Tips on updating


As a user of ChessBase 14 you have the possibility to automatically update your reference database. 

You can execute these updates in such a way that all that all new updates are saved on to your hard disk as individual databases.

In order to do so you must first select the entries referring to the collections you wish to receive and then choose from the download options you are offered “Keep as single database”.

1) After logging on to the update server, highlight all the collections you wish to download (e.g. by left clicking on an entry and using Ctrl-A to highlight all the entries if you wish to download all the collections).

2) The next step is to click in the top menu on “Download selected entries”.

3) The program then collects all the updates you have highlighted, which can take quite while depending on the speed of your computer. Please wait for this process to finish and do not undertake any other actions.

4) Finally, a dialog box appears in which you can choose whether the games are to be appended to the reference database or whether they should be stored as individual databases. [If you wish, this dialog box also allows you to choose any other database to which to append them by clicking on the three dots and then indicating another database in the Windows selection box which appears.] 

5) A click on OK then starts then starts the import process. Important: appending the updates to Mega can, depending on the speed of your computer, take quite a long time! 

Tip­: If you can, always do things both ways. Therefore, both Append to ...  and later also Keep single database. This has the advantage that you also have a clear view of all your update databases on the hard disk. These will be stored automatically in the folder Download - Subscription.


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