Typical motifs


The team of ChessBase15 and Mega Database represents for chess trainers an El Dorado when it comes to tracking down material which suits their teaching and training. One particular easy and simple to use option is available to ambitious trainers via the search mask (Advanced) under the heading  “Manoeuvres”.

It is not absolutely necessary for the user to define the search for manoeuvres himself or herself. In the following screenshot you will see pre-defined search criteria, especially conceived for themes which are particularly relevant for the teaching of chess.

Supposing you would like to find for your students games including the tactical theme of a Pin? In the search mask click under Manoeuvres click on the entry “Pin” and confirm with Ok.

Even when consulting an enormous reference database the search proceeds briskly and you will find in the results window suitable games which fulfil the search criteria. If you click on a game header things look like this for example:

As you can see from our example the program immediately loads the key position in the game which meets the pre-defined search criteria.

Of course you can define precise criteria for the manoeuvre search, but in my opinion the pre-defined motifs cover the demands of most chess trainers for producing training materials.





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