Corus 13: Peter Leko wins Wijk aan Zee 2005

by ChessBase
1/31/2005 – The most exciting tournament in recent memory ended with a victory for Peter Leko, who added a last "Grand Slam" title to his list. The classical chess vice champion drew his final game, as did his only rival Vishy Anand. Leko finished half a point ahead of the field. Ukraine prodigy Sergey Karjakin won the B Group. Full illustrated report.

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Corus Chess Tournament
Wijk aan Zee 14 – 30 January 2005

Official web site Live coverageAll ChessBase reports

The event is being held from January 14 to 30 at the De Moriaan Community Centre in Wijk aan Zee, Holland. There are three main tournaments, all 14-player round robins, starting at 13.30 Central European Time. The rest days are on Jan. 19, 24 and 27. The rate of play is 40/2, 20/1 and 30 minutes to finish the game (group C 40/2 plus 1 hour for the rest). The games can be watched on the official live coverage site or on discussed with other chess fans on the server.

Round thirteen

Wijk aan Zee – easily the most exciting chess event in many months. Where chess fans appeared in greater numbers than ever before, and left with a feeling of satisfaction, having seen the stars at their best. Wijk aan Zee, a beautiful summer resort, which at this time of year is cold (just a few degrees above freezing), wet and windy. It drizzles or rains all the time, and just the few hundred metres from the Zeeduin Hotel to the playing hall can become a bone-chilling experience.

Oh yes, the Virus. With players coming in from all over the world, somebody was bound to import a bug that loved this climate and spread with great enthusiasm from player to player, from visitor to visitor. Hardly anyone was spared. Each day someone did not appear in the press room, and players would turn up redeyed and haggard. During the last round Vladimir Kramnik was in influenza mode and had no fight left in him. Sofia Leko, Peter's wife, could only react to congratulations in a whisper. Your reporter at the scene was also badly hit, which, coupled with the fact that the Zeeduin did not allow FTP uploads on their excellent (free!) wireless network, contributed to the fact that our reports were sometimes delayed.

But let us turn to the last round of this event, which was memorable for everybody in spite of coughing and fever. Naturally the key games were Sokolov vs Anand and Leko vs Polgar. Before the final round Peter Leko was leading the field by half a point, so everything was possible: he could win and take victory independent of what happened on the other board; he could draw and watch anxiously how Anand did with black against tail-ender Ivan Sokolov. A victory in this game would make Anand the joint winner. Or Peter could actually lose and Anand could win, taking the title at the very last minute from the Hungarian superstar.

Anand (middle) anxiously watching the start of the key game Leko vs Polgar

Leko-Polgar: the Hungarian summit ended in a professional 22-move draw which guaranteed Peter at least the joint first place in Wijk. Immediately after it was over he appeared in the press conference, which was broadcast live on, trying not to glance over his shoulder at the monitor with the Sokolov-Anand game. Peter was very gratified to have added this one missing "Grand Slam" victory to his record, having won Dortmund (in 2002) and Linares (2003) but never before Wijk aan Zee. He also revealed his secret for success in this tournament: "You have to stop Vishy. You have to win your game against him, otherwise he will win his share of the games and will be hard or impossible to catch."

Peter Leko and Vishy Anand discuss the final result of Wijk

Sokolov-Anand was the game to watch, after Leko had drawn his game against Polgar. And with Anand a pawn up and pressing things looked very interesting right to the end. But Ivan Sokolov, who had so far had such a miserable tournament, seemed to revel in his role as the decider of its ultimate outcome. He defended well, regained the pawn and simplified to a drawn ending. Leko was first, Anand second.

Ended with a bang: local boy Loek van Wely

Van Wely-Short saw a first victory for the local boy, who demolished a watery-eyed Nigel Short (whose second Suat Atalik had been completely taken out by the flu). Nigel was deeply disappointed, even though he had played almost exactly according to his rating expectation.

How could this happen to me in round 13: Nigel Short

Kramnik-Morozevich was an unsurprising eleven-move draw. The classical chess world champion had obviously caught the bug and was feeling miserable. Alexander Morozevich had been in a similar state all through the tournament, not due to a viral attack but for a monumental lack of form. He was glad to get a quick draw with the black pieces, pack his bags and head for the hills.

Struck by the flu: Vladimir Kramnik before the last round in Wijk

After the event there was a closing ceremony in the giant tent which had been used for commentary. With hundreds of guests present the prizes were handed over to the winners of each group.

The prize giving ceremony at the end of the event

The winner holds his thank-you speech

"Thank heavens I did not win this tournament," said Ruslan Ponomariov after the prize-giving was over. "I did not have a speech ready!" Next time the wry Ukrainian promises to have one prepared, "just in case."

Dinner for the players, journalists and VIP guests at the Zeeduin

All results

Round thirteen – Sun. 30.01.2005
Ivan Sokolov
½-½ Viswanathan Anand D47 Queens Gambit Meran
Peter Leko
½-½ Judit Polgar E12 Queens Indian Petrosian
Peter Svidler
½-½ Veselin Topalov C42 Petroff's Defence
Ruslan Ponomariov
½-½ Lazaro Bruzon C99 Ruy Lopez Chigorin
Vladimir Kramnik
½-½ Alexander Morozevich B07 Pirc Defence
Loek van Wely
1-0 Nigel Short D35 Queen's Gambit
Michael Adams
½-½ Alexander Grischuk B90 Sicilian Najdorf

Final standings

Groups B and C

Group B was taken convincingly Ukrainian prodigy Sergey Karjakin, who scored a fine victory in the last round against Dutch hopeful Daniel Stellwagen. Sergey ended a full point ahead of the field and will be playing in the A Group next year. That will start a few days after his 16th birthday.

And the winner of Group B is... Sergey Kar-JAK-IN!

Runner-up Shakhriyar Mamedyarov, with the two remarkable female participants Antoaneta Stefanova and Alexandra Kosteniuk

Colleagues: 14-year-old Magnus Carlsen, who scored a respectably 7/13, with Sergey Karjakin

All results

Group B Round thirteen – Sun. 30.01.2005
Sergey Karjakin
1-0 Daniel Stellwagen
Sipke Ernst
0-1 Peter .H. Nielsen
Antoaneta Stefanova
½-½ Alexandra Kosteniuk
Alexander Onischuk
1-0 Alejandro Ramirez
Magnus Carlsen
0-1 Friso Nijboer
S. Mamedyarov
0-1 Jan Smeets
Ivan Cheparinov
½-½ Predrag Nikolic
Group C Round thirteen – Sun. 30.01.2005
Tea Lanchava
0-1 Leon Pliester
Erwin L’Ami
½-½ Evgeny Alekseev
Parimarjan Negi
0-1 Vladimir Georgiev
Manuel Bosboom
0-1 Natalia Zhukova
Bianca Muhren
0-1 Harmen Jonkman
Zeinab Mamedjarova
1-0 Joost Wempe
Alexey Korotylev
1-0 Wouter Spoelman

Final standings in Group B

Final standings in Group C

All results and schedule

Round one – Sat. 15.01.2005
Alexander Grischuk
½-½ Viswanathan Anand
Nigel Short
½-½ Michael Adams
Alexander Morozevich
½-½ Loek van Wely
Lazaro Bruzon
½-½ Vladimir Kramnik
Veselin Topalov
1-0 Ruslan Ponomariov
Judit Polgar
1-0 Peter Svidler
Ivan Sokolov
½-½ Peter Leko
Round two – Sun. 16.01.2005
Viswanathan Anand
0-1 Peter Leko
Peter Svidler
½-½ Ivan Sokolov
Ruslan Ponomariov
1-0 Judit Polgar
Vladimir Kramnik
0-1 Veselin Topalov
Loek van Wely
½-½ Lazaro Bruzon
Michael Adams
1-0 Alexander Morozevich
Alexander Grischuk
½-½ Nigel Short
Round three – Mon. 17.01.2005
Nigel Short
½-½ Viswanathan Anand
Alexander Morozevich
0-1 Alexander Grischuk
Lazaro Bruzon
½-½ Michael Adams
Veselin Topalov
½-½ Loek van Wely
Judit Polgar
½-½ Vladimir Kramnik
Ivan Sokolov
0-1 Ruslan Ponomariov
Peter Leko
1-0 Peter Svidler
Round four – Tues. 18.01.2005
Viswanathan Anand
½-½ Peter Svidler
Ruslan Ponomariov
½-½ Peter Leko
Vladimir Kramnik
1-0 Ivan Sokolov
Loek van Wely
½-½ Judit Polgar
Michael Adams
1-0 Veselin Topalov
Alexander Grischuk
½-½ Lazaro Bruzon
Nigel Short
1-0 Alexander Morozevich
Round five – Thurs. 20.01.2005
Alexander Morozevich
0-1 Viswanathan Anand
Lazaro Bruzon
1-0 Nigel Short
Veselin Topalov
½-½ Alexander Grischuk
Judit Polgar
½-½ Michael Adams
Ivan Sokolov
½-½ Loek van Wely
Peter Leko
½-½ Vladimir Kramnik
Peter Svidler
½-½ Ruslan Ponomariov
Round six – Fri. 21.01.2005
Viswanathan Anand
1-0 Ruslan Ponomariov
Vladimir Kramnik
1-0 Peter Svidler
Loek van Wely
½-½ Peter Leko
Michael Adams
½-½ Ivan Sokolov
Alexander Grischuk
½-½ Judit Polgar
Nigel Short
0-1 Veselin Topalov
Alexander Morozevich
0-1 Lazaro Bruzon
Round seven – Sat. 22.01.2005
Lazaro Bruzon
0-1 Viswanathan Anand
Veselin Topalov
½-½ Alexander Morozevich
Judit Polgar
½-½ Nigel Short
Ivan Sokolov
½-½ Alexander Grischuk
Peter Leko
½-½ Michael Adams
Peter Svidler
1-0 Loek van Wely
Ruslan Ponomariov
½-½ Vladimir Kramnik
Round eight – Sun. 23.01.2005
Viswanathan Anand
½-½ Vladimir Kramnik
Loek van Wely
½-½ Ruslan Ponomariov
Michael Adams
½-½ Peter Svidler
Alexander Grischuk
½-½ Peter Leko
Nigel Short
1-0 Ivan Sokolov
Alexander Morozevich
1-0 Judit Polgar
Lazaro Bruzon
0-1 Veselin Topalov
Round nine – Tues. 25.01.2005
Veselin Topalov
½-½ Viswanathan Anand
Judit Polgar
½-½ Lazaro Bruzon
Ivan Sokolov
0-1 Alexander Morozevich
Peter Leko
1-0 Nigel Short
Peter Svidler
1-0 Alexander Grischuk
Ruslan Ponomariov
½-½ Michael Adams
Vladimir Kramnik
½-½ Loek van Wely
Round ten – Wed 26.01.2005
Viswanathan Anand
½-½ Loek van Wely
Michael Adams
½-½ Vladimir Kramnik
Alexander Grischuk
1-0 Ruslan Ponomariov
Nigel Short
½-½ Peter Svidler
Alexander Morozevich
½-½ Peter Leko
Lazaro Bruzon
1-0 Ivan Sokolov
Veselin Topalov
0-1 Judit Polgar
Round eleven – Fri. 28.01.2005
Judit Polgar
½-½ Viswanathan Anand
Ivan Sokolov
½-½ Veselin Topalov
Peter Leko
1-0 Lazaro Bruzon
Peter Svidler
½-½ Alexander Morozevich
Ruslan Ponomariov
½-½ Nigel Short
Vladimir Kramnik
½-½ Alexander Grischuk
Loek van Wely
½-½ Michael Adams
Round twelve – Sat. 29.01.2005
Viswanathan Anand
1-0 Michael Adams
Alexander Grischuk
½-½ Loek van Wely
Nigel Short
½-½ Vladimir Kramnik
Alexander Morozevich
0-1 Ruslan Ponomariov
Lazaro Bruzon
½-½ Peter Svidler
Veselin Topalov
½-½ Peter Leko
Judit Polgar
1-0 Ivan Sokolov
Round thirteen – Sun. 30.01.2005
Ivan Sokolov
½-½ Viswanathan Anand
Peter Leko
½-½ Judit Polgar
Peter Svidler
½-½ Veselin Topalov
Ruslan Ponomariov
½-½ Lazaro Bruzon
Vladimir Kramnik
½-½ Alexander Morozevich
Loek van Wely
1-0 Nigel Short
Michael Adams
½-½ Alexander Grischuk

Groups B + C

Group B Round one – Sat. 15.01.2005
Predrag Nikolic
0-1 Daniel Stellwagen
Jan Smeets
½-½ Ivan Cheparinov
Friso Nijboer
0-1 S. Mamedyarov
Alejandro Ramirez
½-½ Magnus Carlsen
Alexandra Kosteniuk
1-0 Alexander Onischuk
Peter .H. Nielsen
½-½ Antoaneta Stefanova
Sergey Karjakin
1-0 Sipke Ernst
Group C Round one – Sat. 15.01.2005
Wouter Spoelman
½-½ Leon Pliester
Joost Wempe
0-1 Alexey Korotylev
Harmen Jonkman
½-½ Zeinab Mamedjarova
Natalia Zhukova
1-0 Bianca Muhren
Vladimir Georgiev
1-0 Manuel Bosboom
Evgeny Alekseev
1-0 Parimarjan Negi
Tea Lanchava
0-1 Erwin L’Ami
Group B Round two – Sun. 16.01.2005
Ivan Cheparinov
1-0 Friso Nijboer
Alexander Onischuk
½-½ Peter .H. Nielsen
Magnus Carlsen
1-0 Alexandra Kosteniuk
Antoaneta Stefanova
½-½ Sergey Karjakin
Daniel Stellwagen
1-0 Sipke Ernst
S. Mamedyarov
1-0 Alejandro Ramirez
Predrag Nikolic
½-½ Jan Smeets
Group C Round two – Sun. 16.01.2005
Parimarjan Negi
1-0 Tea Lanchava
Alexey Korotylev
½-½ Harmen Jonkman
Wouter Spoelman
1-0 Joost Wempe
Zeinab Mamedjarova
0-1 Natalia Zhukova
Bianca Muhren
½-½ Vladimir Georgiev
Manuel Bosboom
½-½ Evgeny Alekseev
Leon Pliester
½-½ Erwin L’Ami
Group B Round three – Mon. 17.01.2005
Jan Smeets
½-½ Daniel Stellwagen
Friso Nijboer
0-1 Predrag Nikolic
Alejandro Ramirez
½-½ Ivan Cheparinov
Alexandra Kosteniuk
0-1 S. Mamedyarov
Peter .H. Nielsen
½-½ Magnus Carlsen
Sergey Karjakin
½-½ Alexander Onischuk
Sipke Ernst
0-1 Antoaneta Stefanova
Group C Round three – Mon. 17.01.2005
Joost Wempe
1-0 Leon Pliester
Harmen Jonkman
0-1 Wouter Spoelman
Natalia Zhukova
0-1 Alexey Korotylev
Vladimir Georgiev
1-0 Zeinab Mamedjarova
Evgeny Alekseev
1-0 Bianca Muhren
Tea Lanchava
1-0 Manuel Bosboom
Erwin L’Ami
1-0 Parimarjan Negi
Group B Round four – Tues. 18.01.2005
Daniel Stellwagen
½-½ Antoaneta Stefanova
Alexander Onischuk
½-½ Sipke Ernst
Magnus Carlsen
½-½ Sergey Karjakin
S. Mamedyarov
½-½ Peter .H. Nielsen
Ivan Cheparinov
½-½ Alexandra Kosteniuk
Predrag Nikolic
½-½ Alejandro Ramirez
Jan Smeets
½-½ Friso Nijboer
Group C Round four – Tues. 18.01.2005
Leon Pliester
½-½ Parimarjan Negi
Manuel Bosboom
½-½ Erwin L’Ami
Bianca Muhren
0-1 Tea Lanchava
Zeinab Mamedjarova
0-1 Evgeny Alekseev
Alexey Korotylev
½-½ Vladimir Georgiev
Wouter Spoelman
½-½ Natalia Zhukova
Joost Wempe
0-1 Harmen Jonkman
Group B Round five – Thurs. 20.01.2005
Friso Nijboer
½-½ Daniel Stellwagen
Alejandro Ramirez
0-1 Jan Smeets
Alexandra Kosteniuk
½-½ Predrag Nikolic
Peter .H. Nielsen
0-1 Ivan Cheparinov
Sergey Karjakin
½-½ S. Mamedyarov
Sipke Ernst
½-½ Magnus Carlsen
Antoaneta Stefanova
½-½ Alexander Onischuk
Group C Round five – Thurs. 20.01.2005
Harmen Jonkman
1-0 Leon Pliester
Natalia Zhukova
1-0 Joost Wempe
Vladimir Georgiev
1-0 Wouter Spoelman
Evgeny Alekseev
½-½ Alexey Korotylev
Tea Lanchava
0-1 Zeinab Mamedjarova
Erwin L’Ami
0-1 Bianca Muhren
Parimarjan Negi
½-½ Manuel Bosboom
Group B Round six – Fri.. 21.01.2005
Daniel Stellwagen
0-1 Alexander Onischuk
Magnus Carlsen
½-½ Antoaneta Stefanova
S. Mamedyarov
1-0 Sipke Ernst
Ivan Cheparinov
0-1 Sergey Karjakin
Predrag Nikolic
½-½ Peter .H. Nielsen
Jan Smeets
½-½ Alexandra Kosteniuk
Friso Nijboer
½-½ Alejandro Ramirez
Group C Round six – Fri.. 21.01.2005
Leon Pliester
½-½ Manuel Bosboom
Bianca Muhren
1-0 Parimarjan Negi
Zeinab Mamedjarova
0-1 Erwin L’Ami
Alexey Korotylev
1-0 Tea Lanchava
Wouter Spoelman
0-1 Evgeny Alekseev
Joost Wempe
0-1 Vladimir Georgiev
Harmen Jonkman
½-½ Natalia Zhukova
Group B Round seven – Sat.. 22.01.2005
Alejandro Ramirez
½-½ Daniel Stellwagen
Alexandra Kosteniuk
½-½ Friso Nijboer
Peter .H. Nielsen
1-0 Jan Smeets
Sergey Karjakin
1-0 Predrag Nikolic
Sipke Ernst
½-½ Ivan Cheparinov
Antoaneta Stefanova
0-1 S. Mamedyarov
Alexander Onischuk
½-½ Magnus Carlsen
Group C Round seven – Sat.. 22.01.2005
Natalia Zhukova
1-0 Leon Pliester
Vladimir Georgiev
½-½ Harmen Jonkman
Evgeny Alekseev
½-½ Joost Wempe
Tea Lanchava
1-0 Wouter Spoelman
Erwin L’Ami
1-0 Alexey Korotylev
Parimarjan Negi
1-0 Zeinab Mamedjarova
Manuel Bosboom
1-0 Bianca Muhren
Group B Round eight – Sun. 23.01.2005
Daniel Stellwagen
½-½ Magnus Carlsen
S. Mamedyarov
½-½ Alexander Onischuk
Ivan Cheparinov
1-0 Antoaneta Stefanova
Predrag Nikolic
0-1 Sipke Ernst
Jan Smeets
½-½ Sergey Karjakin
Friso Nijboer
½-½ Peter .H. Nielsen
Alejandro Ramirez
0-1 Alexandra Kosteniuk
Group C Round eight – Sun. 23.01.2005
Leon Pliester
0-1 Bianca Muhren
Zeinab Mamedjarova
0-1 Manuel Bosboom
Alexey Korotylev
1-0 Parimarjan Negi
Wouter Spoelman
0-1 Erwin L’Ami
Joost Wempe
0-1 Tea Lanchava
Harmen Jonkman
0-1 Evgeny Alekseev
Natalia Zhukova
½-½ Vladimir Georgiev
Group B Round nine – Tues. 25.01.2005
Alexandra Kosteniuk
0-1 Daniel Stellwagen
Peter .H. Nielsen
½-½ Alejandro Ramirez
Sergey Karjakin
1-0 Friso Nijboer
Sipke Ernst
0-1 Jan Smeets
Antoaneta Stefanova
1-0 Predrag Nikolic
Alexander Onischuk
½-½ Ivan Cheparinov
Magnus Carlsen
½-½ S. Mamedyarov
Group C Round nine – Tues. 25.01.2005
Vladimir Georgiev
1-0 Leon Pliester
Evgeny Alekseev
½-½ Natalia Zhukova
Tea Lanchava
0-1 Harmen Jonkman
Erwin L’Ami
1-0 Joost Wempe
Parimarjan Negi
½-½ Wouter Spoelman
Manuel Bosboom
0-1 Alexey Korotylev
Bianca Muhren
0-1 Zeinab Mamedjarova
Group B Round ten – Wed. 26.01.2005
Daniel Stellwagen
½-½ S. Mamedyarov
Ivan Cheparinov
0-1 Magnus Carlsen
Predrag Nikolic
½-½ Alexander Onischuk
Jan Smeets
1-0 Antoaneta Stefanova
Friso Nijboer
0-1 Sipke Ernst
Alejandro Ramirez
0-1 Sergey Karjakin
Alexandra Kosteniuk
½-½ Peter .H. Nielsen
Group C Round ten – Wed. 26.01.2005
Leon Pliester
½-½ Zeinab Mamedjarova
Alexey Korotylev
1-0 Bianca Muhren
Wouter Spoelman
1-0 Manuel Bosboom
Joost Wempe
0-1 Parimarjan Negi
Harmen Jonkman
0-1 Erwin L’Ami
Natalia Zhukova
1-0 Tea Lanchava
Vladimir Georgiev
½-½ Evgeny Alekseev
Group B Round eleven – Fri.. 28.01.2005
Peter .H. Nielsen
1-0 Daniel Stellwagen
Sergey Karjakin
1-0 Alexandra Kosteniuk
Sipke Ernst
1-0 Alejandro Ramirez
Antoaneta Stefanova
0-1 Friso Nijboer
Alexander Onischuk
½-½ Jan Smeets
Magnus Carlsen
1-0 Predrag Nikolic
S. Mamedyarov
0-1 Ivan Cheparinov
Group C Round eleven – Fri.. 28.01.2005
Evgeny Alekseev
0-1 Leon Pliester
Tea Lanchava
0-1 Vladimir Georgiev
Erwin L’Ami
½-½ Natalia Zhukova
Parimarjan Negi
1-0 Harmen Jonkman
Manuel Bosboom
1-0 Joost Wempe
Bianca Muhren
0-1 Wouter Spoelman
Zeinab Mamedjarova
0-1 Alexey Korotylev
Group B Round twelve – Sat. 29.01.2005
Daniel Stellwagen
½-½ Ivan Cheparinov
Predrag Nikolic
0-1 S. Mamedyarov
Jan Smeets
1-0 Magnus Carlsen
Friso Nijboer
0-1 Alexander Onischuk
Alejandro Ramirez
0-1 Antoaneta Stefanova
Alexandra Kosteniuk
½-½ Sipke Ernst
Peter .H. Nielsen
1-0 Sergey Karjakin
Group C Round twelve – Sat. 29.01.2005
Leon Pliester
½-½ Alexey Korotylev
Wouter Spoelman
1-0 Zeinab Mamedjarova
Joost Wempe
1-0 Bianca Muhren
Harmen Jonkman
1-0 Manuel Bosboom
Natalia Zhukova
1-0 Parimarjan Negi
Vladimir Georgiev
1-0 Erwin L’Ami
Evgeny Alekseev
1-0 Tea Lanchava
Group B Round thirteen – Sun. 30.01.2005
Sergey Karjakin
1-0 Daniel Stellwagen
Sipke Ernst
0-1 Peter .H. Nielsen
Antoaneta Stefanova
½-½ Alexandra Kosteniuk
Alexander Onischuk
1-0 Alejandro Ramirez
Magnus Carlsen
0-1 Friso Nijboer
S. Mamedyarov
0-1 Jan Smeets
Ivan Cheparinov
½-½ Predrag Nikolic
Group C Round thirteen – Sun. 30.01.2005
Tea Lanchava
0-1 Leon Pliester
Erwin L’Ami
½-½ Evgeny Alekseev
Parimarjan Negi
0-1 Vladimir Georgiev
Manuel Bosboom
0-1 Natalia Zhukova
Bianca Muhren
0-1 Harmen Jonkman
Zeinab Mamedjarova
1-0 Joost Wempe
Alexey Korotylev
1-0 Wouter Spoelman

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