ChessKid Cup: Abdusattorov wins the Winner's Bracket

by Johannes Fischer
5/25/2023 – Nodirbek Abdusattorov continues to impress in the ChessKid Cup: he defeated Jorden Van Foreest in the final of the Winner's Bracket to qualify for the Grand Final, where he will meet the winner of the Loser's Bracket. In addition to Van Foreest, Fabiano Caruana, who beat Alireza Firouzja in round 2 of the Loser's Bracket, and Jules Moussard, who beat Dmitrij Kollars in the same round, are also in the running. | Photo: Screenshot of the live transmission

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ChessKid Cup, Day 4

The final of the Winner's Bracket of the ChessKid Cup went over four games, and after two draws at the start, Nodirbek Abdusattorov won the third game after a tactical blunder by Jorden Van Foreest.

After this defeat Van Foreest had to win the last game, but for a long time it looked as if Abdusattorov, playing with White, would be able to draw without too much difficulty. But then he missed a counterattack by Black and was suddenly in danger of losing. But then Van Foreest played too hastily and gave away his winning position again and had to settle for a draw in the end.

The games of the match

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1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.cxd5 exd5 5.Bg5 c6 6.e3 Bf5 7.Qf3 Bg6 8.Bxf6 Qxf6 9.Qxf6 gxf6 10.Nf3 Nd7 11.Nh4 Bb4 12.a3 Bxc3+ 13.bxc3 b5 14.a4 bxa4 15.Rxa4 a5 16.Kd2 Nb6 17.Ra1 Kd7 18.Nxg6 hxg6 19.h4 f5 20.Bd3 Kc7 21.g3 a4 22.Ra3 Ra5 23.Rb1 Rha8 24.Rb4 c5 25.dxc5 Rxc5 26.Ke2 Kc6 27.Bc2 Rca5 28.Kf3 Kc5 29.Kf4 Rb5 30.Rxb5+ Kxb5 31.h5 gxh5 32.Kxf5 Nc4 33.Bd3 Kc5 34.Bxc4 Kxc4 35.e4 dxe4 36.Kxe4 Ra5 37.Ke3 f5 38.Kd2 f4 39.Kc2 f3 40.Ra1 a3 41.Rh1 Re5 42.Rh4+ Kd5 43.Kb3 a2 44.Ra4 Re2 45.Ra5+ Ke4 46.Ra4+ Kd5 47.Ra5+ Ke4 48.Ra4+ Kd5 ½–½
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Van Foreest,J2661Abdusattorov,N2703½–½2023Division I3
Abdusattorov,N2703Van Foreest,J2661½–½2023Division I3
Van Foreest,J2661Abdusattorov,N27030–12023Division I3
Abdusattorov,N2703Van Foreest,J2661½–½2023Division I3

In the Loser's Bracket, Fabiano Caruana surprisingly won 2-0 against Alireza Firouzja (the matches in the Loser's Bracket only go over two games), but in both games he benefited from tactical mistakes by Firouzja.

In the first game, Firouzja was better almost throughout the game, but eventually he lost the thread.

In the second game, Firouzja made a serious tactical error in a complicated position with an unusual material balance, which cost him a piece:

In the semi-finals of the Loser's Bracket, Caruana will meet Jules Moussard, who won against Dmitrij Kollars in Armageddon - but with a bit of luck, as Kollars missed a good opportunity at the crucial moment.

The winner of the match between Caruana and Moussard will play Van Foreest in the Loser's Bracket final. And the winner of that match will play Abdusattorov in the Grand Final.

Games of the Loser's Bracket

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1.d4 4 Nf6 7 2.c4 1 g6 1 3.Nc3 6 d5 1 4.cxd5 1 Nxd5 1 5.e4 2 Nxc3 0 6.bxc3 0 Bg7 1 7.Bc4 1 c5 4 8.Ne2 1 0-0 4 9.0-0 3 Nc6 4 10.Be3 1 b6 7 10...Bg4 is setting a new trend. 11.Qd2 40 D87: Exchange Grünfeld: Classical Line: Variations without ...cxd4. Bb7 10 12.h4!? 3       Leaves trodden paths. Rc8 46 13.Rac1 1:38 The position is equal. Na5 1:50 14.Bd3 5 e5 45 15.Bg5 3:22
15...f6N 14 Predecessor: 15...Qd7 16.d5 c4 17.Bc2 f6 18.Be3 Ba6 19.h5 Rf7 20.hxg6 hxg6 21.f4 Nb7 1-0 Sultan,I (2090)-Fong,Y (2125) Asian Cities-chT 2019 (2.4) 16.Bh6 33 cxd4 59 17.cxd4 4 exd4 3 18.Bxg7 38 Kxg7 2 19.h5 2 Qd6 1:25 20.Nf4 48 Strongly threatening hxg6. Qe5 1:14 21.Rfe1 24 21.hxg6 simplifies hxg6 22.f3 Rxc1 23.Rxc1 Rc8 24.Rd1 21...Rxc1 44 22.Rxc1 3 Rc8 4 22...Bxe4? 23.Bxe4 Qxe4 24.Re1+- 23.Nd5 2:09 Rxc1+ 2:20 23...Qxh5?! 24.Rxc8 Bxc8 25.Qc1= 24.Qxc1 0 gxh5 1 24...Qxh5 25.Qc7+ Kh6 26.Nxf6 Qd1+ 27.Kh2 25.Nf4 1:15 Bc6 42 25...Bxe4?! 26.Bxe4 Qxe4 27.Qc7+ Kh6 28.Qd6 Qe1+ 29.Kh2= 26.Be2 25 Be8 9 26...Qxe4 27.Nxh5+ Kf7 28.Bf1 26...h4 27.Nh5+ Kg6 27.g3 59 27.Qc8! 27...Nb7 1:49 ...h4 would be deadly. 27...Qxe4 28.Qc7+ Bf7 29.Bxh5 Qe1+ 30.Kg2= 28.Qa3 24 28.Qc8 Nc5 29.Qa8 28...Na5 24 28...Qxe4?! 29.Bf3 Qe1+ 30.Kg2= 29.Qc1! 17 Nb7 27 29...Qxe4 30.Qc7+ Bf7 31.Bxh5 Qe1+ 32.Kg2= 29...Nc6! 30.Bxh5 Qxe4 31.Bxe8 Qxe8 30.Qa3! 1 a5! 1 30...Qxe4 31.Bf3 Qe1+ 32.Kg2= 31.Qb3 2 b5 8 aiming for ...Nd6. 31...Qxe4?! 32.Qxb6 Bc6 33.f3= 32.Qc2? 38 32.Ne6+ Kh6 33.Nf4 32...Bf7!-+ 18 33.Qc6 25 Nc5 29 34.Qxb5 10 h4! 11 34...Nxe4 35.Qd7 35.Bc4? 51 35.a3 35...hxg3 22 35...Nxe4 36.Qd7 Nd6 37.Bxf7 Nxf7 38.Ne6+ Kg6 39.Nf4+ Kg7 40.Ne6+ Kg6 41.Nf4+ Kg7= 36.fxg3 1 Bxc4 20 Inferior is 36...Qg5 37.Bxf7 Kxf7 38.Kh2 37.Qxc4 0 Nxe4? 2       Endgame KQN-KQN 37...d3 ...d2 is the strong threat. 38.Kf1 d2 38.Kg2 3 38.Qc8 was worth a try. Ng5 39.Qb7+ Kf8 40.a3 38...Ng5 4 39.Qc6 14 Kh6 14 40.Qc8 1 Qe4+ 2 41.Kh2 0 Nf3+ 5 42.Kh3 4 Black must now prevent Qf8+. Ng5+ 1 43.Kh2 0
43...Qe7 3 Prevents Qf8+. Don't blunder 43...Nf3+? 44.Kh3 Qe7 45.Qf5-+ 45.Qg4? Ng5+ 46.Kh4 Qe8-+ 44.Qg4 16 Prevents d3 44.Qf5 was necessary. 44...Qf7 3 45.Qe2 5 Kg7 4 46.a4 4 Qd7 2 47.Nh5+ 4 Kg6 7 48.Nf4+ 1 Kh6 5 Not 48...Kg7? 49.Qb5 Qc8 50.Qe2-+ 49.Qb5 7 Qc7 5 50.Qf5 5 Inhibits Qc2+. Qe7 2 51.Qxa5? 2
51.Qd5 51...Nf3+? 5 51...d3!-+ Threatens to win with ...d2! 52.Kh1 Qe4+ 53.Kh2 Qe3 52.Kg2= 2 Ne5 1 53.Qd5 2 Qb4 5 54.Qd8 2 Qb7+ 4 54...Qxa4? 55.Qxf6+ Ng6 56.Ne6 Qa8+ 57.Kh2 Qa2+ 58.Kh3+- 55.Kh2? 10       55.Kg1= Qb1+ 56.Kh2 Qc2+ 57.Kg1 55...Ng4+-+ 3 56.Kg1 0 And now Qf8+ would win. Qb1+ 1 57.Kg2 3 Qc2+?? 1       57...Qe4+-+ 58.Kg1 Qe1+ 59.Kg2 Ne3+ 60.Kh2 Qf2+ 61.Kh3 Qf1+ 62.Kh4 Qh1+ 63.Nh3 Ng2+ 64.Kg4 Ne3+ 65.Kh4 Ng2+ 66.Kg4 Ne3+ 67.Kh4 58.Kh3 4 f5 8 59.Qf8+ 2 Weighted Error Value: White=0.60/Black=0.49
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Caruana,F2764Firouzja,A27851–02023ChessKid Cup Div-I 202352.1
Kollars,D2607Moussard,J26441–02023ChessKid Cup Div-I 202352.1
Firouzja,A2785Caruana,F27640–12023ChessKid Cup Div-I 202352.2
Moussard,J2644Kollars,D26071–02023ChessKid Cup Div-I 202352.2
Moussard,J2644Kollars,D26071–02023ChessKid Cup Div-I 202352.3

Games Division II

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1.d4 11 Nf6 10 2.c4 1:14 e6 1:53 3.g3 39 d5 17 4.Bg2 1 Bb4+ 3 5.Nd2 3 0-0 55 6.Ngf3 2 b6 28 7.0-0 4 Bb7 19 8.Ne5 3 Nbd7 22 9.Qa4! 51 Strongly threatening Nxd7. 9.Qa4 scores better than 9.Ndf3. E16: Queen's Indian: 4 g3 Bb7 5 Bg2 Bb4+. Bxd2 55 10.Bxd2 3 Nxe5 9 11.dxe5 2 White is slightly better. Nd7 14 12.cxd5 15 Bxd5 35 13.Bxd5 16
13.Rfd1 feels hotter. Nc5 14.Qg4 f5 15.exf6 Qxf6 16.Be3 13...exd5N 3 13...Nc5 is more complex. 14.Qc2 Qxd5 15.Bf4 Qb7 Predecessor: 13...Nc5 14.Qg4 exd5 15.Rac1 Qc8 16.Qxc8 Rfxc8 17.Rfd1 c6 18.Be3 Ne6 19.f4 f5 20.exf6 gxf6 1-0 Durarbayli,V (2576)-Vidit,S (2669) Wch Blitz Almaty 2022 (4) 14.Bc3 1:35 Re8 40 15.Qf4 1:43 Qe7 1:34 16.Rad1 15 c6 1:20 17.e4 15 d4 22 18.Rxd4 40 Nxe5 4 19.Rfd1 1 19.Qf5 deserves consideration. 19...c5 25       Black has good play. 20.Ra4 2:41 Ng6 1:14 21.Qf5 49 Rad8 15 Repels Rd7 22.Rxd8 17 Rxd8 4 23.h4 27 23.a3 23...Nf8 1:20 Black should play 23...b5! 24.Ra5 Rd1+ 25.Kg2 b4 24.Qg5 42 f6 49 25.Qg4 1 Qd7 13 26.Qxd7 1:14 Rxd7 0       Endgame KRB-KRN 27.f4 3 Ne6 14 28.f5 7 Nd8 11 29.e5 1 fxe5 1 30.Bxe5 2 Nc6 4 31.Bc3 1 h5 19 32.g4 11 b5 29 33.Ra6 6 Nd4 3 34.gxh5 13 Nxf5 7 35.a3 25 Nxh4 19 36.Rc6 4 c4 3 37.Rc5 3 a6 2 38.Rc6 1 Nf3+ 4 39.Kf2 15 Ng5 4 40.Ke3 8 Ra7 10 41.Rg6 9       White has compensation. Re7+ 3 42.Kf4 26 Ne6+ 2 42...Nh3+!= keeps the balance. 43.Kg3 Ng1 43.Kf5± 2 White is more active. Nc5 8
44.h6! 4 Black must now prevent Rc6! Rf7+ 2 45.Kg4 5 Ne4 3 45...Nd3± 46.Bxg7+- 4 Weaker is 46.Rxa6 Nxc3 47.bxc3 gxh6= 46.Rxg7+ Rxg7+ 47.Bxg7 Kh7= 46...a5 2 47.Rb6 7 b4 3 47...Nf2+? 48.Kh5 Kh7 49.Rxb5+- 48.axb4 1 axb4 0 49.Rxb4 1 Rc7 2       49...Kh7± 50.Rxc4 Nf2+ 51.Kg3 Nd3 50.Kf5 3 Ng3+ 2 51.Ke6 5 51.Kg6 Rc6+ 52.Bf6 Rxf6+ 53.Kxf6 Kh7 54.Rxc4 Kxh6 55.Rh4+ Nh5+ 56.Kf5 51...Kh7 3 51...Nf1 52.Rb8+ Kh7 53.Rh8+ Kg6 52.Kd6? 5 52.Be5 Rc6+ 53.Kd5 52...Rc8 2 53.Kd7 8 Rc5 0 54.Kd6 1 Rc8 1 55.Kd5 0 Prevents Ne4. 55.Be5+- and White stays clearly on top. Nf5+ 56.Kd7 55...Nf5± 1 56.Be5 14 56.Rxc4? too greedy. Ne3+ 57.Kd4 Nxc4-+ 56...Kxh6 3 57.Rb6+ 2 57.Rxc4? perishes. Ne3+ 58.Kd4 Nxc4-+ 57...Kg5 1 58.Rb7 3 58.Ke4!? Re8 59.Rc6 58...Kg4 2 59.Rf7 4 Rd8+ 3 59...Re8= 60.Ke4 3 60.Kxc4± Ne3+ 61.Kb4 60...Ng3+= 1 61.Bxg3 2 Kxg3 0 KR-KR 62.Rf3+ 2 Kg4 3
62...Kg2!= 63.Rc3 Re8+ 64.Kd5 Re2 63.Rc3 1 63.Rf2!± 63...Rd2 3 The position is equal. 64.Rxc4 2 Intending Ke3+ and mate. Rxb2 1 65.Ke3+ 0 Kf5 1 66.Kd3 1 Ke5 3 67.Rc5+ 1 White really could win this. Weighted Error Value: White=0.42/Black=0.27 (precise)
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Andreikin,D2729Nguyen,N2645½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.1
Eljanov,P2705Rasulov,V25231–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.1
Anton Guijarro,D2690Kravtsiv,M2598½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.1
Fedoseev,V2680Mamedyarov,S27380–12023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.1
Sadhwani,R2627Gharibyan,M25001–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.1
Meier,G2614Alekseenko,K26860–12023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.1
Le,T2542Oparin,G2667½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.1
Bharath Subramaniyam H2517Le,Q27280–12023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.1
Mamedyarov,S2738Fedoseev,V26800–12023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.2
Le,Q2728Bharath Subramaniyam H25171–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.2
Alekseenko,K2686Meier,G26141–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.2
Oparin,G2667Le,T25421–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.2
Nguyen,N2645Andreikin,D2729½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.2
Kravtsiv,M2598Anton Guijarro,D2690½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.2
Rasulov,V2523Eljanov,P2705½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.2
Gharibyan,M2500Sadhwani,R26271–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.2
Andreikin,D2729Nguyen,N26451–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.3
Eljanov,P2705Rasulov,V2523½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.3
Anton Guijarro,D2690Kravtsiv,M2598½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.3
Fedoseev,V2680Mamedyarov,S2738½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.3
Sadhwani,R2627Gharibyan,M25001–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.3
Meier,G2614Alekseenko,K26861–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.3
Le,T2542Oparin,G26670–12023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.3
Bharath Subramaniyam H2517Le,Q27280–12023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.3
Mamedyarov,S2738Fedoseev,V2680½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.4
Alekseenko,K2686Meier,G2614½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.4
Nguyen,N2645Andreikin,D27291–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.4
Kravtsiv,M2598Anton Guijarro,D26900–12023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.4
Rasulov,V2523Eljanov,P2705½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.4
Gharibyan,M2500Sadhwani,R26270–12023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.4
Fedoseev,V2680Mamedyarov,S27381–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.5
Nguyen,N2645Andreikin,D27291–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20231.5
Anton Guijarro,D2690Fedoseev,V26801–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20232.1
Nguyen,N2645Le,Q27281–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20232.1
Le,Q2728Nguyen,N26450–12023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20232.2
Alekseenko,K2686Sadhwani,R26270–12023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20232.2
Fedoseev,V2680Anton Guijarro,D26901–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20232.2
Oparin,G2667Eljanov,P2705½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20232.2
Eljanov,P2705Oparin,G26670–12023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20232.3
Anton Guijarro,D2690Fedoseev,V2680½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20232.3
Nguyen,N2645Le,Q27281–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20232.3
Sadhwani,R2627Alekseenko,K26861–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20232.3
Alekseenko,K2686Sadhwani,R26270–12023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20232.4
Fedoseev,V2680Anton Guijarro,D26901–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20232.4
Nguyen,N2645Oparin,G26671–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20233.1
Oparin,G2667Nguyen,N26451–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20233.2
Sadhwani,R2627Fedoseev,V26800–12023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20233.2
Fedoseev,V2680Sadhwani,R2627½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20233.3
Nguyen,N2645Oparin,G26671–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20233.3
Oparin,G2667Nguyen,N2645½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-II 20233.4
Andreikin,D2729Bharath Subramaniyam H2517½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-II 202351.1
Kravtsiv,M2598Mamedyarov,S27380–12023ChessKid Cup Div-II 202351.1
Rasulov,V2523Le,T25420–12023ChessKid Cup Div-II 202351.1
Mamedyarov,S2738Kravtsiv,M25981–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 202351.2
Le,T2542Rasulov,V2523½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-II 202351.2
Bharath Subramaniyam H2517Andreikin,D2729½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-II 202351.2
Bharath Subramaniyam H2517Andreikin,D27290–12023ChessKid Cup Div-II 202351.3
Le,Q2728Meier,G26141–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 202352.1
Eljanov,P2705Mamedyarov,S2738½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-II 202352.1
Anton Guijarro,D2690Le,T25420–12023ChessKid Cup Div-II 202352.1
Alekseenko,K2686Andreikin,D27290–12023ChessKid Cup Div-II 202352.1
Mamedyarov,S2738Eljanov,P27051–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 202352.2
Andreikin,D2729Alekseenko,K26860–12023ChessKid Cup Div-II 202352.2
Meier,G2614Le,Q27280–12023ChessKid Cup Div-II 202352.2
Le,T2542Anton Guijarro,D26901–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 202352.2
Alekseenko,K2686Andreikin,D27290–12023ChessKid Cup Div-II 202352.3
Mamedyarov,S2738Le,Q27281–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 202353.1
Andreikin,D2729Le,T25421–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 202353.1
Le,Q2728Mamedyarov,S27381–02023ChessKid Cup Div-II 202353.2
Le,T2542Andreikin,D2729½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-II 202353.2
Le,Q2728Mamedyarov,S2738½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-II 202353.3

Games Division III

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1.e4 4 c5 5 2.Nf3 1       d6 1 3.d4 2 cxd4 1 4.Nxd4 0 Nf6 1 5.Nc3 1 a6 0 6.g3 1 e5 22 7.Nb3 2 Be7 20 8.Bg2 1 0-0 47 9.0-0 2 Be6 1:05 10.a4 3 Nbd7 23 11.Re1 3 B91: Sicilian Najdorf: 6 g3. Rc8 15 11...Qc7 gains popularity. 12.Nd2 10 Nb6 1:26 13.Nf1 41 White has an edge. Nc4 31 13...Rc5= 14.b3 19 Nb6 40 15.Bb2 6
15...d5N 1:15 Predecessor: 15...Rc7 16.Ne3 Qc8 17.Qd2 Rd8 18.a5 Na8 19.f4 Bf8 20.f5 Bd7 21.g4 Bc6 1-0 Istratescu,A (2573)-Aaryan,V (2261) Abu Dhabi op 25th 2018 (1) 16.Nxd5 1:11 Nbxd5 30 17.exd5 0 Bxd5 0 17...Nxd5 18.c4 18.Bxe5 Nb4 18...Nb4 18.Bxd5± 2:43 Resist 18.Rxe5 Bxg2 19.Kxg2 Qxd1 20.Rxd1 Rxc2 18...Qxd5 2 19.c4 2:09 But not 19.Bxe5 Qxd1 20.Raxd1 Rxc2 19...Qxd1 33 20.Raxd1 0 Rfe8 1:28 21.Rxe5 38 Worse is 21.Bxe5 Bb4 22.Re3 Ng4 21...Ng4 6 22.Red5 11 g6 54 23.Kg2 29 h5 1:06 24.h3 9 Nf6 4 25.Re5 3 Hoping for Rxe7! Bc5 43      
This costs Black the game. 25...Kf8± 26.Bd4 Rc6 26.Rxc5!+- 20       Discovered Attack Rxc5 4 27.Bxf6 1 b5? 4 27...Rc6 28.Bd4 f6 28.Bd4 39 White is clearly winning. Rc6 24 29.axb5 14 axb5 1 30.cxb5 7 Rd6 1 31.Rd2 3 Weighted Error Value: White=0.04 (flawless) /Black=0.39
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Yu,Y2729Donchenko,A26691–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.1
Vallejo Pons,F2712Raja Harshit25151–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.1
Keymer,V2700Tang,A2523½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.1
Navara,D2678Bok,B26070–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.1
Bluebaum,M2669Antipov,M25880–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.1
Gledura,B2644Paravyan,D26011–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.1
Tari,A2642Terry,R25201–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.1
Iturrizaga Bonelli,E2637Harikrishna,P27040–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.1
Lysyj,I2606Santos Ruiz,M2590½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.1
Sasikiran,K2604Pichot,A26380–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.1
Vaibhav,S2595Chigaev,M2628½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.1
Bernadskiy,V2592Narayanan,S25591–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.1
Lazavik,D2544Gadimbayli,A25001–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.1
Iniyan,P2525Kamsky,G2665½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.1
Harshavardhan G B2408Bachmann,A26041–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.1
Harikrishna,P2704Iturrizaga Bonelli,E2637½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.2
Donchenko,A2669Yu,Y2729½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.2
Kamsky,G2665Iniyan,P2525½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.2
Pichot,A2638Sasikiran,K26041–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.2
Chigaev,M2628Vaibhav,S2595½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.2
Bok,B2607Navara,D2678½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.2
Paravyan,D2601Gledura,B26441–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.2
Santos Ruiz,M2590Lysyj,I26060–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.2
Antipov,M2588Bluebaum,M26691–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.2
Narayanan,S2559Bernadskiy,V25920–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.2
Tang,A2523Keymer,V27000–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.2
Terry,R2520Tari,A2642½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.2
Raja Harshit2515Vallejo Pons,F27120–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.2
Gadimbayli,A2500Lazavik,D2544½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.2
Chigaev,M2628Vaibhav,S25951–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.3
Iniyan,P2525Kamsky,G2665½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20231.3
Harikrishna,P2704Yu,Y2729½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20232.1
Keymer,V2700Lysyj,I2606½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20232.1
Sevian,S2684Chigaev,M2628½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20232.1
Kamsky,G2665Vallejo Pons,F2712½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20232.1
Gledura,B2644Antipov,M2588½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20232.1
Pichot,A2638Tari,A2642½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20232.1
Bok,B2607Lazavik,D2544½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20232.1
Harshavardhan G B2408Bernadskiy,V25920–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20232.1
Yu,Y2729Harikrishna,P2704½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20232.2
Vallejo Pons,F2712Kamsky,G26651–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20232.2
Tari,A2642Pichot,A26380–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20232.2
Chigaev,M2628Sevian,S2684½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20232.2
Lysyj,I2606Keymer,V2700½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20232.2
Bernadskiy,V2592Harshavardhan G B2408½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20232.2
Antipov,M2588Gledura,B26441–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20232.2
Lazavik,D2544Bok,B26071–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20232.2
Harikrishna,P2704Yu,Y27291–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20232.3
Keymer,V2700Lysyj,I26060–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20232.3
Chigaev,M2628Sevian,S2684½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20232.3
Vallejo Pons,F2712Lazavik,D2544½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20233.1
Harikrishna,P2704Lysyj,I2606½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20233.1
Sevian,S2684Pichot,A2638½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20233.1
Antipov,M2588Bernadskiy,V25920–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20233.1
Sevian,S2684Pichot,A26380–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20233.2
Pichot,A2638Sevian,S2684½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20233.2
Lysyj,I2606Harikrishna,P2704½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20233.2
Bernadskiy,V2592Antipov,M25881–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20233.2
Lazavik,D2544Vallejo Pons,F27121–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20233.2
Lysyj,I2606Harikrishna,P2704½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20233.3
Harikrishna,P2704Lazavik,D25441–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20234.1
Pichot,A2638Bernadskiy,V25921–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20234.1
Bernadskiy,V2592Pichot,A2638½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20234.2
Lazavik,D2544Harikrishna,P2704½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20234.2
Pichot,A2638Harikrishna,P27041–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20235.1
Harikrishna,P2704Pichot,A2638½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 20235.2
Navara,D2678Gadimbayli,A25001–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202351.1
Iturrizaga Bonelli,E2637Donchenko,A26690–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202351.1
Bachmann,A2604Narayanan,S25591–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202351.1
Sasikiran,K2604Terry,R2520½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202351.1
Paravyan,D2601Bluebaum,M26690–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202351.1
Iniyan,P2525Raja Harshit2515½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202351.1
Tang,A2523Santos Ruiz,M25900–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202351.1
Bluebaum,M2669Paravyan,D26011–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202351.2
Donchenko,A2669Iturrizaga Bonelli,E26371–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202351.2
Santos Ruiz,M2590Tang,A2523½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202351.2
Narayanan,S2559Bachmann,A26040–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202351.2
Terry,R2520Sasikiran,K26041–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202351.2
Raja Harshit2515Iniyan,P25251–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202351.2
Gadimbayli,A2500Navara,D26780–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202351.2
Yu,Y2729Bachmann,A26041–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202352.1
Keymer,V2700Bluebaum,M26691–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202352.1
Kamsky,G2665Terry,R2520½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202352.1
Gledura,B2644Santos Ruiz,M2590½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202352.1
Tari,A2642Raja Harshit25150–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202352.1
Chigaev,M2628Navara,D2678½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202352.1
Bok,B2607Vaibhav,S25951–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202352.1
Harshavardhan G B2408Donchenko,A26690–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202352.1
Navara,D2678Chigaev,M26281–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202352.2
Bluebaum,M2669Keymer,V27001–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202352.2
Donchenko,A2669Harshavardhan G B2408½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202352.2
Bachmann,A2604Yu,Y27290–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202352.2
Vaibhav,S2595Bok,B26070–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202352.2
Santos Ruiz,M2590Gledura,B2644½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202352.2
Terry,R2520Kamsky,G2665½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202352.2
Raja Harshit2515Tari,A2642½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202352.2
Bluebaum,M2669Keymer,V27001–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202352.3
Gledura,B2644Santos Ruiz,M25900–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202352.3
Terry,R2520Kamsky,G2665½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202352.3
Bluebaum,M2669Yu,Y2729½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202353.1
Donchenko,A2669Santos Ruiz,M25901–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202353.1
Bok,B2607Kamsky,G2665½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202353.1
Raja Harshit2515Navara,D2678½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202353.1
Yu,Y2729Bluebaum,M26691–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202353.2
Navara,D2678Raja Harshit2515½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202353.2
Kamsky,G2665Bok,B26071–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202353.2
Santos Ruiz,M2590Donchenko,A2669½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202353.2
Navara,D2678Raja Harshit25151–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202353.3
Vallejo Pons,F2712Donchenko,A26690–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202354.1
Lysyj,I2606Navara,D2678½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202354.1
Antipov,M2588Kamsky,G26650–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202354.1
Yu,Y2729Sevian,S2684½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202354.2
Navara,D2678Lysyj,I2606½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202354.2
Donchenko,A2669Vallejo Pons,F27120–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202354.2
Kamsky,G2665Antipov,M2588½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202354.2
Donchenko,A2669Vallejo Pons,F27121–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202354.3
Lysyj,I2606Navara,D2678½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202354.3
Donchenko,A2669Navara,D2678½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202355.1
Kamsky,G2665Sevian,S2684½–½2023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202355.1
Sevian,S2684Kamsky,G26650–12023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202355.2
Navara,D2678Donchenko,A26691–02023ChessKid Cup Div-III 202355.2


Division I

Division II

Division III

Live commentary day 3 with Tania Sachdev, David Howell, James Canty III and Daniel Naroditsky


Johannes Fischer was born in 1963 in Hamburg and studied English and German literature in Frankfurt. He now lives as a writer and translator in Nürnberg. He is a FIDE-Master and regularly writes for KARL, a German chess magazine focusing on the links between culture and chess. On his own blog he regularly publishes notes on "Film, Literature and Chess".

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