Access Opening Encyclopedia 2020


Question: I have installed Windows 10 and Fritz  as well as the Chessbase Reader 2017 on my computer. I recently bought the Opening Encyclopedia 2020 and I can't start it. Do I have to buy Chessbase 15 additionally or can I start it with Fritz  as well? And if so how?

Answer: You can read the contents of the Opening Encyclopedia both with Fritz 16/17 and with the ChessBase Reader. With Fritz or our other current chess programs you proceed as follows:

In the start screen select the view "Classic Menu".

Menu Home - Database.

Here the loading dialog for the databases appears. The selection dialog has "remembered" databases that have already been opened. Therefore the opening encyclopedia is already displayed here on my system.

Since you have not yet opened the database, please click on "Other ...". This will start the Windows file dialog and you will have to navigate to the directory where you have saved the database.

After you have selected the database, the game list of the database appears. A double click on the entry "Introduction" starts the selection window for simplified navigation within the lexicon.










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