Insert analyses


Question: I have the database program ChessBase and some chess programs. I would like to insert the analyses of the chess programs within the notation. Is it possible with Komodo or Fritz?

Answer: There are many ways to insert the analysis results of an engine directly into the notation. Since our chess programs and the database use the same data format, an import/export is not necessary.

First of all, the note that at any time while working with the database program or one of our chess programs, you can start an engine and take the analysis results directly.

Here is an example:

The screenshot shows the analysis of a party position. The function can be started via the menu "Start - Add Kiebitzer".

You now have various possibilities to copy the analysis results directly into the notation and save them. Right-click in the engine window to open a context menu, select the function "Copy to notation".

"Copy to Notation" inserts the calculated main variation of the engine directly into the game notation! Within the notation the main variation incl. position evaluation, calculation depth and the used engine will be displayed.

Save the game in a database and you can use any of our chess programs or the database program to call up the notation including the inserted analyses and view them later.

During the analysis you have access to the Let`s Check server. Many positions have already been analyzed by other players with powerful computers and their results can also be copied directly into the notation.

Here, too, a right-click leads to the goal.

The described procedure is feasible with any of our chess programs as well as with ChessBase.




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