ROMGAZ and the Chess Club Society "Elisabeta Polihroniade”
of Bucharest are staging a double round robin tournament with six top GMs:
the world's second highest ranked player, Magnus Carlsen of Norway; Ukrainian
GM Vassily Ivanchuk, currently the world's number five; Sergey Karjakin,
former child prodigy and youngest GM of all time; top US grandmaster Hikaru
Nakamura, clear winner of this year's Wijk aan Zee tournament; Teimour Radjabov,
one of Azerbaijan's top GMs, and Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu, the best Romanian
player. The competition is taking place from June 11th to 22nd 2011 in Medias,
Romania. |
Round six results
Round 6: Friday, June 17, 15:30h |
Teimour Radjabov |
½-½ |
Vassily Ivanchuk |
Hikaru Nakamura |
½-½ |
Magnus Carlsen |
Sergey Karjakin |
1-0 |
Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu |
With Carlsen making moves to run away with the tournament, one question was
whether anyone would (or could) challenge him for it. Round six helped settle
that question, with fellow boy wonder, Sergey Karjakin, outlasting Romanian
Nisipeanu in an epic endgame battle. With his victory, and draws by the others,
he moved up to shared first with Magnus, and both enjoying 2850+ performances.
Once again, Liviu played his pet Schliemann, and Sergey came well-prepared
for the opening battle. After 32 moves, the position had simplified into a double-rook
endgame in which the ex-Ukrainian had an extra pawn, but the two rooks and vulnerable
king meant conversion would be very difficult. Karjakin’s technique proved
sufficient, and after 66 moves, Nisipeanu finally surrendered.
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1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 f5 4.Nc3 fxe4 5.Nxe4 d5 6.Nxe5 dxe4 7.Nxc6 Qg5 8.Qe2 Nf6 9.f4 Qxf4 10.d4 Qd6 11.Ne5+ c6 12.Bc4 Be6 13.c3 Bxc4 14.Qxc4 Qd5 15.Qb3 Bd6 16.Qxb7 0-0 17.Qxc6 Qxc6 18.Nxc6 Ng4 19.Ne5 Bxe5 20.dxe5 e3 21.h3 Nxe5 22.Bxe3 Nc4 23.Bc5 Rae8+ 24.Kd1 Nxb2+ 25.Kd2 Rf5 26.Bxa7 Rf7 27.Bc5 Rd7+ 28.Kc2 Re2+ 29.Kb3 Rb7+ 30.Bb4 Nd3 31.a4 Nxb4 32.cxb4 Re3+ 33.Kc2 Rxb4 34.a5 Rc4+ 35.Kd2 Ree4 36.Ra3 Red4+ 37.Ke3 Re4+ 38.Kf3 Rf4+ 39.Kg3 Rf7 40.Rb1 Ra7 41.a6 Rcc7 42.Rb6 h6 43.Kf4 Re7 44.h4 Rac7 45.Ra4 Kh7 46.g4 Ra7 47.h5 Rac7 48.Rd6 Rc8 49.Ra3 Rf8+ 50.Kg3 Rb8 51.Rc3 Rb4 52.Rd8 Rb6 53.Ra8 Rf7 54.Rcc8 Rb3+ 55.Kh4 g5+ 56.hxg6+ Kxg6 57.Rc6+ Kg7 58.Rd8 Rb1 59.Rdd6 Rh1+ 60.Kg3 Rg1+ 61.Kh3 Rf3+ 62.Kh2 Rgf1 63.Rd7+ Rf7 64.Rxf7+ Rxf7 65.Rc2 h5 66.Ra2 1–0
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Karjakin,S | 2776 | Nisipeanu,L | 2659 | 1–0 | 2011 | C63 | 5th Kings Tournament | 6 |
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Carlsen chose to play the Ruy Lopez Breyer against Nakamura as Black, and in
reply, the American opted for a very rare 11.c4, which rarely sees the light
of day in top GM play, though some of the illustrious players to have essayed
it include Fischer in his 1992 match against Spassky. After probing and minor
maneuvering, Carlsen emerged with a slight space advantage, including a swap
of his bad bishop, but neither player could see a way out of the locked position,
and shook hands.
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1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 0-0 8.c3 d6 9.h3 Nb8 10.d4 Nbd7 11.c4 c6 12.Nc3 b4 13.Na4 c5 14.d5 Re8 15.Bc2 Nf8 16.a3 a5 17.b3 Ng6 18.Nb2 Bd7 19.Nh2 h6 20.Nf1 Nh7 21.Ne3 Bg5 22.axb4 axb4 23.Rxa8 Qxa8 24.Nf5 Bxc1 25.Qxc1 Bxf5 26.exf5 Ngf8 27.Nd1 Nf6 28.f3 Qa2 29.g4 Ra8 30.Nf2 Qa3 31.Qb1 Qa2 32.Qc1 Qa3 33.Qb1 Qa2 34.Qc1 ½–½
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Nakamura,H | 2774 | Carlsen,M | 2815 | ½–½ | 2011 | C95 | 5th Kings Tournament | 6 |
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Radjabov and Ivanchuk played the Tarrasch variation of the QGD, and though both
were clearly in the mood for a good fight, neither was able to achieve anything
worthwhile and they drew after 45 moves.
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1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 d5 4.d4 c5 5.cxd5 Nxd5 6.e4 Nxc3 7.bxc3 cxd4 8.cxd4 Bb4+ 9.Bd2 Bxd2+ 10.Qxd2 0-0 11.Bc4 b6 12.0-0 Bb7 13.Rfe1 Nc6 14.Rad1 Rc8 15.h3 h6 16.Qf4 Na5 17.Bd3 Nc4 18.Rc1 Qd6 19.Qxd6 Nxd6 20.Nd2 Rc6 21.f3 Rfc8 22.Rxc6 Rxc6 23.Rd1 Rc3 24.Nb1 Rc7 25.Nd2 Bc8 26.Kf2 Bd7 27.Rb1 Kf8 28.Ke2 Ke7 29.g4 f6 30.h4 e5 31.d5 b5 32.a3 a6 33.h5 Nb7 34.Nb3 Kd6 35.Kd2 Rc8 36.Be2 Kc7 37.Nc1 Nd6 38.Na2 a5 39.Nc3 Rb8 40.Rc1 Kd8 41.Rb1 Rb7 42.Bd3 Kc7 43.Kc1 Kb8 44.Rb3 Ka7 45.Rb1 Rb8 ½–½
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Radjabov,T | 2744 | Ivanchuk,V | 2776 | ½–½ | 2011 | D41 | 5th Kings Tournament | 6 |
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Standings after six rounds

Free day football in Medias
The teams: locals in red, visitors in blue (click to enlarge)

Magnus Carlsen leads the attack, Dorian Rogozenco (right) races to the defence

Magnus and Motylev (Alexander, second of Karjakin) in blue, Dorian in red

Our own Pascal Simon, ChessBase media expert, in action

The home team on the attack – recognize who is keeping the goal?

Right, it is Vassily Ivanchuk, the world's number five player (in chess,
of course)

The man in blue, in full action, is Faik
Gasanov (actually Hasanov), chief arbiter of
the Medias Kings' Tournament. Faik, we ask you to note, turned 70 in April.

Vasl Ivanchuk in action

... preparing to fend off an attack

... and poster boy relaxed in the goal

Magnus Carlsen, the best 2800+ soccer player we know

Make that the best soccer player rated above 2700

Okay, final estimation: best soccer player rated above 2558
All photos by Ionut
Schedule and results
Round 1: Saturday, June 11, 15:30h |
Vassily Ivanchuk |
1-0 |
Teimour Radjabov |
Magnus Carlsen |
1-0 |
Hikaru Nakamura |
Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu |
½-½ |
Sergey Karjakin |
Round 2: Sunday, June 12, 15:30h |
Teimour Radjabov |
Sergey Karjakin |
Hikaru Nakamura |
1-0 |
Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu |
Vassily Ivanchuk |
Magnus Carlsen |
Round 3: Monday, June 13, 15:30h |
Magnus Carlsen |
½-½ |
Teimour Radjabov |
Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu |
1-0 |
Vassily Ivanchuk |
Sergey Karjakin |
½-½ |
Hikaru Nakamura |
Round 4: Tuesday, June 14, 15:30h |
Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu |
½-½ |
Teimour Radjabov |
Sergey Karjakin |
½-½ |
Magnus Carlsen |
Hikaru Nakamura |
½-½ |
Vassily Ivanchuk |
Round 5: Wednesday, June 15, 15:30h |
Teimour Radjabov |
½-½ |
Hikaru Nakamura |
Vassily Ivanchuk |
0-1 |
Sergey Karjakin |
Magnus Carlsen |
1-0 |
Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu |
Round 6: Friday, June 17, 15:30h |
Teimour Radjabov |
½-½ |
Vassily Ivanchuk |
Hikaru Nakamura |
½-½ |
Magnus Carlsen |
Sergey Karjakin |
1-0 |
Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu |
Round 7: Saturday, June 18, 15:30h |
Sergey Karjakin |
Teimour Radjabov |
Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu |
Hikaru Nakamura |
Magnus Carlsen |
Vassily Ivanchuk |
Games –
Report |
Round 8: Sunday, June 19, 15:30h |
Teimour Radjabov |
Magnus Carlsen |
Vassily Ivanchuk |
Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu |
Hikaru Nakamura |
Sergey Karjakin |
Games –
Report |
Round 9: Monday, June 20, 15:30h |
Hikaru Nakamura |
Teimour Radjabov |
Sergey Karjakin |
Vassily Ivanchuk |
Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu |
Magnus Carlsen |
Games –
Report |
Round 10: Tuesday, June 21, 13:30h |
Teimour Radjabov |
Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu |
Magnus Carlsen |
Sergey Karjakin |
Vassily Ivanchuk |
Hikaru Nakamura |
Games –
Report |