The start screen for


Whenever you log on with the browser to the chess server, you arrive at the newly designed portal for the said server.

This gives you comfortable access to all the various functions and lets you see interesting statistical information.

Under Statistics you will find the following entry:

So at that specific point in time there were 3579 players online, 71242 games were being played and players from a total of 204 different nations were logged on.

Directly next to that you will find information relating to your own account, namely your ratings for the various  types of play.

The next section provides you with three important headings which make rapid access possible for you.

In the majority our users will select the option “Play normal games”. This leads them to the old familiar dialog box in which they can specify the thinking time for a game or choose an opponent.

The game “For beginners” is amusing and worth trying. There during the course of the game the player is offered by the app help at specific points. For example, it is possible to ask for tips during the opening of the game.

The possible continuations as found in the opening book are displayed on the graphic chess board. The app also shows threats, suggests moves, etc. All this during the course of the game!

Supposing that for a change you would prefer an electronic opponent. Then start via “Against Fritz” a game against the online version of Fritz.

Under Bullet, Blitz or Slow games you can see lists of the best players in the various formats of the game.

The detail provided in the lists offers, for example, the possibility to find out your own position within a list.

At the end of the new portal you will find direct access to kibitzing, live broadcasts and to the training courses which are regularly offered by strong players!


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