9 out of 9 - Leon Mendonca shares in-depth analysis - Part 2/3

by Arne Kaehler
3/31/2023 – Grandmaster (GM) Leon Mendonca is a rising star in the chess world and one of India's most promising young talents. Recently, he won the HIT Open 2023 in Slovenia, with an insane 9 out of 9 points. In this ChessBase article, Leon provides an in-depth analysis of three of his games from the tournament, offering insights into his decision-making process and the strategies he employed to secure victory. By sharing his experiences and expertise, Leon offers valuable lessons for chess players of all levels looking to improve their game.

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9 out of 9 - Leon Mendonca shares in-depth analysis - Part 2/3

Round 5 vs. GM Strikovic, Aleksa

Full analysis by Leon Mendonca:

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1.d4 f5 1...d6 2.c4 1 2.Nc3 2.Bg5 2.g3 2...Nf6 3.Nc3 g6 3...d6 4.g3 4.h4 4...Bg7 5.Bg2 0-0 6.Nf3 d6 7.0-0 c6 7...Qe8 7...Nc6 7...Na6 7...Ne4 7...e5 8.dxe5 dxe5 9.Qxd8 Rxd8 10.Nxe5 8.d5 8.b3 8.b4 8...e5 9.dxe6 Bxe6 10.b3 10 Na6 10...Ne4 11.Nxe4 Bxa1 11...fxe4 12.Nd4 12.Neg5 12.Bh6 Bg7 12...fxe4 13.Qxa1 13.Bxg7 Kxg7 14.Qd4+ Kg8 15.Nxd6 12.Bg5 Qd7 12...fxe4 13.Bxd8 exf3 14.Bxf3 13.Qxa1 fxe4 12...Qe7 12...Bf7 13.Nxf7 Rxf7 14.Bg5 Bf6 13.Ba3 11.Bb2 2 11.Ng5 Bc8 12.Bb2 h6 13.Nf3 Be6 11...Qe7 12.Ng5 5 Rad8 1 12...Bd7 13.Nxe6 Qxe6 14.Qc2 Nb4 11 14...Nc5 15.Qd2 6 Rfe8 0 15...d5 16.Nxd5 16.cxd5 Nfxd5 16...Nbxd5 17.Nxd5 Nxd5 18.Bxg7 Kxg7 19.Qd4+ Kg8 20.Qxa7 17.Nxd5 Bxb2 18.Qxb2 Nxd5 16...Nfxd5 16...g5 16...cxd5 17.Qxb4 17.Bxg7 Kxg7 18.cxd5 Nxd5 19.Qd4+ 16.e3 Na6 17.Rad1 2 17.Rfd1 Nc5 18.Qc2 17...Nc5 18.Qc2 a5 19.Ne2 Qe7 20.Bc3 Ra8 21.Bd4 8 21.Rd2 Nfe4 21...Ne6 22.Ba1 Nc5 23.Rb1 Nfe4 10 24.Bxg7 Kxg7 25.Rfd1 Qe5 26.a3 Nf6 20 26...Nxf2 27.Kxf2 Qxe3+ 28.Kf1 Ne4 29.Bxe4 fxe4 30.Qc3+ 27.Rd4 5 Ne6 28.Rd2 Nc5 29.Nc3 Nfe4 7 30.Nxe4 Nxe4 31.Rd4 Ng5 32.h4 Nf7 33.b4 axb4 34.axb4 Rec8 35.b5 Ra7 36.Qb2 Kf8 36...h6 37.bxc6 bxc6 38.Bxc6 Qf6 38...Rxc6 39.Qb8+ 39.Bg2 39.Bd5 39...Rac7 40.Qb4 Kg7 41.Bd5 Ne5 42.Ra1 42.Qa4 42.Ra1 Nxc4 42...Rxc4 43.Bxc4 Nf3+ 44.Kg2 Nxd4 45.exd4 45.Qb7+ 45...Qxd4 46.Rc1 d5 46...Kh6 47.Bd3 47.Qb7+ 43.Bxc4 Rxc4 44.Rxc4 44.Ra7+ R4c7 45.Rxc7+ Rxc7 46.Rxd6 44.Qxc4 44...Qxa1+ 45.Kg2 Rxc4 46.Qxc4 42...Nxc4 6 43.Bxc4 Rxc4 44.Qxc4 Rxc4 45.Ra7+ Kh6 46.Rxc4 Qe5 47.Rd4 Qc5 48.Ra1 Kh5 49.Rad1 Qc6 50.Rxd6 Qa8 51.R1d4 Qa1+ 52.Kh2 Qf1 53.Rf4 Kh6 54.Rxf5 1–0
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Leon,M2558Strikovic,A24461–02023A88Hit Open, Nova Gorica, Slovenia5.1


Arne Kaehler, a creative mind who is passionate about board games in general, was born in Hamburg and learned to play chess at a young age. By teaching chess to youth teams and creating chess-related videos on YouTube, Arne was able to expand this passion and has even created an online course for anyone who wants to learn how to play chess. Arne writes for the English and German news sites, but focuses mainly on content for the ChessBase media channels.

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