The beginners course - Learn chess in a structured way!


By nature, our offers are mainly aimed at advanced chess players. Perhaps you have a friend or acquaintance who would like to be introduced to chess quickly and flexibly? Our beginners' course is aimed at this target group and you are welcome to recommend it to others! Here the newcomer not only learns the elementary rules of the game, but is also introduced to the elementary basics (tactics, middlegame, endgame).

The course is structured in three main chapters.

The course is rounded off with numerous practice examples.

Beginner's Course1 shows the user how the different pieces move, in addition all the important rules such as stalemate, en passant and basic tips on opening treatment are shown.

Here is an example of the tutorial on capturing an opponent's piece.

The task is presented to the user interactively, so he can directly perform moves on the board with the depicted position. After you have worked through the lesson, you can use basic exercises to test whether you have understood the intention correctly.

The course additionally offers solution aids and the user can repeat the task as desired.

In the second part of the course the user learns the elementary principles of attack, defense and the most important simple mate patterns.

Step by step, the learner will get to know the dynamics of the figures better and understand them better through the interactive exercise examples. When you have solved a task, you will be congratulated and receive another comment.

Part 3 deals intensively with tactical motifs and elementary endgames. Here it is already more about more complex content, because the user is confronted with numerous tasks on important elements such as double attacks, deduction chess, etc..

The lessons are provided with clear explanations and illustrations.

The text next to the board position goes into detail about the problem of the position. If the user does not find the solution, the program is happy to help.

Our beginners' course offers, in addition to teaching the rules of chess, the necessary tools to become familiar with the most important basics of chess. Part 2 and Part 3 are thus also excellently suited for returning players. We would also like to point out the pleasant fact for the user that his results are saved and he does not have to start again from the beginning the next time he starts the course!






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