Endgame training


If you regularly look at games from current grandmaster tournaments, you realise that the importance of this phase of the game has risen enormously. Games are frequently decided in this phase of the play.  As a rule mistakes in the endgame are the final ones in the game and are very hard to recover from. All important players were of course recognised endgame experts.

With our programs you have at your disposal numerous functions with which you can conduct targeted training of your ability in this phase of the game.

Let us take as an example the following position involving a rook ending with an extra pawn from a game by WCh Carlsen.

You would like to train your ability with a similar constellation of material? For that click on the button Report – Similar Endgames.

Before the function starts, you are in addition offered the search mask for the constellations of material in case you want to modify the distribution of material.

The search filters out from the reference database all those games which have an identical distribution of material and if possible display similar positional structures. These games are listed in the window for Search result and can be used for endgame training!

A single click on a game entry immediately loads the position which best meets the search criteria. Following the principle of “Learning by doing” you can now, starting from ChessBase 15, try out your handling of the given position against a chess program.

Using the menu point for Training you can, for example, start the function “Play out against Fritz”. This loads the board position directly into the Fritz App and you can try to win the position against the online program.

Be careful that when you are in this mode you choose the best possible playing strength so that the program puts up absolutely the best resistance.

Alternatively you can also play out the position on the board directly against the version of Fritz which is installed on your computer. To do so you will find available in the File menu the function “Go to Fritz”.





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