Reference search in ChessBase


An extremely helpful tool for the evaluation and study of openings is the reference search. Thanks to newly developed search accelerators, the program can perform an evaluation of certain variations very quickly. The user is offered useful information on selected opening variations, which significantly facilitates the evaluation of certain systems. For example, one can directly see which strong players prefer a certain continuation.

To do this, click on the " Reference " button in the board window.

UnderPopularity, the development of the currently loaded opening variant is shown. You can see at a glance how the opening has developed historically. In addition, the available alternative moves are shown.

You should definitely try the "Endgames" tab. When you enter or replay a game, you can check the probability of different types of endgames occurring in the current opening variation.

For the selected opening variation we see that according to statistics rook endgames and pure light piece endgames occur particularly frequently. If you use the selected opening variant frequently, it makes sense to integrate these endgame types into your personal chess training.



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