9,90 €
The program offers a significant extension of the engine window for analysis, the visual analysis. In the program's engine window, the positional evaluation by the chess engine is not rendered exclusively by means of pawn units and simple variants. In the engine window, the user now finds an intuitive approach to the evaluation display, which makes it much easier for the user to understand the typical characterista of the position.
For a better understanding, let's have a look at the engine display with the new visual evaluation for the position shown below:
3rr1k1/pppb4/3pP1qp/2b3p1/4P3/2PQ4/PPB3PP/R4R1K w - - 0 22
In the engine window we can find useful information in the visual assessment section.
If you move the mouse over the display, you will notice a new effect on the graphic chessboard. The program shows for the pieces of both sides the qualitative safety/activity of the square on which they are placed.
The green background stands for a good standing field, red signals the opposite to the user. The same principle applies to the evaluation of the different figure types.
Below the figure display you will find a symbol display with small gears.
The gears represent the activity of both sides, in open very tactical positions the number of symbols increases. In addition, the "sharpness" of the position is displayed. The more flame symbols, the more tactical the current board position.
If there are different material constellations for both sides during the game, this is also shown in the visual evaluation.
The illustration demonstrates a significant material advantage for White, who has a queen for which Black can only show the insufficient equivalent of rook + pawn.
The interesting question is: how does the visual evaluation assess the basic position? Let's look at the representation in the following figure.
At first glance, it is noticeable that the red color strongly dominates here. This is logical because the pieces in the initial position cannot develop any activity due to the lack of development. This is especially true for the heavy pieces and the bishops, which are locked in the initial position. Therefore, the lack of activity is directly recognizable with the red coloring. The king and the pawns are secure on the basic squares, which is shown accordingly with the green marking as described before.
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