29,90 €
In the engine window of ChessBase 17 there is a useful extension of the rating display: the rating graph. This useful information display is relatively hidden and is only shown if the engine window is sufficiently large. The display is similar in principle to the rating display that is shown, for example, directly after calling a game below the notation.
Let's take a look at the analysis display. You analyze some moves with the chess engine and find the graph in the lower part of the engine window.
The horizontal axis shows the depth of the evaluation, while the vertical axis shows the user the evaluation by the engine. In this way, the user can transparently follow the changes in the position evaluation over the checked game section by the engine.
If the user changes to a new game position - this happens permanently when replaying the game notation - the rating graph is recalculated. In critical positions, the rating changes significantly, so the user can immediately see when the program's rating changes drastically.
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