Annotated games


The MegaBase contains many annotated games, it represents the most extensive collection of annotated games! With the help of the search functions of ChessBase the owner of the Mega can search specifically for annotated games. Start the advanced search mask and click on the tab "Comments". A new window will appear where you can define the search for comments exactly.

If you want to search the database for games with any text comments, activate the option "Any text". With a click on OK you start the search and all games with integrated text comments are listed. If you now click on the "Game data" tab, for example, you will see that the Comments option is activated and can be linked to other criteria.

The dialog offers some more useful options. Let's assume you have marked quite a few games in a large database for later deletion. You can save yourself a manual search for the marked entries in the game list. If you activate the "Deleted" option, the program will filter out all games marked as deleted from the database.

The button "Position" filters all games from the database which do not start with the basic position but with a game fragment, a chess position. In a game list such game data are always marked with a "P".

If you check the "Colours" option, the program will filter out all the games from the database that have been annotated with the help of colored squares and arrows. The search works similarly with the other options, e.g. "Training" returns all games with integrated training questions, etc.  Games containing variants can be found with "Variants" and "Any Symbol" filters games from the database which have been annotated with the symbols known by the informator.

If you want to search specifically for games with a very specific symbol, you can define the search for it in the "Symbols" input line.

Example: How to find all games in the database commented with the symbol "Unclear" ?

One inserts in the search mask in the input line "Symbols" the appropriate abbreviation, e.g. with CTRL-3 for "Unclear".

The search now lists all games which were classified as unclear by a commentator with the help of the symbol. If you load the game with a double click, you don't have to search laboriously for the corresponding comment. In the board window the position immediately before the comment appears, within the notation the cursor is placed one move before the critical position.



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