The online database


Our online database, which is constantly updated with the latest games, offers everyone interested in chess the possibility to search for games of a player. The access is easy with a common browser, so the access to the database is independent of the operating system or the machine used. Access to the content is possible from desktop, smartphone or tablet.

Simple examples of a search

The screenshot shows the user interface of the app after the first start.

Let's start an arbitrary search for the legendary former world champion Robert Fischer.  To do this, we enter the name of the player in the input line "Quick Search".

By clicking on the search icon the search is executed and the search results are displayed in the game list.  By clicking on a list entry in the game list, the notation is loaded and you can replay the game directly on the chess board. The last move of the game is displayed with an arrow on the chessboard.

In this view, the app already offers a lot of additional information. Below the notation you will find the "PGN" button. This allows you to save the current game notation in the universal PGN format on the hard disk of your computer for further editing.

You want information about the players involved? Just click on the header of the displayed game.

This will call up the following information overview in the example of the legendary former world champion:

When replaying games, especially games relevant to one's own opening system, it is helpful to have comparison games in which a certain position occurred. The search for the current board position is easy to realize. Clicking on the board symbol in the input line activates the search for the board position.

The game list now immediately lists games in which the current board position occurs.

If you want to start a search for comparison games directly from a board position, you can enter the game notation directly on the chessboard.  Clicking the left button in the button bar below the chessboard removes a displayed notation. Now enter the notation until you reach the board position for which you want to see comparison games.

The board window in the screenshot shows a typical position of the assumed King's Gambit. The game list shows suitable comparison games, which you can load at any time and then look at how strong grandmasters treat this opening variation.

Tip: just experiment a bit with the search function, you will very quickly realize how easy and practical it is to use the online database.

Functions and controls of the app

The chapters below describe the different screen elements of the app and point you to useful features.


On the graphical chess board you replay a game notation. The last move played is indicated by an arrow on the chess board. The function bar below the chess board offers the following functions.

  • Delete game notation - e.g. if you want to enter a notation manually
  • Jumps to the beginning of the game
  • One half move back
  • One half move forward
  • Jumps to the end of the game
  • Rotate board - the chess board is displayed from the point of view of the player who moves up

At the bottom of the notation you will still find the display of the material balance and the PGN button, which allows you to save the loaded game in PGN format. This allows you to load the game notation with any chess program that provides an interface to the PGN format.

Player information

You can get information about the players when replaying a game. Click on the header of the displayed game, which you can see above the game list.

In the example we would like to retrieve additional information about the player Gligoric. Click on the name to start a new browser window, you will see that there is a direct link to our player database. Here you will find not only elementary biographical data, but also a compact overview of the rating development, game statistics, frequent opponents and, above all, an overview with the opening repertoire preferred by the selected player with both colors!

The information is directly supplemented with a list of selected games of the player. This is a particularly easy to use possibility to get a quick overview of the chess activities of a player with just a few clicks!

Game list

In the game list you will find the results of the search function in list form. Clicking on a list entry (= game) loads the game notation for replaying on the graphical chess board. By clicking on the tab of a column entry you can sort the list in ascending or descending order. Just try it out. A click on the column entry ELO sorts the list accordingly and the principle of column sorting is illustrated very quickly.

The Livebook

If you use our Windows programs like Fritz18 or ChessBase 16, then you know the advantages of the Livebook. The display of the contents of this database is very useful when replaying the game and is integrated within the app.

The live book is the huge opening database stored on our server. The parallel active display provides you with the following information.

  • Column entry move shows the possible moves of the position
  • Games shows the number of games on which the statistical display is based
  • Result informs about the achieved performance in % with the selected move
  • Elo-Avg shows the average Elo value within the evaluated games.
  • [ % ] : Frequency in percent. This information is based on the number of games in the live book.

Engine analyses

For many moves, especially in the opening phase, you can already find evaluations by chess engines. Many of our users analyze games and positions intensively and use the possibility to enter the engine analyses via Let`s Check into the Livebook.

The display shows you the rating of the engine in pawn units, the variation, the calculation depth and you can see in the window which engine was used for the rating of the position.

Alternatively, you can use a server-based chess engine to perform your own analysis or use the engine rating as a guide during replay.

To do this, click on the plus button in the engine window and the engine calculation will start. A multi-variant analysis is also possible with another click on the + button!

Custom settings

You can customize the app to a limited extent. You can make the settings by clicking on the corresponding icon at the top left of the screen.

Basically, in the menu you can select the language settings, different figure sets or board representations.


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