

Question: Does Fritz support the game mode Chess960? I wanted to try that out with ChessBase and Fritz. But already the arrangement of the figures gave me trouble.

Does "Fritz" know a trick with which I can try out this mode?

Answer: You have to select 960 under "Start - New game".

In the following dialog you then select the predefined number of the Fischer Random position with which the game is to be played.

You can then play a game or analyze it.

Or call up a game from the database. This can be done quite normally with "File - Open - Database".

Even played games against the program are stored in the automatically created database Autosave-960.cbh.

In the game list the number of the position that was played is shown in the column "P".

There are some chess engines that support this mode. Engines that can play 960 are Stockfish, Komodo or Houdini. Stockfish is included with Fritz.




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