Using engines interactively


Chessbase 17 offers some new training functions in interaction with the numerous chess engines, which in the course of time have massively influenced and almost revolutionized the game of chess and especially the training preparation/analysis of chess games. Of course it is extremely practical if a chess engine offers a conclusive evaluation of a position within a short time, but a big disadvantage is underestimated by many users: the intensive use of chess engines tempts to approach the examined position superficially and not to deal with it independently to a sufficient degree.

The current new version of the program offers the user a relatively unknown implemented feature which, in combination with an engine, increases the motivation for independent training. Instead of looking at the displays of the engine window as if spellbound, there is an extremely useful alternative if one clicks on the switch Hints on/off in the running engine window.

Using the example below, we present the function that we recommend for independent analysis of games.

FEN: r1br4/1p2npkp/3Bpbp1/pqp5/2N1R3/1P1P1QP1/1PP2PBP/R5K1 w - - 0 19

This position dates from 1961 and was played between Tigran Petrosian and Ludek Pachman. Followers of the King's Indian Attack will certainly know this game well, in which Pachman and the World Champion of 1963 - 1969 overlooked the spectacular queen sacrifice possible in this position.

With the move 1.Qxf6+ White wins immediately and forces a forced mate in seven moves. In case you didn't see this move, Petrosian and Pachman did the same on the last move.

Tip: below the diagram you will find the FEN string. You know that you can use this string directly with CB17 to use the position with your ChessBase 17 program? If not, please have a look here ....

If you replay the game with the chess engine running, this beautiful mate will be calculated in a flash and displayed directly.

So far so good, or bad from the point of view of tactics training. This position is actually excellent for training one's own combination ability. Couldn't you use such positions in combination with the strong chess engines profitably for your home training?

As you can imagine after reading the introduction, it is possible. Now click in the engine window on the previously described switch Toogle Hint on/off.

Now a new effect occurs, the engine variant/s are not displayed, instead you see now helpful text hints which could help with the independent solution.

By clicking the Next Hint button, the program offers you further tips/hints on the current board position. The training effect can be further enhanced by, for example, selecting the button Replay training. In the dialog you will find the Watch button.

This ensures that no subsequent moves are displayed, but only the last move played. If necessary, you can also deactivate access to the live book.

With multiple clicks on the Next Hint button, you will get hints like Check the tactics or Find the mate or at some point very concretely Sacrifice your queen.

If you don't get anywhere with all the hints, the program will then become concrete.

Hint on the board now displays the key move in plain text on the board.


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