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Question: How can I copy into a cloud database either specific games or a database which is saved in CB 14?
Answer: There are several options for achieving this. One simple possibility, for example, consists of working with the Windows clipboard.
Make sure that you have a current ChessBase account and that you are logged in with it.
In CB 14 click in the left-hand pane “Cloud Databases” or on the relevant button in the menu bar.
The “New” button in CB14 lets you open a new and empty database in the cloud.
The sample database we shall open to illustrate this we shall call “Sample games”.
The newly opened database does not have any games in it yet. For that you now turn to “My Databases”, you open a games list and highlight the games which are to be imported.
Now with the key combination Ctrl-C copy these games into the Windows clipboard.
Now return to the newly created cloud database. A double click on it first shows an empty database list.
Ctrl-V then copies the games from the Windows clipboard into the newly created cloud database.
You now leave CB 14 and log in with the browser under your user name.
Start “MyGames Cloud” and then the file selection dialog -> Databases - Open.
Here you will now also find the database you have just set up containing the games you have imported into it.
Using your ChessBase account you can load these games from any computer with internet access.
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