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Whenever you use Fritz or ChessBase to play through games or positions in Analysis mode (Infinite analysis), it can make sense to save the results of the analysis permanently. There are several ways in which to do this. Let us assume that you would like to see the results of the analysis of the position at a later point. A right click in the engine window will start the context menu.
Now choose the function “Clip analysis”.
The description of the position in the relevant game is copied into the clipboard including the main variations generated up till that point. The result (in a shortened form) looks like this:
Schreiner,P – Friendly game
r2qrbk1/5p2/1p1p1np1/pNpP3p/Pn2PB2/5N2/1P3PPP/1Q1RR1K1 w - - 0 1
Analysis by Komodo 10 64-bit:
19.Bg5 Be7 20.h3 c4 21.e5 Nfxd5 22.Nxd6 Nd3 23.Re4 Bxg5 24.Nxe8 Qxe8 25.Nxg5 Qc6 26.Qc2 N5f4 27.Rd2 Rc8 28.b3 cxb3 29.Qxb3 Ne6 30.Rxd3 Nxg5 31.Re1 Ne4 32.Red1 Re8 33.Rd7 Qe6 34.Qxe6 Rxe6 35.R7d4 Nc5 36.f4 Kg7 37.Rb1 g5 38.fxg5 Kg6 39.h4 Kf5 40.Rb5
+- (2.06 ++) Depth: 30 00:02:26 680MN, tb=8
(Schreiner, Trier 30.09.2017)
By making use of the paste command in Windows (Ctrl-V) you can copy the results of the analysis into a word processing package and print them.
If you prefer to copy all the relevant main variations directly into the game notation, you can also paste the results into the notation as text commentary.
• Activate – as described above – the function “Clip analysis”.
• Open the text commentary window with Ctrl-A.
• You can now paste the analyses into the text window with Ctrl-V. Close the window with OK and the analyses are pasted into the notation. You can save the analyses permanently in the game and look at them at any subsequent time.
In the context menu the function “Copy to notation” allows you to transfer the main variation, the evaluation of the position and the name of the chess engine you used directly into the notation.
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