Elon Musk criticizes chess... again!

by Albert Silver
10/6/2024 – In what is now a recurring theme, Elon Musk, the world's richest man, once again took to his now owned Twitter/X to rain hell and fire on the royal game, complaining once more about its many shortcomings, with comments such as "suddenly vaporize the opponent's king with lasers from space", and its inability to compete with the complexity of reality. (Image: Albert Silver/Imagen 3)

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The first time it came up, it might have seemed like just one more bizarre and inexplicable post by the notoriously eccentric (albeit brilliant) businessman, perhaps expressing what he thought was humorous. However, when those 'jokes' (attacks) become sequential and unprovoked, the term to describe them is 'trolling'. After all, he does not voice similar complaints about Go, checkers, or other traditional war games.

The funny thing is that Redditors dug up a picture of a young teenaged Elon Musk with his High School's "A" chess team!

Redditors dug up his high school's chess team pic, and he was in it. Seated to the far left.

So the many-times billionaire at some point in his life was actually invested enough into chess to join and be a part of his high school's team. Without wishing to go too deeply into idle speculation and playing the role of the 'armchair psychologist', it seems clear that someone whose names start with E and M has some major unresolved issues with the game. 

He is quite right about a human's inability to always properly evaluate a position properly. In fact not too long ago Fabiano Caruana co-interviewed Garry Kasparov, and recounted a personal experience in which he saw Stockfish lay down the law by declaring a position lost for one side. He stared and analyzed and could not for the life of him see it at all, so he had another engine, a bit weaker, play it out, hoping to be enlightened. To his dismay, the opposing engine also could not see it, and it wasn't until some 10-15 moves had passed and it grew much worse that it saw it was lost. Caruana concluded that if an engine rated 3300+ could not see it was lost, then what chance did he, a mere human, have?

Food for thought.

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Born in the US, he grew up in Paris, France, where he completed his Baccalaureat, and after college moved to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He had a peak rating of 2240 FIDE, and was a key designer of Chess Assistant 6. In 2010 he joined the ChessBase family as an editor and writer at ChessBase News. He is also a passionate photographer with work appearing in numerous publications, and the content creator of the YouTube channel, Chess & Tech.
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