Searching for under-promotions


When a pawn reaches the eighth rank and is to be promoted it is almost always the strongest piece, the queen, which is chosen.  In many cases it can make sense to promote to a less strong piece, e.g. a knight. Searching for games in which the promotion was to a knight is easy to realise with the manoeuvre search in ChessBase.

In the following example we are looking for games in which White promoted to a knight rather than to a queen. We specify our search criterion with a click on "W" (White). In the pull-down-menu below it we determine the type of piece which is to move.  In our example that is a pawn, and we choose from the list of pieces “P” for pawn.

In the input boxes next to it we must now specify the move to be made by that piece. “?7” means that the pawn is on the seventh rank. And we use “?8” to specify its destination, i.e. the eighth rank. The question marks are there to signify that we are not focussing on any specific pawn. If, e.g., we were specifically looking for a promotion of the c-pawn then we would replace the question mark with the letter “c”.

Our next step is to activate “Promotion” and specify the type of piece.  We are looking for games with promotion to a knight, so from the pull-down-men we choose “N”. It is assumed that the promotion does not happen in an early phase of the game. Since the pawn moves and is immediately promoted to a knight, under “Length” we choose the value 1. That excludes preparations for the search for promotions to a knight.

Whenever you load a game from the list of your search results you will notice that what is loaded is the position immediately after the promotion to a knight. There are of course games where after wild, tactical hand-to-hand fighting a promotion to a knight happens at an early stage of the game. A searching which restricts the moves to moves 10-20 throws up in MegaBase 2019, e.g., the following game:

Fouchet,G - Volpi,D [C44] Milan op, 1992

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.c3 Nf6 4.d4 Nxe4 5.d5 Ne7 6.Nxe5 d6 7.Bb5+ c6 8.dxc6 Qb6 9.cxb7+ Kd8 10.Nxf7+ Kc7 11.bxa8N+ 1-0

Tip: The search for manoeuvres can be carried out in conjunction with all other search criteria!




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