Deep positional analysis


A main application of chess programs is the analysis of unclear critical positions. Besides the interactive analysis in monitor mode, the function " Shootout " implemented in Fritz is particularly helpful to come to a concrete assessment. Different engines play out the position against itself with changing calculation depths or thinking times. With this method, the user can analyze a position optimally and obtain accurate results.

The function is available under the menu item Analysis.

In contrast to the monitor mode, the advantage of this approach is that the engines can go much deeper into the position.

The game results stored in the "Shootout" database are the first basis for an estimation. Many chess engines are very reliable in analyzing concrete tactical problems, but the evaluation of deep positional factors may exceed the calculation horizon and influence the evaluation only several moves later. The function helps to circumvent this weakness and to get a more precise evaluation with the help of chess engines on the own computer system.

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