Installation of the Opening Encyclopaedia 2023


Question: I bought the download version of the Opening Encyclopedia. How do I install the new encyclopaedia?

Answer: Please download all four parts of the software Opening Encyclopaedia 2023 from your shop account and then install the "Setup_OpeningEncyclopaedia2023_Part1.exe" from your Windows download folder.

Due to its size, the database is delivered in several parts. The installation routine requires that all installation files are in the same directory! This is usually the case if the installers are located in the download directory that you have defined in the browser.

The database is delivered also in the new 2CBH format, this format is supported by the current ChessBase 17. So if you prefer to work with ChessBase 17 and want to do research based on the current game material, you should use this version of the database.

If you work with Fritz or one of the older program versions of ChessBase (16,15), install the database in the older CBH format.

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