Sorting cannot be fixed


Question: I have tried to sort my games in a database (which was originally imported from another database and to which I then gradually added more games) from oldest to newest, but the fixed sort order is grayed out and I cannot fix the sort permanently. I then tried doing this with another database (created with Chessbase) and I was able to sort the games normally. Could you please help me?

Answer: the final fixing of the newly created sorting does not work with every data format. For example, if you want to re-sort a PGN database (PGN is a text-based data format), it will not work and the function key will remain inactive. It will work if the database is stored in CBH or 2CBH format.

If you convert the PGN database to CBH format, re-sort it there and then convert the re-sorted CBH database back to PGN format, you will permanently achieve the desired sorting effect also with PGN format.

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