7,90 €
Our chess programs offer a useful function, which should be interesting for many players. There is the possibility to calculate ratings afterwards. The internationally used Elosystem was introduced in 1970. It might be interesting to calculate a rating for players whose career took place before the introduction of the Elosystem.
The function can be found in the database window under menu Database - Rating.
If the start ranking is to be calculated, a file is asked for ( Default.elo ). This file must be created. To do this, click on the "Create new" button in the file selection window.
All other functions access the value of this file.
The following steps are necessary for the calculation.
1. select the desired games
2. calculate start ranking
3. in the dialog " Elolist " you can make a fine tuning if necessary.
4.After these settings have been made by the user, you can save the elolist.
5. In the next step, you can now apply the calculated values via Set score in games.
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