Opening reference


In the Board window of ChessBase various tabs can be found above the notation. Score sheet, for example, switches to the classic view of a normal score sheet with which you are familiar from team matches or tournaments. The tab “Reference” starts a background search in your pre-defined reference database for the current board position. This function is extremely useful when you are looking at games in their opening phase and runs smoothly. As a rule when you are playing through the game you will find in real time the relevant display with the statistical information.

So, this opening reference, one of my favourite functions, should always be switched on when you are playing through the opening phase of any game.  It offers pure information at a glance. In the window with the heading  ‘Games  = xxx’ you will find in the entries in the individual columns useful information about the position on the board.

The window offers much detailed information concerning the current position on the board.

In the column “Moves” the program lists all the moves which have been played in that position. The “Games” column lets you recognise at a glance which continuations are particularly popular in tournament practice, “Points” provides information about the probability of success enjoyed by a specific continuation in practice.

In addition you will find a list of the best players in whose games the said continuation was to be found or which players have employed this variation particularly often in their own practice. A click on one of the continuations displayed  executes the move on the chess board.

Tip: It is possible to navigate within the list with the cursor keys. With the cursor keys (arrow up/down) you can navigate quickly within the games list, with the right-left arrows you execute the game moves on the fast board.

A right click on an entry in the list – “Copy to notation” is uncommonly helpful when annotating the opening in the original game you loaded.

Within the list of games displayed you have the chance to refine the information by sorting the columns and taking advantage of the option of using filters.






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