Discover plans


Every advanced tournament player needs to know not only the most important variations of his opening repertoire, but of course also the typical plans and ideas that arise from the opening for the middlegame. ChessBase offers a concrete support to recognize the - depending on the selected opening - typical strategic motives and to understand them better by means of games from the reference database. For this purpose there is the "Plan Explorer", which does not point out the best concrete continuations to the user, but offers an overview of the strategic ideas.

The work requires the user to interact with the Plan Explorer displays.  Let's take a look at the result of an opening variation that offers both sides a concrete game plan, the Queen's Gambit exchange variation with the possible frequently played minority attack. ( 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. cxd5 exd5) and attack with b4.

You can start the Plan Explorer in the notation window by clicking on the corresponding tab.

The program now starts a search in the reference database for all games containing the current board position. In addition, the program performs a check to see which pieces and pawns were developed in the subsequent moves. Plan Explorer considers only games in which the displayed structure was played with a certain frequency. Let's take a closer look at the display, which possibilities the position offers.

The list represents the typical development schemes of the pieces and pawns present in the position, without giving a rating for them. The main continuations are obviously e2-e3 and the bishop move Lc1-g5, the numerical values in the brackets represent the number of games played with the indicated continuation. For understanding the Plan Explorer it is important that the continuation does not necessarily happen in the next move, but in one of the next moves.

If you click on a particular move, you will get a list of games in which this move also occurred:

With the Expand/Collapse options you can decide whether you want to see only the first move or whether you want to see the following moves as well. With a click on Threshold you can define how often a certain move must have appeared to be shown in the list.

In the window on the right you will find information about which opening variations were particularly successful.

Double-clicking on a particular move will again give you a list of games containing that maneuver.

The best thing to do is to try out the function with your favorite opening systems. The function offers useful hints, for example, on which squares you should position certain pieces within a system. Where is the rook best placed? Where is the best place to move the knight? The program can answer these questions concretely on the basis of the evaluated games.





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