Enter and analyse


Whether you prefer Fritz or one of our other chess programs for analysing games, then try starting the mode “Enter & analyse”. The current chess programs offer the option of starting this directly from the opening screen. In it you will have at your disposition numerous analytical functions.

The standard function for analysis is the tried and trusted  Infinite analysis, which can be accessed directly from the ribbon.

In Infinite analysis mode the engine keeps on calculating the position on the board. Add to it the “Let´s Check” function. Now you can spot at glance whether the position on your board has already been analysed with chess engines by other players.

From the start menu under “Analysis”, you will also find the option “Full Analysis”.

This involves a complex function, but one which is simple to use and which makes it possible to automatically search through the game for mistakes and slight inaccuracies.

"Blunder Check" does not set in motion a complete analysis of the game but reduces the analysis to tactical components in order to sniff out major blunders and to point them out immediately.

Deep position analysis is there to tackle the analysis of a specific position. So what is different from the other analysis functions is that the function is not suitable for complete games. This should constitute one of the most important analysis functions for correspondence chess players since it is possible to specify the depth of analysis, selected moves and the scope of the analysis.

A positional analysis which would normally last for more than an hour can be completed in short order with the “Let´s Check!” function, because there is direct access to all the information which has been stored on the Let´s Check Server and previously calculated to the last detail by countless engines on sometimes very strong computers: “Let’s Check” contains analyses ready prepared for you for over 200 million positions including the Endgame Turbos with all five-piece endings and the most important six-piece ones!

The conclusions to which the various engines have come can be automatically investigated by means of the function “Compare analysis”. This gives you a way to directly compare the results achieved by different engines.

At any time you can analyse a position with engines which are running on absolutely top hardware by accessing engines which are running other top level computers. If you have a registered account you have direct access to the Cloud engines.


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