Training games in Friend mode


Question: I am looking for a way to play training games starting from a position of my choice and against as human an opponent as possible. So I thought of the Friend function in Fritz. Can I input the first x moves of a game for both sides and then play out the game several times against Fritz without the latter making exactly the same moves every time? Will that also work, for example, from preset middle and endgame positions?

My idea is that I would then simply blitz out 20 games from a given position and afterwards put all the games in a database and run all them through tactical analysis in CB14 (what a great function!). This would then let me search for patterns which do not immediately spring to the eye.

Could that work as I have outlined? And above all is it relatively simple to do?

Answer: What you have described can be done simply in Fritz16.  The settings dialog for Friend mode contains the option “Current position

By choosing this setting, you can realise precisely the sort of training you are aiming for in Friend mode.


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