Using ChessBase online


When you work with ChessBase, you not only have access to the databases stored locally on the computer. A valuable support for the user is the direct access to the huge online database. Unlike the App Live database, ChessBase offers extended functionality in combination with the online database. The main advantage of the online database is that it contains game data from the latest tournament practice.

In this article we will look at some of the ways in which the online database can be used with the program.

One of the main applications of ChessBase is certainly the research on certain opening systems. Even without locally installed databases, the program provides the user with valuable information. This aspect is important for users who have chosen the inexpensive download version at the time of purchase.

In the first step, you either load a game or enter the desired game notation in the board window.

The example shows the game Pachman - Castaldi from the zone tournament 1947. Now navigate to the opening move with the board position for which a search is to be performed. In the example this is the move 6.e5 and then click on the Online button.

You will notice that the search query is extremely fast thanks to the optimized search accelerators of the online database.

The search result is now displayed as in the following screenshot.

In addition to the notation and the live book, there is in each case in a separate window a list of games containing exactly the predefined board position/variant and of course an overview of the possible plausible continuations.

The information displayed requires little explanation. Right away you can see the number of games for the different continuations, the chances of success in % and the popularity in the different years.

The display of the player list takes into account the level/rating of the players. This means that the high quality games are right at the top of the player list. This ensures that you can directly see how top players treat the selected opening system.

Let's see what happens when you click on an entry of the player list.

The notation is immediately loaded into the small board window and you can replay and analyze the game there. By clicking on the tab " To the original game" you can always return to the original game.

You can now add interesting games to the original notation at any time!

Example: Right-click on the player entry - Copy to notation inserts the game found as a variant into the source notation.

If you do not want to use the complete notation, you can trim it at any time.

Thus, the online database offers you the possibility to annotate your games vividly and on the basis of current games.

In addition to sifting for specific opening systems, the user can also use the online database to prepare for a specific player or to sift for tournaments. Click once on the Online button in the database window, the program's home screen.

Here you can enter a player name or the name of a tournament as a search criterion for the online database.

The handling with the search result is basically the same as described before for the search of the openings, a click on a list entry loads the notation in the board window.

If you want to copy the displayed games into a separate new database, proceed as follows:

Mark the games to be copied via CTRL+mouse click or a complete block of games. This procedure for marking is described in the program's manual.

After the games have been copied to the clipboard, you can paste them into an existing or newly created database in the database window using CTRL+V.

More complex search queries in the online database can be realized with the option " Advanced " in the search dialog. Here we now see various additional criteria that help us to refine the search for a particular player.

Again, the user can directly load and replay the game by selecting it from the game list. Alternatively, the games can be selected at any time, copied to the clipboard and transferred to a new database.

The refined search also makes sense in use with the online database, because the display of the search result is limited to a maximum of 1000 games. By refining by year, tournament and the other criteria, you can quickly filter out the desired information within the huge online database.


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