Check game results


If you record complete tournaments or get a game collection, it is possible to narrow down and check incorrectly recorded games with the help of the search mask. The advanced search mask of ChessBase offers the possibility to search for games with certain results. Let's assume we are looking for games ending in a stalemate (i.e. draw), but the result in the database is not marked with a draw.

To do this, we activate the fields "1-0", "0-1" and "Stalemate" in the search mask under the tab "Game data" in the area "Result". Alternatively, searching for games that end or may end with a mate, but where the result is a draw, is also very good for tracking down potential candidates for incorrectly recorded games within a database.

Here is an example:

This position was reached after Black's 35th move. It is not difficult to see that this position is totally won for the trailing player. Therefore the result could be wrong. It's unclear why the person who entered the game entered the result as a draw. In retrospect, this cannot be determined without the original form. For this reason, it is recommended to check the data for such errors while the tournament is still running using the search mask.


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