29,90 €
Problem: I have a question about the search functions of ChessBase 14. I would like, e.g., to find games in which the move e5 - e6 was played.
At which place or with which function can I find these?
Answe: Generally speaking games with a specific move can be found via Search – Manoeuvres. In the example you have given you would like, for instance, to find games in which White moves the pawn from e5 to e6.
You can achieve this as follows:
Right click on the database to be searched.
Click on Search – Manoeuvres. This is where you can define your search.
I proceeded as follows in order to define the search criteria.
1. Tick the box “W” since White is to play the move.
2. Choose the type of piece.
3. Then define the starting and target squares. -> e5-e6.
A click on OK will start the search and the program lists the games from the selected database which meet the search criteria.
Once you have the search results if you click on an entry in the games list, in the preview board the program goes directly to the position when the move sought for in the manoeuvre search is carried out.
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