Database management


Our database program ChessBase differs from our chess programs among other things by the extended management functions for games and databases. Within a database games or chess positions are stored with texts, variations and text comments.

Each user prefers his own system of organization. This article presents some basic considerations on how to manage your databases in a sensible and clear way.

In general, it is recommended to work with topic-oriented databases. The database window, i.e. the start screen of the program, offers the possibility to manage and arrange different database types clearly. Databases can contain historical games, current tournaments or own games. The sorting and ordering criteria are determined by the individual application behavior.

In order to better structure and manage the game collections, the program distinguishes between different database types. Typical categories are e.g. the reference database, analyses, tactics, endgames, training and so on. In the database window, the type of database is displayed with a corresponding icon for a better overview.

For new databases, it is possible to specify a user-defined icon for the database type. Right-click on a database entry in the database window - Properties - to start the corresponding dialog for selecting the database type.

There are many ways to get new games or databases. You can either enter and save new games yourself or import new games from the Internet, e.g. from our website at

Most users use one of our carefully edited reference databases like the Big - or Megabase. In these databases there is a huge amount of work to be done in terms of standardization of the styles of player names, tournaments and so on. Only a carefully edited party database allows meaningful statistics and evaluations.

The Big-/Mega Database guarantees clean statistical evaluations, because the game data are unified with high effort. When importing new game data, there is a risk that e.g. several entries for the same player are entered into the database and the statistics do not take all entries into account. Here you should only rely on the ABO service with the update of the reference database. These downloads guarantee a clean unified preparation of the game data!

The reorganization of a huge database when importing new data is time consuming. Classification, allocation and reorganization of a huge database with several million game entries naturally takes a lot of time.

If you manage your games clearly in smaller, topic-related databases, the handling is much clearer and faster.

A common argument for managing all game data in a single game database is that in this case you only have to define and execute a search query once. With multiple databases, the problem is to perform the search several times in succession in the different databases?

This is definitely not true. Unlike the chess programs, ChessBase allows you to search several databases at the same time according to the predefined search parameters.

In the database window, hold down the CTRL key and click to select the databases you want the program to search with the predefined search parameters of the search mask. Right-click on one of the selected database symbols to open a context menu with the "Search" option.

If you prefer keyboard shortcuts, the shortcut Ctrl-F will also bring you quickly to your goal. ChessBase then does not limit the search to one database, but to all selected databases with the predefined search criterion.




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