Tip Entering games


When entering and saving games at bigger tournaments it can happen that the game results are entered incorrectly. Incorrectly entered games can be limited with the help of the search mask of ChessBase, this should be done consequently before publishing the bulletin.

The search mask offers the possibility to search for games with certain results. Suppose we are looking for games ending in a stalemate (i.e. draw), but the result in the database is not entered as a draw.

In order to find these inconsistencies, we activate the fields "1-0", "0-1" and "Stalemate" in the search mask under the tab "Game data" in the area "Result".

Alternatively, searching for games that end or may end in mate, but where the result is a draw, is also very good for detecting potential candidates for incorrectly recorded games.

Here is an example from a game database:

This position was reached after move 59 by Black, who had previously played 58.Nc6. White was probably annoyed that his opponent didn't want to give up or very inattentive and played 60..Qxc6?  Almost any other move would have won the game easily.

Presumably, the creator assumed that the position was won for White. For this reason, it is advisable to check the data for such errors while the tournament is still running, using the search mask.





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