Insert comments


In ChessBase there is an extended access bar below the notation which is useful for commenting games. For example, it is now very easy to quickly insert diagrams within the notation.

All you have to do is click on the diagram icon in the toolbar.

All you have to do now is save the batch and the diagram will then be permanently saved, as with all other changes in the notation.

Another very handy new feature is the option to permanently remove all annotations from the notation. To do this, simply click on the icon with the eraser on the right edge of the toolbar.

Before you save this serious change, you should think about whether you really want this step to be permanent. If not, the program offers the option to undo the deletion. This function is available under Home - Undo.

Of course, there is also the option to delete only certain elements within the notation. The data format also supports the integration of graphical comments (colored squares or arrows on the chess board), MultiMedia - or correspondence chess comments, training questions, text comments and so on.

However, there is a special menu "Delete" where the user can specify which elements should be removed from the notation.  Rightclick - Delete starts the corresponding selection menu.

Otherwise, all known comment shortcuts can be set via the function bar. The procedure is always the same. Click on the symbol inserts it into the notation, the hotkey "Ctrl-Z" removes it again.

In addition, you can use the toolbar to quickly mark all moves that are relevant for your online managed opening repertoire.


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