Problems with figurines when annotating


Question: I am using ChessBase 16 and I have the problem that the figurine notation cannot be used well when commenting a position. Although I can insert the symbols for king, queen etc. in the notation, during the writing/commenting phase the symbols are replaced by a box. As the author of a comment, this means I can't track whether the correct shortcut was used. This is unsatisfactory and I have criticized this problem several times. It also pops up every now and then in irregular intervals and then disappears with an update. How can I solve the problem permanently?

Answer: we are not directly responsible for this inconsistent behavior. With many Windows updates (especially with the function updates, which are usually released 2 x per year) the font entries/assignments are deleted in the central control center of Windows, the registry. This results in the problem you describe. The before mentioned font entries are compellingly needed, so that the figurines can be used. Knowing this problem, each of our program updates repairs these important entries. This is to explain the problem you describe.

Alternatively, the font installer, which is stored in the program directory under Prereqs, can be run again. After that, you usually have to log out of Windows once and log in again. After that, the described problem is also solved.

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