as a chess journalist, and reports regularly from the international tournament scene.

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