Visually understand engine analysis


When you use ChessBase 17 to analyze a game with an active chess engine, you will see a lot of information about the current board position in the engine window, e.g. the position evaluation or the currently calculated main variation. With the current hardware generation, impressive calculation depths are achieved, so it is not easy to visually imagine the displayed variation including the final position.

Already in the previous versions there was a useful help for the user, the Variation Board. The tool still exists and you can replay the currently calculated main variation on the small board in the engine window and visualize the resulting final position.

Right click - Engine window - Variation Board

The result will look like this in the engine window:

Within the small variant board you can use arrow keys to trace the main variant and the resulting final positions.

The current program version offers the user a much more transparent intuitive display! Simply move the mouse pointer in the main variant to the move to which you want to see the resulting board position.

This approach has a direct effect on the display on the graphical chessboard.

The display of the chess board is now slightly inverse and the program immediately shows the marked board position from the main variant! So if you move the mouse inside the engine window on a move of the displayed main variant, you will immediately see the board position, thanks to the inverse display you know that an engine variant is currently being viewed!






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